11 research outputs found

    Using Civic Engagement and Collaboration to Create Community Change: Lessons From Charlotte, N.C.

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    · The city of Charlotte, N.C. undertook a deliberative democracy process using the AmericaSpeaks “21st Century Town Meeting” process. · The University of North Carolina-Charlotte performed a retrospective, process evaluation of the initiative examining the initiative’s components, coverage, participant feedback, short-term outcomes, and lessons learned. · Early planning and implementation was done by volunteers, which ultimately was not sustainable. A new center, housed within an existing organization, was created to implement the recommendations. · The initiative achieved a number of early successes, such as increasing the number of school nurses, expansion of an early childhood development program and an increase in after-school and summer programs for youth. · While the center continues to provide services, the broad public awareness and ongoing public participation was challenging to sustain

    Building Capacity in Nonprofit Boards: Learning from Board Self-Assessments

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    Boards of directors of nonprofit charitable organizations have long been responsible for serving essential purposes and performing critical agency functions. Given these responsibilities, it seems reasonable to expect that a periodic review of a board’s capacity to effectively govern a nonprofit charitable organization be conducted. Using data collected from 800 individuals serving as board members of 42 different performing arts nonprofits, this study reports on board member evaluations of their individual and collective participation in the governance process through a self-assessment undertaken to inform decision-making and build capacity at both the board and organizational levels. Findings suggest the need for more (or better) training/orientation opportunities; focused, intentional, and tailored recruitment processes; clear communication, greater role clarity, and specificity regarding board performance expectations; greater understanding about best practices and the need to add value; and time to cultivate openness and collegiality among the board members and between the board and staff

    Unpacking the Volunteer Experience: The Influence of Volunteer Management on Retention and Promotion of the Organization

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    Volunteers play a vital role in nonprofit organizations. While considerable research examines volunteer recruitment and volunteer management, less is known about how to manage volunteers in such a way that inspires volunteers to continue to volunteer and to promote the organization. Using original survey data, we examine how volunteer experiences influence retention and volunteer promotion of the organization using the Net Promoter Score (NPS). The findings suggest that investing in training is paramount, along with making volunteers from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and included. Organizational support, very likely, plays a role too, in that interactions with paid staff and experience with the organization are positive predictors as well. These findings along with qualitative feedback from volunteers offer new insights on how to help nonprofit organizations bridge recruitment and retention efforts

    The effect of age on lumbar range of motion: a systematic review

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    A systematic review and meta-analysis to determine the effect of age on lumbar range of motion (ROM). Assessment of lumbar ROM is commonly used in spinal clinical examination. Although known to reduce with advancing age, it is unclear how this occurs across different age bands; how this compares between movement planes; and what differences exist between males and females. Ten electronic databases were searched to find studies matching predetermined inclusion criteria. Methodological quality was assessed with a quality assessment tool for quantitative studies. Evidence for effect of age on ROM in all planes was investigated with meta-analyses. Sixteen studies met inclusion criteria with results showing age-related reductions in flexion, extension and lateral flexion particularly from 40 to 50 and after 60 years of age. There was very little age effect on lumbar rotation. There is strong evidence for a non-linear age-related reduction in lumbar sagittal and coronal ROM after 40 years of age that also appears to be asymmetric in the coronal plane. These factors should be considered during the evaluation of spinal ROM in patients who present with lumbar disorders

    Recent progress in L-H transition studies at JET: Tritium, Helium, Hydrogen and Deuterium

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    We present an overview of results from a series of L-II transition experiments undertaken at JET since the installation of the ITER-like-wall (JET-ILW), with beryllium wall tiles and a tungsten divertor. Tritium, helium and deuterium plasmas have been investigated. Initial results in tritium show ohmic L-H transitions at low density and the power threshold for the L-H transition (P-LH) is lower in tritium plasmas than in deuterium ones at low densities, while we still lack contrasted data to provide a scaling at high densities. In helium plasmas there is a notable shift of the density at which the power threshold is minimum ((n) over bar (e,min)) to higher values relative to deuterium and hydrogen references. Above (n) over bar (e,min) (He) the L-H power threshold at high densities is similar for D and He plasmas. Transport modelling in slab geometry shows that in helium neoclassical transport competes with interchange-driven transport, unlike in hydrogen isotopes. Measurements of the radial electric field in deuterium plasmas show that E-r shear is not a good indicator of proximity to the L-H transition. Transport analysis of ion heat flux in deuterium plasmas show a non-linearity as density is decreased below (n) over bar (e,min). Lastly, a regression of the JET-ILW deuterium data is compared to the 2008 ITPA scaling law

    Comparison of dust transport modelling codes in a tokamak plasma

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    Since the installation on the Joint European Torus of the ITER-like Wall (ILW), intense radiation spikes have been observed, especially in the discharges following a disruption, and have been associated with possible sudden injection of tungsten (W) impurities consequent to full ablation of W dust particles. The problem of dust production, mobilization, and interaction both with the plasma and the vessel tiles is therefore of great concern and requires the setting up of dedicated and validated numerical modeling tools. Among these, a useful role is played by the dust trajectory calculators, which can present in a relatively clear way the qualitative and quantitative description of the mobilization and fate of selected bunches of dust grains

    Constructing an Indian Ethnosociology

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