20 research outputs found

    Detecting fatigue of sport horses with biomechanical gait features using inertial sensors

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    Detection of fatigue helps prevent injuries and optimize the performance of horses. Previous studies tried to determine fatigue using physiological parameters. However, measuring the physiological parameters, e.g., plasma lactate, is invasive and can be affected by different factors. In addition, the measurement cannot be done automatically and requires a veterinarian for sample collection. This study investigated the possibility of detecting fatigue non-invasively using a minimum number of body-mounted inertial sensors. Using the inertial sensors, sixty sport horses were measured during walk and trot before and after high and low-intensity exercises. Then, biomechanical features were extracted from the output signals. A number of features were assigned as important fatigue indicators using neighborhood component analysis. Based on the fatigue indicators, machine learning models were developed for classifying strides to non-fatigue and fatigue. As an outcome, this study confirmed that biomechanical features can indicate fatigue in horses, such as stance duration, swing duration, and limb range of motion. The fatigue classification model resulted in high accuracy during both walk and trot. In conclusion, fatigue can be detected during exercise by using the output of body-mounted inertial sensors

    Effect of a 14-Day Period of Heat Acclimation on Horses Using Heated Indoor Arenas in Preparation for Tokyo Olympic Games

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    To optimise the performance and welfare of horses during equestrian competitions in hot climates, it is advised to acclimate them to the heat. The effects of training in a heated indoor arena were studied. Four Olympic horses (13.3 ± 2.2 years; three eventers, one para-dressage horse) were trained for 14 consecutive days in a heated indoor arena (32 ± 1 °C; 50-60% humidity) following their normal training schedule in preparation for the Tokyo Olympic games. Standardised exercise tests (SETs) were performed on Day 1 and Day 14, measuring heart rate (HR; bpm), plasma lactate concentration (LA; mmol/L), deep rectal temperature (T rec; °C), sweat loss (SL; L), and sweat composition (K +, Cl - and Na + concentration). The data were analysed using linear mixed models. The T rec and HR were significantly decreased after acclimation (estimate: -0.106, 95% CI -0.134, -0.078; estimate: -4.067, 95% CI -7.535, -0.598, respectively). Furthermore, for all the horses, the time taken to reach their peak T rec and heat storage increased, while their LA concentrations decreased. The SL, Cl -, and Na + concentrations decreased in three out of the four horses. Conclusions: Fourteen days of normal training in a heated indoor arena resulted in a reduction in cardiovascular and thermal strain. This is advantageous because it shows that elite sport horses can be acclimated while training as usual for a championship

    Сучасний розподіл радіонуклідів у лісових екосистемах Полісся України

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    Подано матеріали стосовно розподілу 137Cs у компонентах лісових екосистем на прикладі соснових насаджень у різних типах лісорослинних умов – свіжих і вологих борах, вологих суборах. Отримані дані можна використовувати при реабілітації лісів, що зазнали радіоактивного забруднення.В статье представлены материалы относительно распределения 137Cs в компонентах лесных экосистем на примере сосновых насаждений в разных типах лесорастительных условий – свежих и влажных борах, влажных суборах. Полученные данные можно использовать при реабилитации лесов после радиоактивного загрязнения.Data on 137Cs distribution in the components of forest ecosystems on the example of pine stands in different forest site conditions – fresh and wet bors and wet subors – are presented. Obtained data can be used for forest rehabilitation after radioactive contamination

    A prospective cohort study on the acute:chronic workload ratio in relation to injuries in high level eventing horses:A comprehensive 3-year study

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    In human sport science, the acute:chronic workload (ACWR) ratio is used to monitor an athlete's preparedness for competition and to assess injury risks. The aim of this study was to investigate whether acute and chronic workload calculations for external and internal loads (e.g. high-speed work distance and associated exertional effort) were associated with injury risk in elite eventing horses and to identify workloads performed by horses competing in different competition and at different fitness levels. Training load and injury data were collected from 58 international eventing horses (CCI2*–CCI5* level) over 1–3 years. A total of 94 individual competition seasons were monitored. During this period, heart rate (HR; beat/min) and GPS data were collected of all their conditional training sessions and competitions. External load was determined as the distance (m) covered at high speed (HS1; velocity between 6.6 and 9.5 m/s), and sprint speed (SS2; velocity>9.5 m/s). Internal load was calculated for HS and SS, using individualized training impulses (TRIMP3; AU). For internal and external workload HS and SS the acute (1-week) and chronic (4-week) workloads were calculated and ACWR4 determined. The injury data in relation to ACWR was modelled with a multilevel logistic regression. Akaike's information criterion was used for model reduction. Sixty-four soft tissue injuries were registered from a total of 2300 training sessions and competitions. External and internal workload at HS and SS were significantly affected by the year and fitness level of horses. Competition level and year significantly affected the distances covered at SS. The ACWR of high-speed distance of the present week (OR; 0.133, 95 % CI; 0.032, 0.484) and the previous week (OR 3.951, 95 % CI; 1.390, 12.498) were significantly associated with injury risk. Competition level and chronic workload had no significant effect on injuries. In agreement with findings in human athletes, acute spikes of workload in eventing horses increased the risk of injury. Evaluation of horses’ workload can be used to design and effectively monitor training programs and can help to improve equine welfare by reducing injury risk

    Збереження шахтного фонду і проблеми реструктуризації вугільної галузі: ретроспектива та перспективи

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    Розглянуто стан шахтного фонду вугільної галузі в цілому та вугільного району Донбасу в ретроспективі та окреслено перспективи його збереження та відтворення. Ключові слова: шахтний фонд, реструктуризація, технічний рівень, відтворення, інновації.Рассмотрено состояние шахтного фонда угольной отрасли в целом и угольного района Донбасса в ретроспективе и очерчены перспективы его сохранения и воссоздания. Ключевые слова: шахтный фонд, реструктуризация, технический уровень, воссоздание, инновации.The state of mine fund of coal industry is considered on the whole and coal district of Donbassa in a retrospective view and the prospects of his maintainance and recreation are outlined. Key words: mine fund, restructurisation, technical level, re-creation, innovations

    Non-Invasive Lactate Estimation Using Wearable Sensors for Remote Fatigue Assessment in Horses

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    Exercise-induced fatigue is a complex phenomenon that can significantly impact the health and welfare of horses. Traditional methods for assessing fatigue in horses, such as plasma lactate accumulation (LA) measurement, can be invasive and require the presence of a veterinarian on-site. In this paper, we propose the use of body-mounted inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a heart rate (HR) monitor as a non-invasive and veterinarian independent approach for assessing fatigue by estimating LA in horses during exercise. LA estimation models were trained using signal-based features and kinematic parameters extracted from IMUs. As an outcome, the accuracy of the best performing model based on two IMUs and HR was 0.11 mmol/L and 4.89% (root mean square error and mean absolute percentage error). This approach demonstrates the potential for remote health monitoring in animals, which can be particularly valuable for those in remote locations or with limited access to specialized veterinary care

    Detecting fatigue of sport horses with biomechanical gait features using inertial sensors.

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    Detection of fatigue helps prevent injuries and optimize the performance of horses. Previous studies tried to determine fatigue using physiological parameters. However, measuring the physiological parameters, e.g., plasma lactate, is invasive and can be affected by different factors. In addition, the measurement cannot be done automatically and requires a veterinarian for sample collection. This study investigated the possibility of detecting fatigue non-invasively using a minimum number of body-mounted inertial sensors. Using the inertial sensors, sixty sport horses were measured during walk and trot before and after high and low-intensity exercises. Then, biomechanical features were extracted from the output signals. A number of features were assigned as important fatigue indicators using neighborhood component analysis. Based on the fatigue indicators, machine learning models were developed for classifying strides to non-fatigue and fatigue. As an outcome, this study confirmed that biomechanical features can indicate fatigue in horses, such as stance duration, swing duration, and limb range of motion. The fatigue classification model resulted in high accuracy during both walk and trot. In conclusion, fatigue can be detected during exercise by using the output of body-mounted inertial sensors

    Effect of a 14-Day Period of Heat Acclimation on Horses Using Heated Indoor Arenas in Preparation for Tokyo Olympic Games

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    To optimise the performance and welfare of horses during equestrian competitions in hot climates, it is advised to acclimate them to the heat. The effects of training in a heated indoor arena were studied. Four Olympic horses (13.3 ± 2.2 years; three eventers, one para-dressage horse) were trained for 14 consecutive days in a heated indoor arena (32 ± 1 °C; 50–60% humidity) following their normal training schedule in preparation for the Tokyo Olympic games. Standardised exercise tests (SETs) were performed on Day 1 and Day 14, measuring heart rate (HR; bpm), plasma lactate concentration (LA; mmol/L), deep rectal temperature (Trec; °C), sweat loss (SL; L), and sweat composition (K+, Cl− and Na+ concentration). The data were analysed using linear mixed models. The Trec and HR were significantly decreased after acclimation (estimate: −0.106, 95% CI −0.134, −0.078; estimate: −4.067, 95% CI −7.535, −0.598, respectively). Furthermore, for all the horses, the time taken to reach their peak Trec and heat storage increased, while their LA concentrations decreased. The SL, Cl−, and Na+ concentrations decreased in three out of the four horses. Conclusions: Fourteen days of normal training in a heated indoor arena resulted in a reduction in cardiovascular and thermal strain. This is advantageous because it shows that elite sport horses can be acclimated while training as usual for a championship

    Detecting fatigue of sport horses with biomechanical gait features using inertial sensors

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    Detection of fatigue helps prevent injuries and optimize the performance of horses. Previous studies tried to determine fatigue using physiological parameters. However, measuring the physiological parameters, e.g., plasma lactate, is invasive and can be affected by different factors. In addition, the measurement cannot be done automatically and requires a veterinarian for sample collection. This study investigated the possibility of detecting fatigue non-invasively using a minimum number of body-mounted inertial sensors. Using the inertial sensors, sixty sport horses were measured during walk and trot before and after high and low-intensity exercises. Then, biomechanical features were extracted from the output signals. A number of features were assigned as important fatigue indicators using neighborhood component analysis. Based on the fatigue indicators, machine learning models were developed for classifying strides to non-fatigue and fatigue. As an outcome, this study confirmed that biomechanical features can indicate fatigue in horses, such as stance duration, swing duration, and limb range of motion. The fatigue classification model resulted in high accuracy during both walk and trot. In conclusion, fatigue can be detected during exercise by using the output of body-mounted inertial sensors

    Longitudinal Training and Workload Assessment in Young Friesian Stallions in Relation to Fitness, Part 2—An Adapted Training Program

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    Young Friesian stallions have to complete a 10-week training program (70-day test) for acceptance as a breeding stallion. Part one of this study showed that the 70-day test was too intense and led to reduced fitness. In the present (part two) study, the effects of an adapted training program were studied. Training frequency and minutes of cantering per week were lowered compared with part one. The external workload (EW) of sixteen stallions (3.4 ± 0.8 years) was monitored during the 6-weeks before testing (preparation period) as well as during the 70-day test. Standardized exercise tests (SETs) were performed in week 1 (SET-I), 6 (SET-II), and 10 (SET-III) of the 70-day test, measuring heart rate (HR) and plasma lactate concentration (LA). Linear mixed effect models were used to analyze the EW, and the HR and LA related to the SETs. The EW increased from the preparation period to the 70-day test; this increase in the EW was lower compared with the original training program. The horses showed lower HR and LA levels in SET-III compared with SET-I. The young Friesian horses were at risk to be overtrained in part one, but the adapted training program resulted in increased fitness. This study shows that a carefully chosen program is necessary to improve the performance and welfare of (young) horses