3 research outputs found

    Polyol-based Synthesis of Praseodymium Oxide Nanoparticles

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    A series of well-crystallized praseodymium oxide (Pr6O11) nanoparticles are synthesized via a highly scalable process from praseodymium nitrate. Praseodymium hydroxide is synthesized through a modified polyol process and subsequent calcination in air at 600°C for 2 h to transform the precursor material into Pr6O11 nanoparticles. A complete characterization of a specific sample by SEM, HRTEM, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrates that Pr6O11 nanoparticles form elementary blocks with a calculated size of 118 nm, containing slightly agglomerated nanocrystalline particles with a polycrystalline face-centred cubic phase and an individual size of around 10 nm. Particles can be easily dispersed in water through ultrasonification. Particles display a BET Specific Surface Area (SSA; 8.75 m² g-1) with a nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm of type II and a helium density of powders (d = 5.66 g cm-3)

    Incorporation of nanoparticles in polymer spinning

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    Cette thèse a pour thème l'incorporation de nanoparticules d'oxyde de terre rares (Erbium et Praséodyme) dans un polymère commercial, PVC, sous forme filamentaire. Ces fils sont élaborés à l'aide d'un pilote réalisé au laboratoire permettant un filage en solvant voie humide. Les nanoparticules incorporées sont d'abord commerciales (Er203) mais elles montrent des inconvénients, ce qui entraîne l'étude sur la synthèse de nanoparticules d'oxyde d'Erbium et de Praséodyme. Une fois ces particules obtenues, elles sont dispersées dans une solution de PVC/solvant. Cette solution "chargée" est pressée à travers une filière et plongée dans un bain de coagulation afin de retirer le solvant et ainsi obtenir des filaments (mono ou multi) de PVC contenant des nanoparticules d'oxyde d'Erbium/Praséodyme. Un second thème est également étudié dans cette thèse. Il s'agit de réaliser des fibres d'oxycarbure de bore et de silicium (SiBCO). Cette étude porte sur la synthèse du poly(borosiloxane) via dissolution de l'acide borique dans le dimetyldiethoxysilane (DMDES) et du méthyltriethoxysilane (MTES). Une fois le sol de borosiloxane obtenu, il est semi-hydrolysé jusqu'à obtention d'un gel filable par extrusion à froid. Ces filaments sont enroulés sur des bobines graphite. Les bobines sont laissées à l'étuve à 60°C pour terminer l'hydrolyse avant de les pyrolysées sous argon à haute température pour afin de les transformer en fibres céramiques SiBCO.This thesis focuses on the main theme of the incorporation of nanoparticles of rare earth oxide (Erbium and Praseodymium) in a commercial polymer, PVC, shaped as filaments. These fibers are made using a apparatus developped in the laboratory. The spinning method used is a wet solvent spinning process. Embedded nanoparticles are first commercial particles (Er203) but they show disadvantages, which leads to a study of synthesis of oxide nanoparticles Erbium and Praseodymium in the laboratory. This study bings to a production a laboratory pilot (KiloLab) in order to obtain 3Kg of nanoparticles composed with 60 wt% of Erbium oxide and 40 wt% of Praseodymium xide. Once these particles obtained, it have been dispersed in a solution of PVC/solvent. This "loaded" solution of nanoparticles is presses through a spinneret for the shaping. The filaments are spun in a coagulation bath in order to remove the solvent from the solution and obtain the PVC filaments (mono or multi) containing the nanoparticles of Erbium or Praseodymium oxide.A second theme is also studied in this thesis, the realization of oxicarbide boron and silicon fibers (SiBOC). This study focuses on the synthesis and conditions to obtain a poly(borosiloxane) polymer. This polymer is obtained by the synthesis of the dimetyldiethoxysilane (DMDES), méthyltriethoxysilane (MTES) and the boric acid which bring the hetero atom of boron in the final ceramic. Once the sol of borosiloxane obtained, it is semi-hydrolysed until obtention af a gel that can be spun by extrusion at ambiant temperature. The filament are wrapped around a graphite bobbin. The shaped polymer is then leaved in a stove at 60°C for a week allowing to complete the hydrolysis.Once the hydrolysis complete and the polymer fully hydrolyses, the fibers are pyrolysed under argon at high temperature to transform the fiber into ceramic fibers of SiBOC