17 research outputs found

    Analysis of preharvest sprouting in three Brazilian wheat populations

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a possibilidade de obtenção de linhas recombinantes homozigotas de trigo mais resistentes à germinação pré-colheita independentemente dos genes de cor, em três populações brasileiras de grãos vermelhos. Os resultados mostraram significância estatística entre linhas, em todas as populações, distribuição normal e segregação transgressiva. A distribuição normal apresentada por todas as populações com grãos vermelhos sugere que a germinação pré-colheita, excluindo-se os genes responsáveis pela pigmentação dos grãos, é, provavelmente, controlada por muitos genes. Os resultados indicam, também, que é possível aumentar a resistência à germinação pré-colheita, independentemente dos genes de cor.The objective of this work was to evaluate the possibility of obtaining recombinant inbred wheat lines more resistant to preharvest sprouting, independently of colour genes, in three red-grained Brazilian wheat populations. The results showed statistical significance among lines within all populations, which presented a normal distribution and transgressive segregation for preharvest sprouting. The normal distribution of the lines from all red-grained populations suggests that sprouting, excluding the genes expressing seed coat pigmentation, is, probably, controlled by many genes. These findings also indicate that it may be possible to improve resistance to preharvest sprouting, independently of the colour genes

    Identification of promising wheat genotypes for crossing

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    The objective of this study was to identify promising wheat genotypes from the IAPAR breeding program for crossesby multivariate techniques. Measures of dissimilarity between genotypes were obtained from multicategoric variables. To identifyclusters, Tocher optimization and UPGMA were used. The genotypes were divided into five diverging groups, indicating a widegenetic base of the wheat breeding program of the Agricultural Research Institute of Paraná (IAPAR). As indicated by the geneticdistance, crosses involving the cultivars IPR 85 and IPR 118 seem to be the most promising to increase genetic gains in both grainand flour quality as well as for agronomic parameters


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    Avaliar o impacto da disfagia na qualidade de vida (QV) deindivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (DP) através do instrumento recomendado para essa população. Métodos: Participaram deste estudo pacientes com diagnóstico de DP. Todos os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação fonoaudiológica de deglutição com as consitências sólida (pão francês) e líquida (água), responderam ao PDQ-39 e tiveram o estadiamento da DP classifcado pela escala de HoehnYahr. Resultados: Foram avaliados 31 indivíduos com DP, sendo 21 (67,7%) do gênero masculino. A média de idade foi 59,6 anos (À 11,3), variando de 38 a 79 anos e o tempo doença desde o diagnóstico foi, em média, 9,8 (À4,8) anos. A disfagia esteve presente em 74,2% dos indivíduos avaliados e na correlação entre o PDQ-39 total e a presen-ça de disfagia houve signifcância apenas no domínio estigma. Conclusão: Em indivíduos com DP avaliados através do PDQ-39 não fca evidente o impacto da disfagia na percepção de QV dessa população

    Reaction of wheat genotypes to soil aluminum differential saturations

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    Ten wheat (Triticum aestivum) genotypes were evaluated in microplots with aluminum saturation of 0, 15, 30 and 45%, during 1994, in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. The soil was a Distrofic Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox), with 65% saturation of aluminum, amended with dolomitic lime. Variables evaluated included grain yield and yield components: ears.m-2, grains.ear-1 and the weight of 1000 grains. Genotypes differed in yield and yield components. Increasing aluminum saturation decreased yield, ears.m-2 and grains.ear-1, but did not alter thousand kernel weight. The genotypes reacted differently in relation to the toxic soil aluminum. Anahuac and IAPAR 29 were aluminum sensitive; OCEPAR 16, Trigo BR 18, and Trigo BR 23 were moderately sensitive; IAPAR 6, IAPAR 53, and IAPAR 60 were moderately tolerant; while IAC 5-Maringá and Trigo BR 35 were tolerant

    Twenty six years of wheat breeding activities at IAPAR. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology.

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    ABSTRACT The description of the IAPAR wheat breeding program in its 26 th years of existence aims at presenting its major achievements giving an idea of the program size, breeding objectives and methodology. A germplasm flow chart will show the steps by which the populations have to follow starting either from crosses or from introductions until an advanced inbred line can be evaluated and elected as a new cultivar. A list of 23 wheat cultivars released by the program along with their pedigrees is presented as a special contribution. From the recent developed cultivars, data on grain yield, agronomic characteristics, technological quality and kernel properties are presented. The pedigree description for IAPAR 53 and the development of IPR 85 are presented in some detail. New biotechnological tools to help wheat breeding become more efficient are discussed

    IPR Aimoré - Triticale cultivar of early maturity and wide adaptation

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    IPR Aimoré is a new triticale cultivar that combines earliness and high yield. In Value for Cultivation and Use trials carried out in 33 environments, involving the main triticale producing states, IPR Aimoré surpassed 4% the controls means, with mean yield of 4.955 kg ha-1