6 research outputs found


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    The environment is negatively influenced by the intensive use of resources. Changes in consumption and production modes, by reducing the resources used, can lead to more resource-efficient use. However, the depletion of natural resources may lead to an increase in the amount of waste. This article makes an analysis of how waste is generated and treated. Sustainable development of a community can be based on a good use of resources. The health of community members and the quality of their lives depend on environmental concerns. People's activities are negatively influenced by climate change. These can lead to changes in the way electricity is produced, but also in terms of electricity consumption. In this context, the article presents the evolution of electricity production as well as electricity consumption in industry


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    Sustainable development can be achieved by increasing the role played by education. At the same time, sustainable development contributes to improving the quality of life. The article presents an analysis of adult involvement in the learning process both in Romania and in the member countries of the European Union. At the same time, due to the importance of pupils' participation in the education and training process, the article analyzes the dynamics of pupils participating in the education system. Globalization has produced changes in the labor market. Both economic growth and economic development can be achieved by investing in human resources. In view of the rapid technological developments in the globalization era, the article analyzes from a regional point of view the dynamics of labor resources


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    In Romania, the level of knowledge in terms of hospital quality processes is quite low. The project "Regional Centers of Excellence for Performance Improvement Processes in Health Care System in Romania" has proposed, as a first step to configure the present quality of hospital processes, seen from the perspective of decision makers and professionals of health.The project is focused on the implementation of innovative concepts for optimization of hospital processes by developing skills in quality management, performance and efficiency of health services of the medical and managerial staff from hospitals in three regions in Romania, as well as implementation of improvement projects. By this project in addition to the research stage, important steps have been made  to introduce an innovative methodology -  Lean Six Sigma tool in hospitals from Romania, through a training program for the managers and specialists from hospitals in order to identify the processes that they are carrying out, the problems they are facing and to find and apply solutions with the help of small or large-scale projects.We hope that this steps will open a new perspective, will bring a new mind setting for the staff and the new approaches based on activity optimization to be an important part of the hospital practice and activity in Romania.   Key words: processes, hospital actyivity, quality, RomaniaÎn România, nivelul de cunoaştere în ceea ce priveşte calitatea proceselor care stau la baza activităţii spitaliceşti este destul de scăzut. Proiectul “Centre Regionale de Excelență în Domeniul Îmbunătățirii Performanței Proceselor din Sistemul de Îngrijiri de Sănătate din România” şi-a propus ca, într-o primă etapă, să configureze o imagine reală şi actuală asupra calităţii proceselor spitaliceşti, văzută din perspectiva decidenților și a profesioniștilor din sănătate.Proiectul se focalizează pe implementarea unor concepte inovatoare de optimizare a proceselor, prin  dezvoltarea de competenţe profesionale în domeniul managementului calităţii, performanţei şi eficienţei serviciilor de sănătate și dezvoltarea unor proiecte de îmbunătățire a proceselor din spitale.Ca urmare a concluziilor cercetării din acest studiu, au fost intreprinși pași importanți în introducerea unei metodologii inovatoare de îmbunătățire a proceselor -  Lean Six Sigma,  în cadrul serviciilor spitalicești din România, printr-un program de formare a managerilor și specialiștilor din spitale. Scopul a fost de a identifica  procesele pe care aceștia le desfășoară, problemele cu care se confruntă și de a identifica  și aplica soluții prin intermediul unor proiecte de mai mică sau mai mare anvergură.Sperăm ca acești pasi  să deschidă o nouă perspectivă, să aducă un mod nou de gândire, iar noile abordări bazate pe optimizare şi eficientizarea activităţii să facă parte integrantă din practica şi activitatea spitalicească din România. Cuvinte cheie: procese, activitatea spitalicească, calitate, Români


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    Agriculture is an important field and also a priority of Romania's development. In this regard, providing food for population is a factor that ensures the specificity of agriculture. For this reason, we can consider that agriculture is a starting point for the socio-economic development of the country. Romania is recognized, at European and international level, for its experience in cultivating natural and traditional products. The agricultural area offers the possibility of supplying raw materials for both the population and for the manufacturing industry. It is aimed that the organization of the agricultural area to be made so that the lands that have agricultural destination to be used as rationally as possible. Also, it is important to introduce in the agricultural circuit all the unused lands. The fragmentation of the agricultural land is a disadvantage in the process of rational organization of agricultural area. Efficient use of land, as a requirement of the intensive and durable agriculture is a complex activity that involves conservation activities and soil improvement. Due to the role that they have, the approach of the aspects referring to the medium and big farms has to be different from the approaches referring to the small farms. If the farms from the first category take into account the agriculture as a business, the small farms are important for the rural area by oferring food and social security and means of traditional production that contributes to the environment conservation. Romania's economic recovery can be achieved based on the attention that has to be given to this field. Being an important factor of social stability and of the maintainance of the ecological balance, agriculture enjoys an increasing attention worldwide. The supply and the demand of food determines the use of agricultural resources. The article presents the current situation of agriculture, at national and regional levels. Through this analysis, we highlighted the valuable elements of agriculture. We considered also the main functions of agricultural areas, including here the natural resources conservation, the ecosystems balance and the harmonization of social and cultural functions with the economic function. Considering the agricultural potential that it has, Romania should consider that agriculture is one of the most important resources for the economic development. In particular, the selection of Vrancea County was made in order to carry out an analysis of the current situation in this area. The article offers information on the natural and agricultural area of Vrancea County. The analysis highlights the role and the importance that the agriculture has as a socio-economic development potential of Vrancea County


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    The Danube Delta outstands by a number of characteristics that outline its uniquiness at national, regional and world level, pattern that is recognized by its multiple natural reserve status (biosphere reserve, Ramsar site, UNESCO natural heritage site, Natura 2000 site). Despite major technical works that were prior performed for the development of transportation, agriculture, and mining in the Danube Delta, the territory still preserves untamed ecosystems that create breath-taking landscapes and allow a powerful transformative experience of wilderness with major sustainability education potential for its visitors. Meanwhile, traditional economic activities are declining and local communities are experiencing mainly the drawbacks of remoteness instead of harnessing the valuable opportunities born within the current economic trends that emphasize the need to capture the positive externalities of well-preserved natural ecosystems. The Danube Delta is already a well-known tourism destination, but this status still fails to improve local wellbeing. Thus the richness of natural resources is conflicting with the wellbeing of communities with most of the people living at the edge of poverty. This “resource curse” like situation is the main reason that motivates our study that envisages outlining how tourism development and management could create the economic capacity that delivers prosperity for local communities without jeopardising the conservation goals of the natural reserve. In this respect we revisited a number of characteristics of tourism potential, tourism indicators, patterns of tourism products, and the current tourism management. This analysis revealed that there are a number of positive trends, but also the need to strengthen the measures that support high value added tourism products that allow avoiding the threat of numerous visitors and the development of mass tourism infrastructure. The relevance of these conclusions is limited by the lack of more precise assessment of tourism preferences, value added of current tourism products, and social and environmental impact of the novel tourism facilities