10 research outputs found

    ROC curves for TIV and distance to decision boundary.

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    <p>Although these two measures are correlated markers for preterm birth the distance to decision boundary (red curve) is statistically significantly better. Both the x and y axes run between 0 and 1.</p

    Gray Matter segment discriminative power for classification and p value map.

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    <p>Mean gray matter segment of all subjects is shown in the middle column for anatomical orientation. The color code on the images of the left column is in arbitrary units and indicates the weight (i.e. <i>discriminative power</i>) in each voxel. This value in each voxel is relative to the weight in all other voxels containing brain GM. The plots in the right column depict the corresponding p value maps. The color bar on the far right belongs only to the p value maps.</p

    Effect of extent of preterm birth and SGA birth on results.

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    <p>The group of 74 participants that were born preterm is represented by colored circles. The vertical distance from the horizontal yellow line represents the distance to decision boundary. The further above the line is more like preterm whereas further below the line is more like control. In part A the color code represents the 11 moderately preterm (blue), 36 very preterm (green) and 27 extremely preterm (red) births based on gestational age. In part B the 16 individuals that were born SGA are represented by red circles while the other 58 by blue circles.</p

    Description of the two groups compared in this study.

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    <p>In the rows with Age and below the values are quoted as mean [range].</p><p>* The age quoted for those born preterm was not corrected for gestational age. If this correction is made the difference between the ages is not statistically significant</p><p>Description of the two groups compared in this study.</p

    Distance to decision boundary in relation to BW and IQ.

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    <p>In parts A & B the distance to decision boundary (i.e. vertical distance relative to horizontal yellow line) is displayed for both groups. In part A, all 143 subjects are shown while in part B only those with IQ data are represented. The color code in part A indicates birth weight of the individual while on the bottom it represents the full IQ scores (see respective color bars in middle). In part C the distance to decision boundary (horizontal axis) and the full IQ score (vertical axis) are plotted against each other for the group of subjects born preterm. The red dashed line indicates the linear fit to the data (R = –0.34, p < 0.0103).</p

    Illustrative representation of the SVM method.

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    <p>Although, SVMs work in multidimensional space where the dimensionality depends on the number voxels in the MR image, for simplicity and to aid the visual explanation, here only a 3D representation is shown. The filled blue and red circles represent hypothetical data from the two groups of interest. The green plane (which would be a called hyper plane in higher dimensions) between the clustered circles represents the decision boundary, consisting of points that maximize the distance (indicated by white lines) between the two groups. The most ambiguous points (i.e. closes to the plane) are called the ‘support vectors’ (indicated by yellow arrows).</p

    Demographic features.

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    <p>Remission was defined as a final HRSD≤7 after 8 weeks of treatment with fluoxetine or 16 weeks of treatment with CBT, and Non-remission was a final HRSD>7; HRSD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; CBT: cognitive behavioural therapy.</p

    Sagittal cross-sectional view of regions pertinent for diagnosis and prediction of treatment response in depression.

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    <p>In the top panel, sagittal views are presented which show medial regions of decreased grey matter density which contributed to the diagnosis of depression (coloured in green) in the right subgenual anterior cingulate (BA 25) and precuneus (BA 7). No regions of increased grey matter in patients with depression relative to healthy individuals contributed to the diagnosis. In the lower panel, increased grey matter density in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortices (red) increased the probability of clinical remission to treatment with the antidepressant medication fluoxetine. Greater density in the orbitofrontal cortex (blue) increased the odds of residual symptoms of depression following antidepressant medication. Regions depicted were selected as relevant to the classification of patients as achieving remission or non-remission clinical status following fluoxetine treatment by every cross-validated support vector machine classification model. Sagittal views are presented in MNI space at z = −4, 10, 12 and 14.</p