27 research outputs found

    Code Blue: methodology for a qualitative study of teamwork during simulated cardiac arrest.

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    IntroductionIn-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) is a particularly vexing entity from the perspective of preparedness, as it is neither common nor truly rare. Survival from IHCA requires the coordinated efforts of multiple providers with different skill sets who may have little prior experience working together. Survival rates have remained low despite advances in therapy, suggesting that human factors may be at play.Methods and analysisThis qualitative study uses a quasiethnographic data collection approach combining focus group interviews with providers involved in IHCA resuscitation as well as analysis of video recordings from in situ-simulated cardiac arrest events. Using grounded theory-based analysis, we intend to understand the organisational, interpersonal, cognitive and behavioural dimensions of IHCA resuscitation, and to build a descriptive model of code team functioning.Ethics and disseminationThis ongoing study has been approved by the IRB at UC Davis Medical Center.ResultsThe results will be disseminated in a subsequent manuscript

    “I know best:” women caring for kin with dementia

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    The dementia care literature in the home is vast, particularly in the health sciences where the focus remains on intervention to address carer emotional distress and burden. The sociological literature on dementia care has primarily utilized the illness disruption and (bio)medicalization models to show how meaning and practices are negotiated in the non-expert setting. Instead, I apply a feminist labor process perspective to examine the question of why women dementia kin carers resist relinquishing care responsibilities to others. This qualitative grounded theory study is based on seven waves of interviews (total = 98) conducted over approximately five years with 15 Latina dementia kin carers recruited through clinic and community sites in Northern California. Findings show how Latina kin carers exercise a degree of control and autonomy over the care process because they have developed tacit knowledge and skills to craft quality care of kin. In facing the dilemma of ceding care to others they perceive as unprepared, they reject available help. This study reveals how carers maintain quality care with dignity and comfort for the care recipient and themselves

    The Promise of Mixed-Methods for Advancing Latino Health Research

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    Mixed-methods research in the social sciences has been conducted for quite some time. More recently, mixed-methods have become popular in health research, with the National Institutes of Health leading the impetus to fund studies that implement such an approach. The public health issues facing us today are great and they range from policy and other macro-level issues, to systems level problems to individuals' health behaviors. For Latinos, who are projected to become the largest minority group bearing a great deal of the burden of social inequality in the U.S., it is important to understand the deeply-rooted nature of these health disparities in order to close the gap in health outcomes. Mixed-methodology thus holds promise for advancing research on Latino heath by tackling health disparities from a variety of standpoints and approaches. The aim of this manuscript is to provide two examples of mixed methods research, each of which addresses a health topic of considerable importance to older Latinos and their families. These two examples will illustrate a) the complementary use of qualitative and quantitative methods to advance health of older Latinos in an area that is important from a public health perspective, and b) the "translation" of findings from observational studies (informed by social science and medicine) to the development and testing of interventions