46 research outputs found

    Le canal de Suez face aux évolutions de la marine marchande : un siècle et demi de défis techniques

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    Le canal de Suez depuis son ouverture à la navigation en 1869 représente une réalisation technique en évolution permanente, soumise aux évolutions de la marine marchande au cours des deux derniers siècles. Au xixe siècle, il constitue une étape décisive dans l’histoire des travaux publics en révolutionnant les techniques de dragage. L’essor du commerce maritime dans le dernier quart du xixe siècle pousse les ingénieurs à concevoir plusieurs programmes d’adaptation du canal en fonction de la modernisation des flottes. Au siècle suivant, l’apparition des tankers et porte-conteneurs toujours plus imposants impose de nouveaux travaux au canal afin que celui-ci puisse conserver son rang parmi les premières routes maritimes mondiales. Au début du xxie siècle, avec les travaux de 2015, cette préoccupation demeure essentielle pour l’Égypte qui entend grâce au canal consolider sa place dans le commerce entre l’Europe et l’Asie.Since its opening to navigation in 1869, the Suez Canal has represented a constantly evolving technical realization, subject to the evolutions of merchant navy during the last two centuries. In the 19th century, the canal constituted a decisive step in the history of public works by revolutionizing dredging techniques. The growth of maritime trade in the last quarter of the 19th century prompted the engineers to design several programs of adaptation of the canal according to the modernization of the fleets. In the following century, the emergence of tankers and container ships forced new works on the canal so that it could maintain its rank among the world’s leading shipping routes. At the beginning of the 21st century, with the works of 2015, this concern remains essential for Egypt that intends through the canal, to consolidate its place in trade between Europe and Asia

    Dynamics of a pre-stalled windturbine blade using control of circulation at the trailing-edge

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    Wind turbines are installed in the strongly inhomogeneous and unsteady turbulent atmospheric boundary layer. This induces unsteady mechanical loads at different characteristic time scales from seconds to minutes which limit significantly their life time. The present work, supported by the SMARTEOLE ANR project, focuses on the flow control strategies at the blade scale, to manipulate lift and thus alleviate some of these loads. For this purpose, a NACA654-421 airfoil profile has been modified : the trailing edge has been rounded to take advantage of Coanda effects and the camber has been increased to compensate the loss of lift due to the trailing edge modifications. The lift control is obtained by fluidic injection via 42 1x1 mm micro-jets placed at the trailing edge along the entire span of the wing. An experiment has been conducted to identify both static and dynamic performances of the proposed control mechanism. The experimental campaign consisted in chordwise unsteady pressure measurements as well as aerodymics forces measurements. The preliminary results of the mean quantities indicate that the lift gain obtained is proportional to the fluidic injection, which is of interest when closed-loop control is to be considered. In a second series of measurements, we focus on the step-response of the flow to the actuation. The lift response is shown to behave as a first order dynamics and we show that the response time of lift is of the order of 3 convective time units. This is about three times faster than what is usually observed for boundary layer reattachement process

    Long term highly saturated fat diet does not induce NASH in Wistar rats

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is hampered by the lack of a suitable model. Our aim was to investigate whether long term high saturated-fat feeding would induce NASH in rats. METHODS: 21 day-old rats fed high fat diets for 14 weeks, with either coconut oil or butter, and were compared with rats feeding a standard diet or a methionine choline-deficient (MCD) diet, a non physiological model of NASH. RESULTS: MCDD fed rats rapidly lost weight and showed NASH features. Rats fed coconut (86% of saturated fatty acid) or butter (51% of saturated fatty acid) had an increased caloric intake (+143% and +30%). At the end of the study period, total lipid ingestion in term of percentage of energy intake was higher in both coconut (45%) and butter (42%) groups than in the standard (7%) diet group. No change in body mass was observed as compared with standard rats at the end of the experiment. However, high fat fed rats were fattier with enlarged white and brown adipose tissue (BAT) depots, but they showed no liver steatosis and no difference in triglyceride content in hepatocytes, as compared with standard rats. Absence of hepatic lipid accumulation with high fat diets was not related to a higher lipid oxidation by isolated hepatocytes (unchanged ketogenesis and oxygen consumption) or hepatic mitochondrial respiration but was rather associated with a rise in BAT uncoupling protein UCP1 (+25–28% vs standard). CONCLUSION: Long term high saturated fat feeding led to increased "peripheral" fat storage and BAT thermogenesis but did not induce hepatic steatosis and NASH

    Entrepreneurs, Firms and Global Wealth Since 1850

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    Port-Fouad : New-Harmony dans l’isthme de Suez

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    Piquet Caroline. Port-Fouad : New-Harmony dans l’isthme de Suez. In: Le travail à l’époque contemporaine. Actes du 127e Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, « Le travail et les hommes », Nancy, 2002. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2005. pp. 187-203. (Actes du Congrès national des sociétés savantes, 127

    Hodeir Catherine, Stratégies d'Empire. Le grand patronat colonial face à la décolonisation

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    Piquet Caroline. Hodeir Catherine, Stratégies d'Empire. Le grand patronat colonial face à la décolonisation. In: Outre-mers, tome 91, n°342-343, 1er semestre 2004. Vichy et les colonies, sous la direction de Bernard Droz. pp. 346-347

    Les réseaux d’affaires en Egypte : patronat européen, minorités locales et notables égyptiens dans la réforme et l’industrialisation du pays durant l’entre deux-guerres

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    Piquet Caroline. Les réseaux d’affaires en Egypte : patronat européen, minorités locales et notables égyptiens dans la réforme et l’industrialisation du pays durant l’entre deux-guerres. In: L’esprit économique impérial (1830-1970). Groupes de pression & réseaux du patronat colonial en France & dans l'empire. Paris : Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 2008. pp. 633-652. (Publications de la Société française d'histoire d'outre-mer, 6

    Thobie Jacques, Les Intérêts culturels français dans l’Empire ottoman finissant. L’enseignement laïque et en partenariat, Peeters, Leuven, 2009, 461 p.

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    À l’heure où la France cherche à relancer sa politique culturelle au Moyen-Orient avec l’implantation d’universités et de lycées prestigieux, l’ouvrage de Jacques Thobie vient nourrir la réflexion sur le rôle de l’éducation dans les processus d’expansion politique et le jeu des puissances. Jacques Thobie publie ici le complément à sa thèse désormais célèbre, Intérêts et impérialisme français dans l’Empire Ottoman 1895-1914. L’ouvrage n’est que la première partie d’un travail sur l’enseignemen..

    Quand Suez raconte l’Égypte

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