6 research outputs found

    <b>Milk composition and blood metabolic profile from holstein cows at different calving orders and lactation stages

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    This study aimed to evaluate milk composition and metabolic profile of Holstein cows at different calving orders in the beginning, middle, and end of lactation. One hundred ten Holstein cows were housed in a free stall system receiving the same diet and were grouped according to calving order (first, second, third, and fourth calving) and days in milk (DIM): early (1-90 DIM), middle (91-180 DIM), and end of lactation (over 181 DIM) for comparing milk yield, milk composition, and blood metabolic profile between the calving orders within the same lactation period. These parameters were also evaluated between lactation periods of the cows in different calving orders. The calving order, in any lactation stage, had no influence on milk yield per day and blood biochemical profile of Holstein cows receiving the same diet. However, calving order in all stages of lactation influenced milk composition. The first, second, third, and fourth calving order had no effect on the blood biochemical profile of Holstein cows, in any lactation stage. On the other hand, the different stages of lactation influenced milk yield and milk composition of Holstein cows.

    Qualidade do leite cru tipo C e refrigerado em sistemas leiteiros tradicionais do sudoeste goiano

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of raw milk refrigerated and raw type C of dairy systems low-tech of Southwest Goiás, Brazil, and ensure that the milk produced meets the requirements of normative instruction 62/2011. It was collected 49 samples of raw milk refrigerated and raw milk type C under aseptic conditions, using flask of 40 ml containing preservative azidiol ® for analysis of TBC and Bronopol® for determination of SCC and chemical composition. The analyzes were performed at the Laboratory of Quality Milk Research Center of Food School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the Federal University of Goiás to compare means between treatments we used the Tukey test at 5% probability. The results of fat and SCC showed a higher incidence of mastitis in milk refrigerated is directly related to the increase in the fat content of the milk. The total bacterial count of milk type C and refrigerated were higher than the limit established by Brazilian legislation of milk quality, and indicated the need for greater attention to hygiene during the collection and storage of milk. Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade do leite cru tipo C e cru refrigerado de sistemas leiteiros pouco tecnificados do Sudoeste Goiano, e verificar se o leite produzido atende às exigências previstas na instrução normativa 62/2011. Coletou-se 49 amostras de leite cru tipo C e leite cru refrigerado, em condições assépticas, utilizando frascos de 40 mL, contendo conservante Azidiol® para análise da CBT e Bronopol® para determinação da CCS e composição química. As análises eletrônicas foram realizadas no Laboratório de Qualidade do Leite do Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos da Escola de Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Para comparação das médias entre os tratamentos utilizou-se o teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados de gordura e CCS evidenciaram que a maior ocorrência de mastite no leite proveniente de refrigeração tem relação direta com o aumento do teor de gordura do leite. A contagem bacteriana total do leite tipo C e refrigerado foram mais elevadas que o limite estabelecido pela legislação brasileira de qualidade do leite, e indicou a necessidade de maior atenção à higiene durante a obtenção e estocagem do leite.