1,074 research outputs found

    Realization of SU(N) Kondo effect in strong magnetic field

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    In this paper we suggest a realization for the SU(N) Kondo effect, using quantum dots at strong magnetic field. We purpose using edge states of the quantum Hall effect as pseudo spin that interact with multiple quantum dots structures. In the suggested realization one can access each pseudo spin separately and hence may perform a set of experiments that were impossible until now. We focus on the realization of SU(2) and SU(3) Kondo and find a conductivity of 3/4 quantum conductance in the SU(3) case.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Including supplementary materia

    Homogeneous reactions of hydrocarbons, silane, and chlorosilanes in radiofrequency plasmas at low pressures

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    The ion-molecule and radical-molecule mechanisms are responsible for the dissociation of hydrocarbon, silane, and chlorosilane monomers and the formation of polymerized species, respectively, in an RF plasma discharge. In a plasma containing a mixture of monomer and argon the rate-determining step for both dissociation and polymerization is governed by an ion-molecule type of interaction. Adding hydrogen or ammonia to the monomer-argon mixture transforms the rate-determining step from an ion-molecule interaction to a radical-molecule interaction for both monomer dissociation and polymerization

    Radical and ion molecule mechanisms in the polymerization of hydrocarbons and chlorosilanes in RF plasmas at low pressures ( 1.0 torr)

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    The ion-molecule and the radical-molecule mechanisms are responsible for the dissociation of hydrocarbons, and chlorosilane monomers and the formation of polymerized species, respectively, in the plasma state of a RF discharge. In the plasma, of a mixture of monomer with Ar, the rate determining step for both dissociation and polymerization is governed by an ion-molecular type interaction. Additions of H2 or NH3 to the monomer Ar(+) mixture transforms the rate determining step from an ion-molecular interaction to a radical-molecule type interaction for both monomer dissociation and polymerization processes

    Correlations between plasma variables and the deposition process of Si films from chlorosilanes in low pressure RF plasma of argon and hydrogen

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    The dissociation of chlorosilanes to silicon and its deposition on a solid substrate in a RF plasma of mixtures of argon and hydrogen were investigated as a function of the macrovariables of the plasma. The dissociation mechanism of chlorosilanes and HCl as well as the formation of Si in the plasma state were studied by sampling the plasma with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Macrovariables such as pressure, net RF power input and locations in the plasma reactor strongly influence the kinetics of dissociation. The deposition process of microcrystalline silicon films and its chlorine contamination were correlated to the dissociation mechanism of chlorosilanes and HCl

    A novel approach to study realistic navigations on networks

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    We consider navigation or search schemes on networks which are realistic in the sense that not all search chains can be completed. We show that the quantity μ=ρ/sd\mu = \rho/s_d, where sds_d is the average dynamic shortest distance and ρ\rho the success rate of completion of a search, is a consistent measure for the quality of a search strategy. Taking the example of realistic searches on scale-free networks, we find that μ\mu scales with the system size NN as NδN^{-\delta}, where δ\delta decreases as the searching strategy is improved. This measure is also shown to be sensitive to the distintinguishing characteristics of networks. In this new approach, a dynamic small world (DSW) effect is said to exist when δ0\delta \approx 0. We show that such a DSW indeed exists in social networks in which the linking probability is dependent on social distances.Comment: Text revised, references added; accepted version in Journal of Statistical Mechanic

    From non-Brownian Functionals to a Fractional Schr\"odinger Equation

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    We derive backward and forward fractional Schr\"odinger type of equations for the distribution of functionals of the path of a particle undergoing anomalous diffusion. Fractional substantial derivatives introduced by Friedrich and co-workers [PRL {\bf 96}, 230601 (2006)] provide the correct fractional framework for the problem at hand. In the limit of normal diffusion we recover the Feynman-Kac treatment of Brownian functionals. For applications, we calculate the distribution of occupation times in half space and show how statistics of anomalous functionals is related to weak ergodicity breaking.Comment: 5 page

    Enhanced shot noise in asymmetric interacting two level systems

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    We study a model of two interacting levels that are attached to two electronic leads, where one of the levels is attached very weakly to the leads. We use rate equations method to calculate the average current and the noise of electrons transmitted through the two levels. We show that the shot noise is enhanced due to the interactions and that the Fano factor depends on the properties of the couplings between the levels and the leads. We study both sequential tunneling and cotunneling processes and show that there is a range of parameters in which the cotunneling processes affect the noise significantly, even though most of the current is carried by sequential tunneling processes.Comment: Published versio

    Pseudospin-Resolved Transport Spectroscopy of the Kondo Effect in a Double Quantum Dot

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    We report measurements of the Kondo effect in a double quantum dot (DQD), where the orbital states act as pseudospin states whose degeneracy contributes to Kondo screening. Standard transport spectroscopy as a function of the bias voltage on both dots shows a zero-bias peak in conductance, analogous to that observed for spin Kondo in single dots. Breaking the orbital degeneracy splits the Kondo resonance in the tunneling density of states above and below the Fermi energy of the leads, with the resonances having different pseudospin character. Using pseudospin-resolved spectroscopy, we demonstrate the pseudospin character by observing a Kondo peak at only one sign of the bias voltage. We show that even when the pseudospin states have very different tunnel rates to the leads, a Kondo temperature can be consistently defined for the DQD system.Comment: Text and supplementary information. Text: 4 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 4 pages, 4 figure