12 research outputs found

    Coma hipopotasémico: a propósito de un caso

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    Introduction: coma is the extreme degradation of consciousness. A syndrome characterized by a loss of vegetative functions, as an expression of acute and severe brain dysfunction.Presentation of the case: a 65-year-old male patient who two years ago commenced showing signs of loss of consciousness for two days In inter-crisis periods the studies did not confirm positive results. He was brought to the emergency room in a state of hyporeflexic coma. All parameters were normal except for a very discrete metabolic alkalosis and severe hypokalemia with 1,3 millimoles of potassium. General measures and complementary examinations were performed. Potassium values were replenished. As the potassium values standardized, a process of consciousness recovery was initiated. It was interpreted as a hypokalemic coma.Conclusions: hypopotassemia is a common imbalance, with repercussions in the different systems; this imbalance can result in alterations of the cardiovascular dynamics, progressive muscle weakness and coma. Therefore, in case of symptoms similar to hypokalemia, it is required to work on its diagnosis and treatment.Introducción: El coma es la máxima degradación del estado de conciencia. Síndrome caracterizado por una pérdida de las funciones de la vida de relación y conservación de las de la vida vegetativa, como expresión de una disfunción cerebral aguda y grave.Presentación del caso: paciente masculino de 65 años de edad que hace dos años comenzó con cuadros de pérdida de conciencia por espacio de dos días. En períodos intercrisis los estudios no arrojaron resultados positivos. Es traído a servicio de urgencia en estado de coma hiporrefléctico. Se tomaron medidas generales y se realizaron complementarios. Todo en parámetros de normalidad excepto por una muy discreta alcalosis metabólica y una hipocaliemia severa con 1,3 mili moles de potasio. Se reponen valores de potasio. En la medida que los valores de potasio se recuperaban se iniciaba un proceso de recuperación de la conciencia. Se interpreta como un coma hipopotasémico.Conclusiones: la hipopotasemia es un desbalance común, con repercusiones en los diferentes sistemas, que puede causar desde alteraciones de la dinámica cardiovascular, debilidad muscular progresiva y coma.  De ahí que ante sintomatologías similares a una hipopotasemia se deba trabajar en su diagnóstico y tratamiento.

    Accuracy of Markerless 3D Motion Capture Evaluation to Differentiate between On/Off Status in Parkinson’s Disease after Deep Brain Stimulation

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    Background. Body motion evaluation (BME) by markerless systems is increasingly being considered as an alternative to traditional marker-based technology because they are faster, simpler, and less expensive. They are increasingly used in clinical settings in patients with movement disorders; however, the wide variety of systems available makes results conflicting. Research Question. The objective of this study was to determine whether a markerless 3D motion capture system is a useful instrument to objectively differentiate between PD patients with DBS in On and Off states and controls and its correlation with the evaluation by means of MDS-UPDRS. Methods. Six PD patients who underwent deep brain stimulation (DBS) bilaterally in the subthalamic nucleus were evaluated using BME and the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS-III) with DBS turned On and Off. BME of 16 different movements in six controls paired by age and sex was compared with that in PD patients with DBS in On and Off states. Results. A better performance in the BME was correlated with a lower UPDRS-III score. There was no statistically significant difference between patients in Off and On states of DBS regarding BME. However, some items such as left shoulder flexion (p=0.038), right shoulder rotation (p=0.011), and left trunk rotation (p=0.023) were different between Off patients and healthy controls. Significance. Kinematic data obtained with this markerless system could contribute to discriminate between PD patients and healthy controls. This emerging technology may help to clinically evaluate PD patients more objectively

    Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Presenting as Acute Polyneuropathy Mimicking Guillain-Barre Syndrome

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    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA) is a small-vessel vasculitis associated with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCAs) which commonly affects the peripheral nervous system. A 38-year-old female with a history of asthma presented with a 2-week history of bilateral lower extremity paresthesias that progressed to symmetric ascending paralysis. Nerve conduction studies could not rule out Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and plasmapheresis was considered. Her blood work revealed marked eosinophilia (>50%), she had purpuric lesions in her legs, and a head magnetic resonance image showed evidence of pansinusitis. Coupled with a history of asthma we suspected EGPA-associated neuropathy and started steroid treatment. The patient showed rapid and significant improvement. ANCAs were later reported positive. ANCA-associated vasculitides present most often as mononeuritis multiplex, but they can mimic GBS and should always be considered in the differential diagnosis, since the treatment strategies for these conditions are radically different

    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome due to malignant hypercalcemia: physiopathological considerations.

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    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a neurological entity characterized by seizures, headache, and reversible subcortical vasogenic edema. It is associated with many etiologies, most often hypertension, chronic renal failure, and chemotherapy. Hypercalcemia is rarely associated with PRES