448 research outputs found

    The design and analysis of simple low speed flap systems with the aid of linearized theory computer programs

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    The purpose here is to show how two linearized theory computer programs in combination may be used for the design of low speed wing flap systems capable of high levels of aerodynamic efficiency. A fundamental premise of the study is that high levels of aerodynamic performance for flap systems can be achieved only if the flow about the wing remains predominantly attached. Based on this premise, a wing design program is used to provide idealized attached flow camber surfaces from which candidate flap systems may be derived, and, in a following step, a wing evaluation program is used to provide estimates of the aerodynamic performance of the candidate systems. Design strategies and techniques that may be employed are illustrated through a series of examples. Applicability of the numerical methods to the analysis of a representative flap system (although not a system designed by the process described here) is demonstrated in a comparison with experimental data

    Survey and analysis of research on supersonic drag-due-to-lift minimization with recommendations for wing design

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    A survey of research on drag-due-to-lift minimization at supersonic speeds, including a study of the effectiveness of current design and analysis methods was conducted. The results show that a linearized theory analysis with estimated attainable thrust and vortex force effects can predict with reasonable accuracy the lifting efficiency of flat wings. Significantly better wing performance can be achieved through the use of twist and camber. Although linearized theory methods tend to overestimate the amount of twist and camber required for a given application and provide an overly optimistic performance prediction, these deficiencies can be overcome by implementation of recently developed empirical corrections. Numerous examples of the correlation of experiment and theory are presented to demonstrate the applicability and limitations of linearized theory methods with and without empirical corrections. The use of an Euler code for the estimation of aerodynamic characteristics of a twisted and cambered wing and its application to design by iteration are discussed

    Validation of a pair of computer codes for estimation and optimization of subsonic aerodynamic performance of simple hinged-flap systems for thin swept wings

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    Extensive correlations of computer code results with experimental data are employed to illustrate the use of linearized theory attached flow methods for the estimation and optimization of the aerodynamic performance of simple hinged flap systems. Use of attached flow methods is based on the premise that high levels of aerodynamic efficiency require a flow that is as nearly attached as circumstances permit. A variety of swept wing configurations are considered ranging from fighters to supersonic transports, all with leading- and trailing-edge flaps for enhancement of subsonic aerodynamic efficiency. The results indicate that linearized theory attached flow computer code methods provide a rational basis for the estimation and optimization of flap system aerodynamic performance at subsonic speeds. The analysis also indicates that vortex flap design is not an opposing approach but is closely related to attached flow design concepts. The successful vortex flap design actually suppresses the formation of detached vortices to produce a small vortex which is restricted almost entirely to the leading edge flap itself

    An Investigation of Some Aspects of the Sonic Boom by Means of Wind-Tunnel Measurements of Pressures About Several Bodies at a Mach Number of 2.01

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    An investigation of some aspects of the sonic boom has been made with the aid of wind-tunnel measurements of the pressure distributions about bodies of various shapes. The tests were made in the Langley 4- by 4-foot supersonic pressure tunnel at a Mach number of 2.01 and at a Reynolds number per foot of 2.5 x 10(exp 6). Measurements of the pressure field were made at orifices in the surface of a boundary-layer bypass plate. The models which represented both fuselage and wing types of thickness distributions were small enough to allow measurements as far away as 8 body lengths or 64 chords. The results are compared with estimates made using existing theory. To the first order, the boom-producing pressure rise across the bow shock is dependent on the longitudinal development of body area and not on local details. Nonaxisymmetrical shapes may be replaced by equivalent bodies of revolution to obtain satisfactory theoretical estimates of the far-field pressures

    Aerodynamic Characteristics at Mach Number 2.05 of a Series of Highly Swept Arrow Wings Employing Various Degrees of Twist and Camber

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    A series of arrow wings employing various degrees of twist and camber were tested in the Langley 4- by 4-foot supersonic pressure tunnel. Aerodynamic forces and moments in pitch were measured at a Mach number of 2.05 and at a Reynolds number of 4.4 x 10(exp 6) based on the mean aerodynamic chord. Three of the wings, having a leading-edge sweep angle of 70 deg. and an aspect ratio of 2.24, were designed to produce a minimum drag (in comparison with that produced for other wings in the family) at lift coefficients of 0. 0.08, and 0.16. A fourth and a fifth wing, having a 75 deg. swept leading edge and an aspect ratio of 1.65, were designed for lift coefficients of 0 and 0.16, respectively. A 70 deg. swept arrow wing with twist and camber designed for an optimum loading at a lift coefficient considerably less than that for maximum lift-drag ratio gave the highest lift-drag ratio of all the wings tested a value of 8.8 compared with a value of 8.1 for the corresponding wing without twist and camber. Two twisted and cambered wings designed for optimum loading at the lift coefficient for maximum lift-drag ratio gave only small increases in maximum lift-drag ratios over that obtained for the corresponding flat wings. However, in all cases, the lift-drag ratios obtained were far below the theoretical estimates

    A Pressure-distribution Investigation of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Body of Revolution in the Vicinity of a Reflection Plane at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

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    The changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of a body of revolution with a fineness ratio of 8 have been determined at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01, a Reynolds number, based on body length, of 4.54 x 10 to the 6th power, and angles of incidence of 0 degrees and plus or minus 3 degrees as the position of the body is varied with respect to a reflection plane. The data are compared with theoretical results