5 research outputs found

    Altrenogest during early pregnancy modulates uterine glandular epithelium and endometrial growth factor expression at the time implantation in pigs

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    This study evaluated the effects of supplying altrenogest from day 6-12 of pregnancy on the endometrial glandular epithelium, corpora lutea (CL) morphology, and endometrial and CL gene expression. A total of 12 crossbred females (Landrace × Large White) were used. The females were assigned to 4 treatments according to a random design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, with two categories (sow or gilt) and two treatments (non-treated and treated with altrenogest). On day 6 of pregnancy, animals were allocated to one of the following groups: non-treated (NT, n = 6; 3 sows and 3 gilts), and (T, n = 6; 3 sows and 3 gilts) treated daily with 20 mg of altrenogest, from day 6-12 of pregnancy. All animals were euthanized on day 13 of pregnancy. All CLs were individually weighed, and their volume were determined. The endometrial glandular density (GD), mean glandular area (MGA), and vascular density (VD) were determined by histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses. Endometrium samples were collected and analyzed by qRT-PCR to evaluate the abundance of transcripts for VEGF and IGF-I. Females in the T group had higher MGA (P < 0.05) compared to the NT group. There was no effect of treatment on GD or VD for both experimental groups. Sows in the T group had augmented expression of IGF-I (P < 0.05). Progestagen had no detrimental effect on CL morphology. In conclusion, altrenogest improves the uterine environment during the peri-implantation period in pigs without compromising corpora lutea development

    Glicemia e características de parto em suínos: explorando a associação entre metabolismo energético e características de parto em suínos

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    Delivering piglets is one of the most demanding activities sows undergo in their lifetime. Sows can have myometrial contractions from two to 12 hours before the first piglet is expelled and also have a nest building behavior. Thus, when the first piglet is delivered the female has already used part of her energy supply. When the sow gets exhausted due to lack of energy, the farrowing process is interrupted, causing great damage to the viability and vitality of the piglets. In this sense, the present study had three main objectives: (1) evaluate how different ingredients modulate the glycemic curve of swine aiming to develop of an energetic supplement to be fed to parturient sows to improve glycemia and farrowing kinetics; (2) evaluate if the peripheral glycemia (measured on ear vein) of sows at the onset of farrowing is related to farrowing traits and, identify risk and protective factors, quantify their effect, and understand how peripheral glycemia interacts with farrowing kinetics; (3) orally fed sows an innovative energetic supplement at onset of farrowing aiming to increase available energy to the uterus, decrease farrowing duration and benefit piglets &#8217; vitality. Based on the glycemic curves of the studied ingredients, malt extract, resistant starch and glycerol were chosen to compose the energetic supplement. In the second trial, datasets from four farm with sows &#8217; characteristics and farrowing data were collected. Glycemia was assessed with a portable glucometer, the measurement was performed immediately after the birth of the first piglets, considered as the initial glycemia (IGly) and at the end of farrowing, considered as the final glycemia (FGly). The use of oxytocin, manual assistance and IGly were negatively associated to farrowing duration, whilst total piglets born, and parity were positively associated to farrowing duration. IGly was negatively associated with fasting period (p&#60;0.05). IGly can be used as a tool to identify sows more prone to prolonged farrowing duration The results suggests that the glucose metabolism during farrowing is different and dependent on the glycemia at the onset of farrowing. In the third trial, 180 hybrid commercial sows were blocked according to parity and considered as an experimental unit. Animals were allocated to one of the following treatments: SUP (females supplemented with energetic supplement; n = 95) and CON (non-supplemented females; n = 85). Glycemia was measured at 0. 20. 40, 80 and 180 (T0, T20, T40, T80 and T180, respectively) minutes after farrowing onset. Farrowing kinetics were recorded. Piglets were evaluated for vitality in a score ranging from 0 to 10. Farrowing duration was shorter (p &#60; 0.05) for SUP-sows compared to CON-sows. Glycemia at T0 was similar for both groups (p&#62; 0.05). Sows which received the energy supplement had higher blood glucose (p&#60;0.05) at T20 and T40. At T80 and T180 glycemia did not differ (p&#62; 0.05) between CON-sows and SUP. The 17th and 20th piglets born from CON-sows had decreased values of vitality score (p&#60;0.05) when compared to the same birth order piglets born in the SUP group.O processo de parto é uma das atividades mais demandantes de energia que as fêmeas suínas passam em suas vidas. As porcas podem ter contrações miometriais de duas a 12 horas antes da expulsão do primeiro leitão, além do comportamento de construção de ninhos. Dessa forma, quando o primeiro leitão nasce, a fêmea já usou grande parte do seu suprimento de energia. Quando a fêmea entra em exaustão por falta de energia, o processo de parto é interrompido, gerando grandes prejuízos a viabilidade e vitalidade dos leitões. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo teve três objetivos principais: (1) avaliar como ingredientes modulam a curva glicêmica de suínos, visando o desenvolvimento de um suplemento energético a ser fornecido a porcas parturientes; (2) avaliar se a glicemia periférica (medida na veia auricular) de porcas está relacionada com características do parto e, identificar fatores de risco e proteção, quantificar seus efeitos e entender como a glicemia periférica interage com a cinética do parto; (3) fornecer um suplemento energético para fêmeas no início do parto com o objetivo de aumentar a energia disponível para o útero, diminuir a duração do parto e beneficiar a vitalidade dos leitões. Com base nas curvas glicêmicas dos ingredientes estudados, foram escolhidos extrato de malte, amido resistente e glicerol para compor o suplemento energético. No segundo estudo, bancos de dados de quatro granjas com características de porcas e dados de parto foram utilizados. A glicemia foi avaliada com um glicosímetro portátil, imediatamente após o nascimento do primeiro leitão, considerada como glicemia inicial (IGly) e ao final do parto, considerada como glicemia final (FGly). O uso de ocitocina, assistência manual e IGly foram negativamente associados à duração do parto, enquanto o número de nascidos totais e a ordem de parto da fêmea foram positivamente associados à duração do parto. A IGly associou-se negativamente ao período de jejum (p &#60;0,05). A IGly pode ser usado como ferramenta para identificar porcas mais propensas à duração prolongada do parto. No terceiro estudo, 180 porcas híbridas comerciais foram blocadas de acordo com a ordem departo e consideradas como unidade experimental. Os animais foram alocados em um dos seguintes tratamentos: SUP (fêmeas que receberam com suplemento energético; n = 95) e CON (fêmeas não suplementadas; n = 85). A glicemia foi mensurada após 0, 20, 40, 80 e 180 minutos após o início do parto (T0, T20, T40, T80 e T180, respectivamente). A cinética do parto foi registrada. Os leitões foram avaliados quanto à vitalidade em uma escala de 0 a 10. A duração do parto foi menor (p &#60;0,05) para 11 porcas SUP em comparação com porcas CON. A glicemia em T0 foi semelhante nos dois grupos (p&#62;0,05). Porcas que receberam o suplemento energético apresentaram maior glicemia (p &#60;0,05) no T20 e T40. No T80 e T180 a glicemia não diferiu (p&#62;0,05) entre porcas CON e SUP. O 17&#186; e 20&#186; leitões nascidos de porcas CON apresentaram valores menores de vitalidade (p&#60;0,05) quando comparados aos leitões da mesma ordem de nascimento no grupo SUP

    Altrenogest Supplementation during Early Pregnancy Improves Reproductive Outcome in Pigs

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    Progesterone plays an important role in initial conceptus development and in a successful pregnancy, but results related to progesterone or its analogues (altrenogest) supplementation in early pregnancy of pigs are conflicting. The present study evaluated the effects of altrenogest supplementation in sows during days 6 and 12 of pregnancy on reproductive performance. On day 6 of pregnancy, 301 females were allocated at random to one of the following treatments: CON (Control: non-supplemented females, n = 163) or ALT (females daily supplemented with 20 mg of altrenogest, orally, from day 6 to 12 of pregnancy, n = 138). Ovulation was considered as occurred at 48 h after the first estrus detection to standardize the first day of pregnancy. The supplementation increased the number of total piglets born (ALT: 17.3 &plusmn; 0.4; CON: 16.6 &plusmn; 0.4), piglets born alive (ALT: 15.6 &plusmn; 0.4; CON: 14.8 &plusmn; 0.3), and placenta weight (ALT: 4.2 &plusmn; 0.1; CON: 3.8 &plusmn; 0.1) and decreased the stillbirth rate (ALT: 5.9 &plusmn; 0.6; CON: 7.6 &plusmn; 0.6) and the number of piglets born weighing less than 800 g (ALT: 6.6 &plusmn; 0.6; CON: 8.0 &plusmn; 0.6), without impairment on farrowing rate. These results demonstrated that altrenogest supplementation on swine females between days 6 and 12 of pregnancy may be used to improve reproductive performance

    Estrus Synchronization of Replacement Gilts Using Estradiol Cipionate and PGF2&alpha; and Its Effects on Reproductive Outcomes

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    In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of using estrogen-induced prolonged luteal function followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2&alpha;) treatment to synchronize estrus in gilts. On day12 of the estrus cycle (D0 = first day of standing estrus), 52 gilts were assigned at random to two experimental groups: non-treated gilts (CON, n = 22), serving as controls, and prolonged luteal function group (CYP, n = 30), receiving a single treatment with 10 mg of estradiol cypionate intramuscularly Starting on day 12, blood samples were collected for estradiol and progesterone assays. Estrus detection started on day 17. Gilts from the CON group were inseminated at the onset of natural estrus. On day 28 CYP gilts were treated with PGF2&alpha; to induce luteolysis and inseminated at the onset of estrus. Gilts were slaughtered 5 d after the last insemination. A single treatment with estradiol cypionate prolonged luteal function in 90% of treated gilts. The duration of the estrous cycle was longer (p &lt; 0.0001) for CYP gilts compared to CON gilts. CYP gilts showed synchronized estrus 3.96 &plusmn; 0.19 d after induction of luteolysis. The conception rate was similar (p = 0.10) for CON and CYP gilts. No difference was observed in the embryo recovery rate (p = 0.18) and total number of embryos per female (p = 0.06). The percentage of unfertilized oocytes, fragmented embryos and viable embryos was similar among females from CON and CYP groups (p &gt; 0.05). The treatment of gilts with a single application of 10 mg of estradiol cypionate on day 12 of the estrous cycle was effective in prolonging luteal function and treatment with PGF2&alpha; resulted in synchronized estrus. Additionally, the synchronization protocol had no deleterious effect on fertility and embryonic development

    Acute exposure to hyperosmotic conditions reduces sperm activation by urine in the yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae, a freshwater teleost fish

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    In freshwater fish with external fertilization, sperm sampling can be contaminated with urine, which triggers motility and gives rise to decreased fertilization success. The maintenance of freshwater fish in hyperosmotic conditions may reduce urine production and improve sperm quality. Thus, the aim of this work was to verify if acute exposure to various NaCl concentrations improves sperm quality in the yellowtail tetra Astyanax altiparanae. Spermiation was induced using a single dose of carp pituitary gland (5 mg kg-1) and the males were maintained at various NaCl concentrations: NaCl 0.00% (control), NaCl 0.45% (hypoosmotic), NaCl 0.9% (isosmotic) and NaCl 1.0% (hyperosmotic) for 6 h at 26 °C. Sperm was collected and verified for activation by urine and motility traits. At 0.00%, 0.45%, and 0.90%, the sperm was motile just after sampling, indicating activation by urine. Surprisingly, at hyperosmotic conditions, no activation was observed. Other sperm and motility parameters did not show any statistical differences, including sperm viability (P = 0.7083), concentration (P = 0.9030), total motility (P = 0.6149), VCL (curvilinear velocity; P = 0.1216), VAP (average path velocity; P = 0.1231) and VSL (straight-line velocity; P = 0.1340). Our results indicate that acute maintenance at hyperosmotic conditions eliminates sperm activation by urine and maintains sperm quality. Such a new procedure is interesting for both basic and applied sciences, including reproductive practice in fish.Em peixes de água doce com fertilização externa, a amostragem de espermatozoides pode ser contaminada pela urina, o que desencadeia motilidade e gera menor sucesso na fertilização. A manutenção de peixes de água doce em condições hiperosmóticas pode reduzir a produção de urina e melhorar a qualidade do esperma. Assim, o presente trabalho foi delineado para verificar se a exposição aguda a várias concentrações de NaCl melhora a qualidade do esperma no tetra-amarelo Astyanax altiparanae. A espermiação foi induzida usando uma dose única de hipófise da carpa (5 mg kg-1) e os machos foram mantidos em várias concentrações de NaCl: NaCl 0,00% (controle), NaCl 0,45%  (hipoosmótico), NaCl 0,9% (isosmótico) e NaCl 1,0% (hiperosmótico) por seis horas a 26 °C. O esperma foi colhido e verificado quanto à ativação por urina e traços de motilidade. Em 0,00%, 0,45%, 0,90% os espermatozóides eram móveis logo após a amostragem, indicando ativação pela urina. Surpreendentemente, em condições hiperosmóticas, nenhuma ativação foi observada. Outros parâmetros espermáticos e de motilidade não mostraram diferenças estatísticas, incluindo viabilidade espermática (P = 0,7083), concentração (P = 0,9030), motilidade total (P = 0,6149), VCL (Velocidade Curvilinear; P = 0,1216), VMD (Velocidade Média de Deslocamento; P = 0,1230) e VLR (Velocidade em linha Reta; P = 0,1340). Nossos resultados indicam que a manutenção aguda em condições hiperosmóticas elimina a ativação do esperma pela urina e mantém a qualidade do esperma. Esse novo procedimento é interessante para as ciências básicas e aplicadas, incluindo a prática reprodutiva em peixes