2,598 research outputs found

    Spectral spaces and ultrafilters

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    Let XX be the prime spectrum of a ring. In [arXiv:0707.1525] the authors define a topology on XX by using ultrafilters and they show that this topology is precisely the constructible topology. In this paper we generalize the construction given in [arXiv:0707.1525] and, starting from a set XX and a collection of subsets F\mathcal{F} of XX, we define by using ultrafilters a topology on XX in which F\mathcal F is a collection of clopen sets. We use this construction for giving a new characterization of spectral spaces and several new examples of spectral spaces.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in Communications in Algebr

    Pr\"ufer-like conditions on an amalgamated algebra along an ideal

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    Let f:A⟶Bf:A\longrightarrow B be a ring homomorphism and let b\mathfrak b be an ideal of BB. In this paper we study Pr\"ufer like conditions in the amalgamation of AA with BB along b\mathfrak b, with respect to ff, a ring construction introduced in 2009 by D'Anna, Finocchiaro and Fontana.Comment: 17 pages. To appear in Houston Journal of Mathematic

    Magnetic-field and chemical-potential effects on the low-energy separation

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    We show that in the presence of a magnetic field the usual low-energy separation of the Hubbard chain is replaced by a ``cc'' and ``ss'' separation. Here cc and ss refer to small-momentum and low-energy independent excitation modes which couple both to charge and spin. Importantly, we find the exact generators of these excitations both in the electronic and pseudoparticle basis. In the limit of zero magnetic field these generators become the usual charge and spin fluctuation operators. The cc and ss elementary excitations are associated with the cc and ss pseudoparticles, respectively. We also study the separate pseudoparticle left and right conservation laws. In the presence of the magnetic field the small-momentum and low-energy excitations can be bosonized. However, the suitable bosonization corresponds to the cc and ss pseudoparticle modes and not to the usual charge and spin fluctuations. We evaluate exactly the commutator between the electronic-density operators. Its spin-dependent factor is in general non diagonal and depends on the interaction. The associate bosonic commutation relations characterize the present unconventional low-energy separation.Comment: 29 pages, latex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A variational justification of the assumed natural strain formulation of finite elements

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    The objective is to study the assumed natural strain (ANS) formulation of finite elements from a variational standpoint. The study is based on two hybrid extensions of the Reissner-type functional that uses strains and displacements as independent fields. One of the forms is a genuine variational principle that contains an independent boundary traction field, whereas the other one represents a restricted variational principle. Two procedures for element level elimination of the strain field are discussed, and one of them is shown to be equivalent to the inclusion of incompatible displacement modes. Also, the 4-node C(exp 0) plate bending quadrilateral element is used to illustrate applications of this theory

    A topological version of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz

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    We prove that the space of radical ideals of a ring RR, endowed with the hull-kernel topology, is a spectral space, and that it is canonically homeomorphic to the space of the nonempty Zariski closed subspaces of Spec(R)(R), endowed with a Zariski-like topology.Comment: J. Algebra (to appear

    Topological properties of semigroup primes of a commutative ring

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    A semigroup prime of a commutative ring RR is a prime ideal of the semigroup (R,â‹…)(R,\cdot). One of the purposes of this paper is to study, from a topological point of view, the space \scal(R) of prime semigroups of RR. We show that, under a natural topology introduced by B. Olberding in 2010, \scal(R) is a spectral space (after Hochster), spectral extension of \Spec(R), and that the assignment R\mapsto\scal(R) induces a contravariant functor. We then relate -- in the case RR is an integral domain -- the topology on \scal(R) with the Zariski topology on the set of overrings of RR. Furthermore, we investigate the relationship between \scal(R) and the space X(R)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{X}}(R) consisting of all nonempty inverse-closed subspaces of \spec(R), which has been introduced and studied in C.A. Finocchiaro, M. Fontana and D. Spirito, "The space of inverse-closed subsets of a spectral space is spectral" (submitted). In this context, we show that \scal( R) is a spectral retract of X(R)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{X}}(R) and we characterize when \scal( R) is canonically homeomorphic to X(R)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{X}}(R), both in general and when \spec(R) is a Noetherian space. In particular, we obtain that, when RR is a B\'ezout domain, \scal( R) is canonically homeomorphic both to X(R)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{X}}(R) and to the space \overr(R) of the overrings of RR (endowed with the Zariski topology). Finally, we compare the space X(R)\boldsymbol{\mathcal{X}}(R) with the space \scal(R(T)) of semigroup primes of the Nagata ring R(T)R(T), providing a canonical spectral embedding \xcal(R)\hookrightarrow\scal(R(T)) which makes \xcal(R) a spectral retract of \scal(R(T)).Comment: 21 page

    The first ANDES elements: 9-DOF plate bending triangles

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    New elements are derived to validate and assess the assumed natural deviatoric strain (ANDES) formulation. This is a brand new variant of the assumed natural strain (ANS) formulation of finite elements, which has recently attracted attention as an effective method for constructing high-performance elements for linear and nonlinear analysis. The ANDES formulation is based on an extended parametrized variational principle developed in recent publications. The key concept is that only the deviatoric part of the strains is assumed over the element whereas the mean strain part is discarded in favor of a constant stress assumption. Unlike conventional ANS elements, ANDES elements satisfy the individual element test (a stringent form of the patch test) a priori while retaining the favorable distortion-insensitivity properties of ANS elements. The first application of this formulation is the development of several Kirchhoff plate bending triangular elements with the standard nine degrees of freedom. Linear curvature variations are sampled along the three sides with the corners as gage reading points. These sample values are interpolated over the triangle using three schemes. Two schemes merge back to conventional ANS elements, one being identical to the Discrete Kirchhoff Triangle (DKT), whereas the third one produces two new ANDES elements. Numerical experiments indicate that one of the ANDES element is relatively insensitive to distortion compared to previously derived high-performance plate-bending elements, while retaining accuracy for nondistorted elements

    Ground states of integrable quantum liquids

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    Based on a recently introduced operator algebra for the description of a class of integrable quantum liquids we define the ground states for all canonical ensembles of these systems. We consider the particular case of the Hubbard chain in a magnetic field and chemical potential. The ground states of all canonical ensembles of the model can be generated by acting onto the electron vacuum (densities n1n1), suitable pseudoparticle creation operators. We also evaluate the energy gaps of the non-lowest-weight states (non - LWS's) and non-highest-weight states (non - HWS's) of the eta-spin and spin algebras relative to the corresponding ground states. For all sectors of parameter space and symmetries the {\it exact ground state} of the many-electron problem is in the pseudoparticle basis the non-interacting pseudoparticle ground state. This plays a central role in the pseudoparticle perturbation theory.Comment: RevteX 3.0, 43 pages, preprint Univ.Evora, Portuga

    Electrons, pseudoparticles, and quasiparticles in the one-dimensional many-electron problem

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    We generalize the concept of quasiparticle for one-dimensional (1D) interacting electronic systems. The ↑\uparrow and ↓\downarrow quasiparticles recombine the pseudoparticle colors cc and ss (charge and spin at zero magnetic field) and are constituted by one many-pseudoparticle {\it topological momenton} and one or two pseudoparticles. These excitations cannot be separated. We consider the case of the Hubbard chain. We show that the low-energy electron -- quasiparticle transformation has a singular charater which justifies the perturbative and non-perturbative nature of the quantum problem in the pseudoparticle and electronic basis, respectively. This follows from the absence of zero-energy electron -- quasiparticle overlap in 1D. The existence of Fermi-surface quasiparticles both in 1D and three dimensional (3D) many-electron systems suggests there existence in quantum liquids in dimensions 1<<D<<3. However, whether the electron -- quasiparticle overlap can vanish in D>>1 or whether it becomes finite as soon as we leave 1D remains an unsolved question.Comment: 43 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Superconductivity Driven by Chain Coupling and Electronic Correlations

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    We present an analysis of a system of weakly coupled Hubbard chains based on combining an exact study of spectral functions of the uncoupled chain system with a renormalization group method for the coupled chains. For low values of the onsite repulsion UU and of the doping δ\delta, the leading instability is towards a superconducting state. The process includes excited states above a small correlation pseudogap. Similar features appear in extended Hubbard models in the vicinity of commensurate fillings. Our theoretical predictions are consistent with the phase diagram observed in the (TMTTF)2_2X and (TMTSF)2_2X series of organic compounds.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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