899 research outputs found

    La convergencia entre identidad e imagen de las actividades extra-académicas: una investigación empírica

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    Uno de los principales nexos de unión entre la Universidad y la Empresa lo constituyen las actividades extra-académicas. Este estudio recoge una investigación empírica, en la que se determina, tanto la identidad de una de estas actividades, como la imagen de ella que tienen los distintos públicos en los que se han dividido los clientes externos. A p a rtir de estos datos se obtiene información para delimitar de forma realista los objetivos que se deben perseg u ir a la hora de diseñar e implantar la estrategia de comunicación al servicio de la imagen. También se analiza si realmente se producen efectos sinérgicos al lnteractuar los atributos que configuran la imagen

    Relevance of Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts on Residents’ Satisfaction with the Public Administration of Tourism

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    Those in charge of tourism destinations face the need to create tourism development models compatible with the essence of the localities that they manage. These models have to be sustainable, both environmentally and socially, and also must become drivers of the local economy. However, tourists also generate negative impacts in the locality which, when they are perceived by the residents, can give rise to a rejection of visitors. Hence, improving the tourism management is necessary. This is why to know the residents’ perceptions about the impacts of tourism is essential. Moreover, measuring the impact effects on their satisfaction with the public administration of the destination can be of great usefulness. This study falls into this research line, as it proposes a model to measure these impacts and their effect on satisfaction. To do so, an empirical study is performed among residents in the city of Seville (southern Spain, one of the most visited destinations in the world), based on subjective economic, social, and environmental indicators. The results show that the citizens value three types of impacts, the social impact coming after the economic impact as to its influence on their satisfaction with the administration. Based on this, we postulate that the efforts made to attract events to the city, or to improve connections to access a broader market, must be approached as public procurements in which selection criteria that are compatible with the destination’s positioning and strategy prevail. Social and environmental criteria should be considered among these criteria

    Investigar la Comunicación en el Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing de la Universidad de Sevilla

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    Este trabajo recoge las principales investigaciones sobre comunicación llevadas a cabo por los profesores del Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing. Se ha hecho una revisión de las publicaciones de los últimos 20 años y se han extraído y agrupado por tópicos los trabajos de investigación realizados. Se ha tenido en cuenta la pertenencia a las dos áreas específicas del Departamento “Organización de Empresas” y “Marketing”. Este estudio pone de manifiesto la importancia de la comunicación en la investigación de administración de empresas y la involucración del profesorado adscrito a la Facultad de Comunicación, que centran parte de su labor investigadora en los conocimientos específicos que se imparten en el centro

    Aspectos de la publicidad en la C.E.

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    Export strategic orientations and their consequences: Analysis of forms heterogeneity

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    Two main objectives are intended to achieve in this work. Firstly, from a proposed model the implications of strategic export orientation on 1) export commitment, 2) the degree of marketing mix adaptation to the international context, 3) perceived competitive advantage in international markets, and 4) export performance are assessed. Secondly, the effect of heterogeneity in the proposed model is analyzed. To analyse data and evaluate relations between the different constructs, we chose structural equations modelling via PLS (partial least squares). To achieve the second proposed research objective we decided to use the latent cluster model. Results corroborate, from a sample of 150 Spanish export firms, eight of the eleven hypotheses, yielding important implications for managers and identifying three groups of exporting firms. To develop a study analyzing the antecedents and consequences of strategic orientation in the context of international marketing

    Membership in the Franchising System: A Worldwide Analysis

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    The franchising system is one of the sectors on which many management researchers are increasingly focusing their attention. The internationalisation and globalisation of franchising is an unstoppable fact. However, there is not enough research to show exactly how the membership of franchising associations is developing worldwide. One of the main goals of franchising associations is the defence of ethical rules or deontology, fixing the theoretical bases that should guide the application of balanced relationships between franchisors and franchisees. This paper centres on the world analysis of the following aspects: the current situation and evolution of franchising, the level of association or membership of Franchisor Associations and its evolution, and, finally, the explanation of the reasons for franchising membership

    Perception of Abilities and Acceptance of Women Managers in Communication Companies

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    El presente estudio analiza la presencia de las mujeres en los puestos directivos de las empresas de comunicación. Esta representación es determinante a la hora de forjar el día a día de las empresas periodísticas, no sólo en lo que se refiere a la redacción de contenidos sino, además, en la generación de opinión e incluso en la selección de los temas que conforman la actualidad de las empresa y su posterior producto, sea éste un periódico, un programa o un informativo de televisión, radio o Internet. Para ello esta investigación parte de un estudio realizado con estudiantes de segundo ciclo de la Licenciatura en Periodismo de la Universidad de Sevilla, futuros periodistas, y, en muchos casos, futuros directivos de estas empresas de comunicación. Este estudio se realiza a partir de la escala de WAMS donde se examina el rol de las características personales y empresariales en la percepción de las mujeres directivas por parte tanto de hombres como de mujeres. Con ello, se analiza, fundamentalmente, la influencia del sexo en la configuración del staff directivo de las empresas periodísticas y cuáles son los condicionantes que impiden a las mujeres llegar con las mismas oportunidades que los hombres a estos puestos.This study analyses the presence of women in the management positions of communication companies. This representation is a determining factor when it comes to shaping the day to day activity of journalistic companies, not only with respect to the drafting of contents but also, besides, in the generation of opinion and even in the selection of the issues that make up the current affairs of the company and its subsequent product, whether this be a newspaper, a program or a news program for television, radio or Internet. For this purpose our research sets out from a study made with second year students studying for the Journalism Degree of the University of Seville, future journalists and, in many cases, future managers of these communication companies. This study was carried out based on the WAMS scale, which examines the role of personal and entrepreneurial characteristics in the perception of women managers by both men and women. What is basically analysed is the influence of sex in the configuration of the management staff of the journalistic companies, as well as the conditioning factors that prevent women from having the same opportunities as men in reaching these posts

    Techo de cristal en las empresas periodísticas: percepción de las habilidades y capacidades de la mujer en las tareas de dirección

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    El papel de la mujer como directiva en las empresas periodísticas puede ser decisivo a la hora de concebir el trabajo diario y, en consecuencia, el producto final: el periódico o informativo. Por ello, en este artículo se realiza un estudio con alumnos de segundo ciclo de la Licenciatura en Periodismo de la Universidad de Sevilla, futuros periodistas y/o directivos de estas impresas. A partir de la escala WAMS analizamos la percepción de éstos de las habilidades directivas de las mujeres y su consideración en la configuración del staff directivo de las empresas periodísticas.The role of women as manager in the journalistic companies can be decisive at the time of conceiving the daily work and, consequently, the end item: the newspaper or informative program. For that reason, in this article it is made a study with students of second cycle of the Degree in Journalism of the University of Seville, futures journalists and/or directors of these companies. The perception of women”s management skills and the role they have in the configuration of the directive staff of journalistic companies is analyzed according to scale WAMS

    Content analysis and assessment of deontological codes of franchising associations

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    The objective of this work is to run the content analysis and assessment of deontological codes of national and international franchising associations. To do this, we compared the content of 46 deontological codes of franchising associations from five continents to the standards established in the so-called C-40 or model of franchising deontological codes. Results show that, in general, ethical content included in deontological codes of franchising associations are not very large, requiring progress in improving its structure and content. In any case, according to the contents of their deontological codes, there are two groups of franchising associations worldwide. On the one hand, those taking the archetype of the European Franchise Federation code (30 associations), which show a greater number of ethical issues and have a better structured code than the other group that do not follow the European Code (16 associations)