245 research outputs found

    Letter to James Nelson regarding the National Conference on Legal Information Issues, August 1, 1995

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    A letter from Carol Avery Nicholson to James Nelson thanking Nelson for representing SEAALL at the National Conference on Legal Information Issues

    Note to Mary McCormick regarding the Southeastern Law Librarian, August 25, 1995

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    A note from Carol Avery Nicholson to Mary McCormick providing a request for advertising information for the Southeastern Law Librarian

    Email to Pam Williams regarding SEAALL membership, June 19, 1995

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    An email from Carol Avery Nicholson to Pam Williams providing a breakdown of SEALL members by membership category

    Letter to Constance Matzen regarding SEAALL Annual Meeting, March 4, 1994

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    A letter from Carol Avery Nicholson to Constance Matzen discussing speakers and participants at the SEAALL Annual Meeting

    Letter to Mary Johns regarding award of a Lucile Elliott Scholarship, February 27, 1990

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    A letter from Carol Avery Nicholson to Mary Johns accepting the Lucile Elliott Scholarship awarded to her

    Letter to Willis Whichard regarding SEAALL Annual Meeting, May 11, 1994

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    A letter from Carol Avery Nicholson to Willis Whichard thanking Whichard for speaking at the SEAALL Annual Meeting

    Photographing the Earth G324: The Can Do GeoCam payload

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    The flight of the Charleston County School District Can Do Project GeoCam payload on STS-57 was the climax of a decade long endeavor to bring the promise and excitement of the space program directly into the classroom. The payload carried four cameras designed to take high resolution photographs of the Earth under the direction of children operating the first ever student control room. During the course of the flight, the students followed the Shuttle's orbital tract, satellite weather images and selected a target list that was sent up to the crew each night as part of the execute package. Targets from this list, as well as ones chosen by the crew visually, resulted in the successful collection of photographic runs at many interesting sites on three on three continents

    Small passive student experiments on G324 261 individual quests for student knowledge

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    The Charleston County School District CAN DO Project payload on STS-57 had a primary goal of photographing the Earth with the GeoCam camera system. In addition, the payload carried 261 passive student experiments representing the efforts of several thousand students throughout the district and in four other states. These experiments represented the individual concepts of teams ranging in age from pre-school to high school. Consequently, a tremendous variety of samples from collard green seeds to microscopic 'water bears' were flown. Each prospective team was provided a simple kit equipped with five vials. Each student team submitted five coded samples, one for space flight and four control samples. The control samples were exposed to radiation, cold and centrifugation respectively while one negative control sample was passively stored. The students received the samples back still coded so that they were unaware of which samples were flown. They then investigated their samples according to their individual research protocols. The results were presented in poster and platform form at a student research symposium. Space Trees grown from tree seeds flown in the payload have been planted at all district schools, and at many guest schools. These seeds represented another way in which to involve additional classes and students. Both the passive experiments and the space trees were housed in what otherwise would have been wasted space within the payload. They extended the GAS programs worthwhile ballast concept to another level. The opportunity to fly an experiment in space is too previous not to be extended to the greatest number of students possible

    Impact of dual mTORC1/2 mTOR kinase inhibitor AZD8055 on acquired endocrine resistance in breast cancer in vitro

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    Introduction: Upregulation of PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling in endocrine-resistant breast cancer (BC) has identified mTOR as an attractive target alongside anti-hormones to control resistance. RAD001 (everolimus/Afinitor®), an allosteric mTOR inhibitor, is proving valuable in this setting; however, some patients are inherently refractory or relapse during treatment requiring alternative strategies. Here we evaluate the potential for novel dual mTORC1/2 mTOR kinase inhibitors, exemplified by AZD8055, by comparison with RAD001 in ER + endocrine resistant BC cells. Methods: In vitro models of tamoxifen (TamR) or oestrogen deprivation resistance (MCF7-X) were treated with RAD001 or AZD8055 alone or combined with anti-hormone fulvestrant. Endpoints included growth, cell proliferation (Ki67), viability and migration, with PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling impact monitored by Western blotting. Potential ER cross-talk was investigated by immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR. Results: RAD001 was a poor growth inhibitor of MCF7-derived TamR and MCF7-X cells (IC50 ≥1 μM), rapidly inhibiting mTORC1 but not mTORC2/AKT signalling. In contrast AZD8055, which rapidly inhibited both mTORC1 and mTORC2/AKT activity, was a highly effective (P <0.001) growth inhibitor of TamR (IC50 18 nM) and MCF7-X (IC50 24 nM), and of a further T47D-derived tamoxifen resistant model T47D-tamR (IC50 19 nM). AZD8055 significantly (P <0.05) inhibited resistant cell proliferation, increased cell death and reduced migration. Furthermore, dual treatment of TamR or MCF7-X cells with AZD8055 plus fulvestrant provided superior control of resistant growth versus either agent alone (P <0.05). Co-treating with AZD8055 alongside tamoxifen (P <0.01) or oestrogen deprivation (P <0.05) also effectively inhibited endocrine responsive MCF-7 cells. Although AZD8055 inhibited oestrogen receptor (ER) ser167 phosphorylation in TamR and MCF7-X, it had no effect on ER ser118 activity or expression of several ER-regulated genes, suggesting the mTOR kinase inhibitor impact was largely ER-independent. The capacity of AZD8055 for ER-independent activity was further evidenced by growth inhibition (IC5018 and 20 nM) of two acquired fulvestrant resistant models lacking ER. Conclusions: This is the first report demonstrating dual mTORC1/2 mTOR kinase inhibitors have potential to control acquired endocrine resistant BC, even under conditions where everolimus fails. Such inhibitors may prove of particular benefit when used alongside anti-hormonal treatment as second-line therapy in endocrine resistant disease, and also potentially alongside anti-hormones during the earlier endocrine responsive phase to hinder development of resistance

    Comparing Military-Connected and NonMilitary-Connected Students’ Orientation Experiences

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the orientation experiences of military-connected and non-military-connected students. Specifically, this study explored the influence of an enhanced early-intervention orientation strategy for military-connected students transitioning from active duty to college. Data were collected from all transfer students participating in a university orientation program. Findings indicated that military connected students rated the overall orientation experience significantly higher than their non-military-connected counterparts. However, they rated their connectedness to campus significantly lower. Recommendations for improving orientation practices for military connected students are discussed
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