184 research outputs found

    Bruno BERTHERAT [dir.], Les Sources du funĂ©raire en France Ă  l’époque contemporaine

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    Cela fait dĂ©sormais plus de vingt ans que l’histoire de la mort a « éclaté », pour reprendre une expression de RĂ©gis Bertrand, franchissant les frontiĂšres thĂ©matiques et chronologiques fixĂ©es par ses initiateurs. Terrain d’élection de l’histoire des pĂ©riodes prĂ©industrielles, notamment l’époque moderne, le dernier passage a fait l’objet de multiples expĂ©rimentations mĂ©thodologiques, de la part de gĂ©nĂ©rations entiĂšres d’historiens, suite aux travaux d’Alberto Tenenti et de Michel Vovelle. Dans..

    Dynamiques du marchĂ© funĂ©raire dans la ville de Naples entre l’ñge napolĂ©onien et la Restauration : la naissance d’un service public

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    Cet article analyse les transformations dans l’organisation et la gestion des pompes funĂšbres dans la ville de Naples pour la pĂ©riode de l’occupation napolĂ©onienne (1806-1815) Ă  l’unitĂ© de l’Italie (1860). Selon le modĂšle interprĂ©tatif formulĂ© par la premiĂšre historiographie sur la mort, Naples au XIXe siĂšcle Ă©tait l’archĂ©type de la survivance des anciennes pratiques funĂ©raires mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes par rapport Ă  un autre modĂšle « continental » diffusĂ© par la France napolĂ©onienne et continuĂ© pendant la Restauration. Ce dernier se prĂ©sentait comme un systĂšme mixte caractĂ©risĂ© par le compromis entre les institutions publiques et les organismes sociaux. L’article vise Ă  vĂ©rifier cette interprĂ©tation Ă  la lumiĂšre d’une enquĂȘte ponctuelle conduite sur des sources susceptibles d’une analyse soit quantitative soit qualitative. Dans le mĂȘme temps, le cas napolitain a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© avec les Ă©tudes menĂ©es sur Paris, Ă  la recherche des Ă©lĂ©ments de contact et de diffĂ©rence.This article analyzes the transformations in the organization and management of funeral services in the city of Naples from the Napoleonic occupation (1806-1815) to Italian unification (1860). According to the interpretive model formulated by the first historiography of death, nineteenth century Naples was the archetype of surviving Mediterranean funerary practices, as opposed to the other “continental” model spread by Napoleonic France and maintained during the Restoration. The latter model appears to have been a mixed system based on a compromise between public institutions and social bodies. This paper aims to verify this interpretation in the light of meticulous quantitative and qualitative analysis of source documents. In addition, the Neapolitan case is compared to studies on Paris in order to identify differences and commonalities

    NMR spectroscopy and DFT calculations of a self-assembled arene ruthenium rectangle obtained from a combination of coordination and hydrogen bonds

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    The hydrogen-bonded arene ruthenium metalla-rectangle, [(p-cymene) 2Ru2(OOnOO)(UPy)2]24+ , obtained from 1-(4-oxo-6-undecyl-1,4-dihydropyrimidin-2-yl)-3-(pyridin-4- ylmethyl)urea (UPy) and the dinuclear arene ruthenium clip (p-cymene) 2Ru2(OOnOO)Cl2 (OOnOO = 2,5-dioxido-1,4- benzoquinonato), is investigated by means of solution-phase NMR spectroscopy. Rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effect measurements are used to probe the H- bond network that drives the UPy self-assembly as well as the full rectangular supramolecular system. An effective distance that takes into account both intra-and intermolecular polarization-transfer pathways is utilised for data analysis. The experimental findings are corroborated by DFT calculations of NMR parameters and internuclear distances, thus confirming the formation of a very stable tetranuclear metalla-assembly

    Solid-state NMR enhanced by dynamic nuclear polarization as a novel tool for ribosome structural biology

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    The impact of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) on studies of large macromolecular complexes hinges on improvements in sensitivity and resolution. Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in the solid state can offer improved sensitivity, provided sample preparation is optimized to preserve spectral resolution. For a few nanomoles of intact ribosomes and an 800kDa ribosomal complex we demonstrate that the combination of DNP and magic-angle spinning NMR (MAS-NMR) allows one to overcome current sensitivity limitations so that homo- and heteronuclear 13C and 15N NMR correlation spectra can be recorded. Ribosome particles, directly pelleted and frozen into an NMR rotor, yield DNP signal enhancements on the order of ~25-fold and spectra that exhibit narrow linewidths, suitable for obtaining site-specific information. We anticipate that the same approach is applicable to other high molecular weight complexe

    Liquid flow in scaffold derived from natural source: experimental observations and biological outcome

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    This study investigates the biological effects on a 3D scaffold based on hydroxyapatite cultured with MC3T3 osteoblasts in response to flow-induced shear stress (FSS). The scaffold adopted here (B-HA) derives from the biomorphic transformation of natural wood and its peculiar channel geometry mimics the porous structure of the bone. From the point of view of fluid dynamics, B-HA can be considered a network of micro-channels, intrinsically offering the advantages of a microfluidic system. This work, for the first time, offers a description of the fluid dynamic properties of the B-HA scaffold, which are strongly connected to its morphology. These features are necessary to determine the FSS ranges to be applied during in vitro studies to get physiologically relevant conditions. The selected ranges of FSS promoted the elongation of the attached cells along the flow direction and early osteogenic cell differentiation. These data confirmed the ability of B-HA to promote the differentiation process along osteogenic lineage. Hence, such a bioactive and naturally derived scaffold can be considered as a promising tool for bone regeneration applications

    Homonuclear decoupling for spectral simplification of carbon-13 enriched molecules in solution-state NMR enhanced by dissolution DNP

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    Complex overlapping multiplets due to scalar couplings (n)J(C-13, C-13) in fully C-13-enriched molecules can be simplified by polychromatic irradiation of selected spins. The signal intensities of the remaining non-irradiated signals are proportional to the concentrations, as shown in this work for the anomeric C-13 signals of the alpha- and beta-conformers of glucose. Homonuclear decoupling can therefore be useful for quantitative NMR studies. The resulting decoupled lineshapes show residual fine structures that have been investigated by means of numerical simulations. Simulations also show that homonuclear decoupling schemes remain effective despite inhomogeneous static fields that tend to hamper in cellulo and in vivo studies. Homonuclear decoupling schemes can be combined with dissolution DNP to obtain signal enhancements of more than four orders of magnitude. Polychromatic irradiation of selected spins does not cause significant losses of hyperpolarization of the remaining non-irradiated spins

    Solid-state proton NMR of paramagnetic metal complexes: DANTE spin echoes for selective excitation in inhomogeneously broadened lines

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    The paramagnetic complex bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amine-Fe(III)Cl-2 is investigated by means of solid-state proton NMR at 18.8 T (800 MHz) using magic-angle spinning at 65 kHz. Spin echoes that are excited and refocused by combs of rotor-synchronized pulses in the manner of 'Delays Alternating with Nutation for Tailored Excitation' (DANTE) allow one to characterize different chemical environments that severely overlap in conventional MAS spectra. Such sequences combine two apparently contradictory features: an overall bandwidth exceeding several MHz, and very selective irradiation of a few kHz within inhomogeneously broadened sidebands. The experimental hyperfine interactions correlate well with DFT calculations. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Solid-state carbon-13 NMR and computational characterization of the N719 ruthenium sensitizer adsorbed on TiO2 nanoparticles

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    The ruthenium-containing sensitizing dye N719 grafted on TiO2 nanoparticles was investigated by solidstate NMR. The carbon resonances are assigned by means of 13C cross-polarized dipolar dephasing experiments. DFT calculations of the carbon magnetic shielding tensors accurately describe the changes in chemical shifts observed upon grafting onto a titania surface via one or two carboxylic functions in the plane defined by the two isothiocyanate group
