18 research outputs found

    The Formulated Microbicide RC-101 Was Safe and Antivirally Active Following Intravaginal Application in Pigtailed Macaques

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    Background: RC-101 is a congener of the antiretroviral peptide retrocyclin, which we and others have reported is active against clinical HIV-1 isolates from all major clades, does not hemagglutinate, and is non-toxic and non-inflammatory in cervicovaginal cell culture. Herein, film-formulated RC-101 was assessed for its antiviral activity in vitro, safety in vivo, retention in the cervix and vagina, and ability to remain active against HIV-1 and SHIV after intravaginal application in macaques. Methodology/Principal Findings: RC-101 was formulated as a quick-dissolving film (2000 μg/film), retained complete activity in vitro as compared to unformulated peptide, and was applied intravaginally in six pigtailed macaques daily for four days. At one and four days following the final application, the presence of RC-101 was assessed in peripheral blood, cervicovaginal lavage, cytobrushed cervicovaginal cells, and biopsied cervical and vaginal tissues by quantitative western blots. One day following the last film application, cervical biopsies from RC-101-exposed and placebo-controlled macaques were collected and were subjected to challenge with RT-SHIV in an ex vivo organ culture model. RC-101 peptide was detected primarily in the cytobrush and biopsied cervical and vaginal tissues, with little to no peptide detected in lavage samples, suggesting that the peptide was associated with the cervicovaginal epithelia. RC-101 remained in the tissues and cytobrush samples up to four days post-application, yet was not detected in any sera or plasma samples. RC-101, extracted from cytobrushes obtained one day post-application, remained active against HIV-1 BaL. Importantly, cervical biopsies from RC-101-treated animals reduced RT-SHIV replication in ex vivo organ culture as compared to placebo-treated animals. Conclusions/Significance:Formulated RC-101 was stable in vivo and was retained in the mucosa. The presence of antivirally active RC-101 after five days in vivo suggests that RC-101 would be an important molecule to develop further as a topical microbicide to prevent HIV-1 transmission. © 2010 Cole et al

    Antiviral Activity Of Retrocyclin Rc-101, A Candidate Microbicide Against Cell-Associated Hiv-1

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    Microbicides have been evaluated mostly against cell-free HIV-1. Because semen contains both cell-free and cell-associated HIV-1, HIV-1 transmission could occur via either or both sources. Therefore, it is important to examine the antiviral activity of microbicides against cell-associated HIV-1. The cyclic antimicrobial peptide retrocyclin RC-101 has been shown previously to have antiviral activity against cell-free HIV-1, with no associated cellular toxicity. In this article we have examined the antiviral activity of RC-101 against cell-associated HIV-1. The results demonstrate potent antiviral activity of RC-101 against cell-cell HIV-1 transmission in both CD4-dependent and CD4-independent assays against CCR5- and CXCR4-tropic HIV-1, with no cellular toxicity. Furthermore, this antiviral activity was retained in the presence of human seminal plasma. The potent antiviral activity of RC-101 against cell-associated HIV-1 reported here, and the previously reported antiviral activity in cervical tissues, suggest that RC-101 is an excellent and promising microbicide candidate against HIV-1. © 2013 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc

    Application of ultrasensitive digital ELISA for p24 enables improved evaluation of HIV-1 reservoir diversity and growth kinetics in viral outgrowth assays

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    Abstract The advent of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) has been instrumental in controlling HIV-1 replication and transmission and decreasing associated morbidity and mortality. However, cART alone is not able to cure HIV-1 due to the presence of long-lived, latently infected immune cells, which re-seed plasma viremia when cART is interrupted. Assessment of HIV-cure strategies using ex vivo culture methods for further understanding of the diversity of reactivated HIV, viral outgrowth, and replication dynamics are enhanced using ultrasensitive digital ELISA based on single-molecule array (Simoa) technology to increase the sensitivity of endpoint detection. In viral outgrowth assays (VOA), exponential HIV-1 outgrowth has been shown to be dependent upon initial virus burst size surpassing a critical growth threshold of 5100 HIV-1 RNA copies. Here, we show an association between ultrasensitive HIV-1 Gag p24 concentrations and HIV-1 RNA copy number that characterize viral dynamics below the exponential replication threshold. Single-genome sequencing (SGS) revealed the presence of multiple identical HIV-1 sequences, indicative of low-level replication occurring below the threshold of exponential outgrowth early during a VOA. However, SGS further revealed diverse related HIV variants detectable by ultrasensitive methods that failed to establish exponential outgrowth. Overall, our data suggest that viral outgrowth occurring below the threshold necessary for establishing exponential growth in culture does not preclude replication competence of reactivated HIV, and ultrasensitive detection of HIV-1 p24 may provide a method to detect previously unquantifiable variants. These data strongly support the use of the Simoa platform in a multi-prong approach to measuring latent viral burden and efficacy of therapeutic interventions aimed at an HIV-1 cure

    Assessing the Suitability of Next-Generation Viral Outgrowth Assays to Measure Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 Latent Reservoir Size.

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    BackgroundEvaluations of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) curative interventions require reliable and efficient quantification of replication-competent latent reservoirs. The "classic" quantitative viral outgrowth assay (QVOA) has been regarded as the reference standard, although prohibitively resource and labor intensive. We compared 6 "next-generation" viral outgrowth assays, using polymerase chain reaction or ultrasensitive p24 to assess their suitability as scalable proxies for QVOA.MethodsNext-generation QVOAs were compared with classic QVOA using single leukapheresis-derived samples from 5 antiretroviral therapy-suppressed HIV-infected participants and 1 HIV-uninfected control; each laboratory tested blinded batches of 3 frozen and 1 fresh sample. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods estimated extra-Poisson variation at aliquot, batch, and laboratory levels. Models also estimated the effect of testing frozen versus fresh samples.ResultsNext-generation QVOAs had similar estimates of variation to QVOA. Assays with ultrasensitive readout reported higher infectious units per million values than classic QVOA. Within-batch testing had 2.5-fold extra-Poisson variation (95% credible interval [CI], 2.1-3.5-fold) for next-generation assays. Between-laboratory variation increased extra-Poisson variation to 3.4-fold (95% CI, 2.6-5.4-fold). Frozen storage did not substantially alter infectious units per million values (-18%; 95% CI, -52% to 39%).ConclusionsThe data offer cautious support for use of next-generation QVOAs as proxies for more laborious QVOA, while providing greater sensitivities and dynamic ranges. Measurement of latent reservoirs in eradication strategies would benefit from high throughput and scalable assays