43 research outputs found

    S-adenosyl-L-methionine protects the liver against the cholestatic, cytotoxic, and vasoactive effects of leukotriene D4: a study with isolated and perfused rat liver

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    Cysteinyl-leukotrienes can cause cholestasis and liver damage when administered at nanomolar concentrations. Using the isolated and perfused rat liver we analyzed whether S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) may protect this organ against the noxious effects of leukotriene-D4 (LTD4). We observed that a 2 nmol bolus of this compound decreased bile flow (-12.6% +/- 1.6%, P < .02), and bile salt excretion (-23.5% +/- 2.2%, P < .02; both compared with baseline values), caused the release of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) to the hepatic effluent, and increased significantly the perfusion pressure as compared with a control group not receiving LTD4 (6.0 +/- 1.1 vs. 0.2 +/- 0.02 mm hg, respectively; P < .001). The cholestatic effect of LTD4 was attenuated by infusion of SAMe which, at rates of 67 and 100 microg/min, totally prevented the decrease in bile salt excretion. Likewise, in SAMe infused livers, the release to the effluent of GOT and LDH was lower than in the group receiving LTD4 only, and was even lower than in the control group. We also found that the increase in perfusion pressure induced by LTD4 was prevented by SAMe in a dose-dependent manner. Of interest, SAMe increased the biliary excretion of the eicosanoid in a dose-related fashion. We conclude that SAMe reverts the cholestatic, cytotoxic, and hemodynamic effects of LTD4 on the liver, and that these protective effects might be partly because of a stimulation of the biliary excretion of the leukotriene

    Taurocholate-stimulated leukotriene C4 biosynthesis and leukotriene C4-stimulated choleresis in isolated rat liver

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cysteinyl-containing leukotrienes seem to exert a cholestatic effect. However, leukotriene inhibitors were found to reduce bile salt efflux in isolated rat hepatocytes, suggesting a role for leukotrienes in bile flow formation. METHODS: In the isolated rat liver, the effects of two different concentrations of leukotriene C4 on bile flow and bile salt excretion are analyzed, as well as the possible effect of taurocholate on the hepatic production of cysteinyl-containing leukotrienes. RESULTS: Leukotriene C4 (0.25 fmol) increased bile salt excretion (+22.2%; P < 0.05), whereas a much higher dose (0.25 x 10(6) fmol) showed the known cholestatic effect, reducing bile salt excretion (-25.9%; P < 0.01). These dose-dependent biphasic effects were specific because they could be prevented by the simultaneous administration of cysteinyl-containing leukotriene antagonists. On the other hand, taurocholate administration induced a dose-dependent increase in biliary excretion of cysteinyl-containing leukotrienes. Furthermore, taurocholate increased messenger RNA levels of 5-lipoxygenase, a key enzyme in leukotriene biosynthesis. Taurocholate increase of hepatocyte intracellular calcium was not significant, suggesting that taurocholate effects are not mediated by stimulation of calcium metabolism. CONCLUSIONS: These results constitute evidence for the existence of a positive feedback mechanism by which bile salts stimulate the synthesis of leukotrienes that, in turn, stimulate bile salt excretion

    Renal prostacyclin influences renal function in non-azotemic cirrhotic patients treated with furosemide

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    The influence of prostaglandins on renal function changes induced by furosemide was analyzed in 21 non-azotemic cirrhotic patients with ascites. Patients were studied in two periods of 120 min immediately before and after furosemide infusion (20 mg, ev). Furosemide caused an increase in creatinine clearance in 15 patients (group A: 99 +/- 7 vs. 129 +/- 5 ml/min; mean +/- S.E.) and a reduction in the remaining six (group B: 102 +/- 13 vs. 71 +/- 9 ml/min). Parallel changes were observed in the urinary excretion of 6-Keto-prostaglandin-F1 alpha (metabolite of renal prostacyclin) which augmented after furosemide in 14 of the 15 patients from group A (478 +/- 107 vs. 1034 +/- 159 pg/min, p less than 0.001) and decreased in all patients from group B (1032 +/- 240 vs. 548 +/- 136 pg/min, p less than 0.05). In contrast, the urinary excretion of prostaglandin E2 was stimulated by furosemide in all patients (group A, 92 +/- 19 vs. 448 +/- 60 pg/min, p less than 0.001; and group B, 209 +/- 63 vs. 361 +/- 25 pg/min, p less than 0.05). In all of the patients furosemide-induced changes (post- minus pre-furosemide values) in creatinine clearance were closely correlated in a direct and linear fashion with those in 6-Keto-prostaglandin-F1 alpha (r = 0.74; p less than 0.001). These changes were associated with a higher furosemide-induced natriuresis in group A than in group B (641 +/- 68 vs. 302 +/-- 46 mumol/min, p less than 0.001

    Altered liver gene expression in CCl4-cirrhotic rats is partially normalized by insulin-like growth factor-I

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    We have previously shown that the administration of low doses of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) to CCl4-cirrhotic rats improves liver function and reduces fibrosis. To better understand the mechanisms behind the hepatoprotective effects of IGF-I, and to identify those genes whose expression is affected in cirrhosis and after IGF-1 treatment, we have performed differential display of mRNA analysis by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in livers from control and CCl4-cirrhotic rats treated or not with IGF-I. We have identified 16 genes that were up- or down-regulated in the cirrhotic liver. IGF-I treatment partially normalized the expression of eight of these genes, including serine proteinase inhibitors such as serpin-2 and alpha-1-antichymotripsin, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, and alpha-2u-globulin. Additionally, we show that IGF-I enhanced the regenerative activity in the cirrhotic liver, as determined by the increased expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Finally, IGF-I treatment partially restored the expression of growth hormone receptor (GHR) and the levels of global genomic DNA methylation, which are reduced in human and experimental cirrhosis. Taken together, our observations confirm the hepatoprotective effects of IGF-I, and suggest that this action can be exerted in part through the normalization of liver gene expression, growth hormone (GH) responsiveness and global genomic DNA methylation

    A synthetic peptide from transforming growth factor beta type III receptor inhibits liver fibrogenesis in rats with carbon tetrachloride liver injury

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    Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGF-beta1) is a pleiotropic cytokine, which displays potent profibrogenic effects and is highly expressed in fibrotic livers. For this reason, development of TGF-B1 inhibitors might be of great importance to control liver fibrogenesis as well as other undesired side effects due to this cytokine. Potential peptide inhibitors of TGF-beta1 (derived from TGF-beta1 and from its type III receptor) were tested in vitro and in vivo using different assays. Peptides P11 and P12, derived from TGF-beta1, and P54 and P144, derived from its type III receptor, prevented TGF-beta1-dependent inhibition of MV1Lu proliferation in vitro and markedly reduced binding of TGF-beta1 to its receptors. P144 blocked TGF-beta1-dependent stimulation of a reporter gene under the control of human alpha2(I) collagen promoter. Intraperitoneal administration of P144 also showed potent antifibrogenic activity in vivo in the liver of rats receiving CCl4. These rats also showed a significant decrease in the number of activated hepatic stellate cells as compared with those treated with saline only. These results suggest that short synthetic peptides derived from TGF-beta1 type III receptor may be of value in reducing liver fibrosis in chronic liver injury

    Expression of insulin-like growth factor I by activated hepatic stellate cells reduces fibrogenesis and enhances regeneration after liver injury

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    BACKGROUND/AIM: Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) express alpha-smooth muscle actin (alphaSMA) and acquire a profibrogenic phenotype upon activation by noxious stimuli. Insulin-like growth I (IGF-I) has been shown to stimulate HSCs proliferation in vitro, but it has been reported to reduce liver damage and fibrogenesis when given to cirrhotic rats. METHODS: The authors used transgenic mice (SMP8-IGF-I) expressing IGF-I under control of alphaSMA promoter to study the influence of IGF-I synthesised by activated HSCs on the recovery from liver injury. RESULTS: The transgene was expressed by HSCs from SMP8-IGF-I mice upon activation in culture and in the livers of these animals after CCl4 challenge. Twenty four hours after administration of CCl4 both transgenic and wild type mice showed similar extensive necrosis and increased levels of serum transaminases. However at 72 hours SMP8-IGF-I mice exhibited lower serum transaminases, reduced hepatic expression of alphaSMA, and improved liver morphology compared with wild type littermates. Remarkably, at this time all eight CCl4 treated wild type mice manifested histological signs of liver necrosis that was severe in six of them, while six out of eight transgenic animals had virtually no necrosis. In SMP8-IGF-I mice robust DNA synthesis occurred earlier than in wild type animals and this was associated with enhanced production of HGF and lower TGFbeta1 mRNA expression in the SMP8-IGF-I group. Moreover, Colalpha1(I) mRNA abundance at 72 hours was reduced in SMP8-IGF-I mice compared with wild type controls. CONCLUSIONS: Targeted overexpression of IGF-I by activated HSCs restricts their activation, attenuates fibrogenesis, and accelerates liver regeneration. These effects appear to be mediated in part by upregulation of HGF and downregulation of TGFbeta1. The data indicate that IGF-I can modulate the cytokine response to liver injury facilitating regeneration and reducing fibrosis

    Zolmitriptan: a novel portal hypotensive agent which synergizes with propranolol in lowering portal pressure

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    OBJECTIVE: Only a limited proportion of patients needing pharmacological control of portal hypertension are hemodynamic responders to propranolol. Here we analyzed the effects of zolmitriptan on portal pressure and its potential interaction with propranolol. METHODS: ZOLMITRIPTAN, PROPRANOLOL OR BOTH WERE TESTED IN TWO RAT MODELS OF PORTAL HYPERTENSION: common bile duct ligation (CBDL) and CCl4-induced cirrhosis. In these animals we measured different hemodynamic parameters including portal venous pressure, arterial renal flow, portal blood flow and cardiac output. We also studied the changes in superior mesenteric artery perfusion pressure and in arterial wall cAMP levels induced by zolmitriptan, propranolol or both. Moreover, we determined the effect of splanchnic sympathectomy on the response of PVP to zolmitriptan. RESULTS: In both models of portal hypertension zolmitriptan induced a dose-dependent transient descent of portal pressure accompanied by reduction of portal flow with only slight decrease in renal flow. In cirrhotic rats, splanchnic sympathectomy intensified and prolonged zolmitriptan-induced portal pressure descent. Also, propranolol caused more intense and durable portal pressure fall when combined with zolmitriptan. Mesenteric artery perfusion pressure peaked for about 1 min upon zolmitriptan administration but showed no change with propranolol. However propranolol enhanced and prolonged the elevation in mesenteric artery perfusion pressure induced by zolmitriptan. In vitro studies showed that propranolol prevented the inhibitory effects of β2-agonists on zolmitriptan-induced vasoconstriction and the combination of propranolol and zolmitriptan significantly reduced the elevation of cAMP caused by β2-agonists. CONCLUSION: Zolmitriptan reduces portal hypertension and non-selective beta-blockers can improve this effect. Combination therapy deserves consideration for patients with portal hypertension failing to respond to non-selective beta-blockers

    Insulin-like growth factor 1 enhances bile-duct proliferation and fibrosis in Abcb4(-/-) mice

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    Adamant progression of chronic cholangiopathies towards cirrhosis and limited therapeutic options leave a liver transplantation the only effective treatment. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) effectively blocks fibrosis in acute models of liver damage in mice, and a phase I clinical trial suggested an improved liver function. IGF1 targets the biliary epithelium, but its potential benefit in chronic cholangiopathies has not been studied. To investigate the possible therapeutic effect of increased IGF1 expression, we crossed Abcb4(-/-) mice (a model for chronic cholangiopathy), with transgenic animals that overexpress IGF1. The effect on disease progression was studied in the resulting IGF1-overexpressing Abcb4(-/-) mice, and compared to that of Abcb4(-/-) littermates. The specificity of this effect was further studied in an acute model of fibrosis. The overexpression of IGF1 in transgenic Abcb4(-/-) mice resulted in stimulation of fibrogenic processes - as shown by increased expression of Tgfß, and collagens 1, 3 and 4, and confirmed by Sirius red staining and hydroxyproline measurements. Excessive extracellular matrix deposition was favored by raise in Timp1 and Timp2, while a reduction of tPA expression indicated lower tissue remodeling. These effects were accompanied by an increase in expression of inflammation markers like Tnfα, and higher presence of infiltrating macrophages. Finally, increased number of Ck19-expressing cells indicated proliferation of biliary epithelium. In contrast to liver fibrosis associated with hepatocellular damage, IGF1 overexpression does not inhibit liver fibrogenesis in chronic cholangiopath

    Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on methionine adenosyltransferase activity and hepatic glutathione metabolism in rats

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Both bile salts and glutathione participate in the generation of canalicular bile flow. In this work, we have investigated the effect of different bile salts on hepatic glutathione metabolism. METHODS: Using the isolated and perfused rat liver, we studied hepatic glutathione content, and metabolism and catabolism of this compound in livers perfused with taurocholate, ursodeoxycholate, or deoxycholate. RESULTS: We found that in livers perfused with ursodeoxycholate, levels of glutathione and the activity of methionine adenosyltransferase (an enzyme involved in glutathione biosynthesis) were significantly higher than in livers perfused with other bile salts. In ursodeoxycholate perfused livers, methionine adenosyltransferase showed a predominant tetrameric conformation which is the isoform with highest activity at physiological concentrations of substrate. In contrast, the dimeric form prevailed in livers perfused with taurocholate or deoxycholate. The hepatic activities of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, enzymes involved, respectively, in biosynthetic and catabolic pathways of glutathione, were not modified by bile salts. CONCLUSIONS: Ursodeoxycholate specifically enhanced methionine adenosyltransferase activity and hepatic glutathione levels. As glutathione is a defensive substance against oxidative cell damage, our observations provide an additional explanation for the known hepatoprotective effects of ursodeoxycholate

    Bicarbonate-rich choleresis induced by secretin in normal rat is taurocholate-dependent and involves AE2 anion exchanger

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    Canalicular bile is modified along bile ducts through reabsorptive and secretory processes regulated by nerves, bile salts, and hormones such as secretin. Secretin stimulates ductular cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-dependent Cl- efflux and subsequent biliary HCO3- secretion, possibly via Cl-/HCO3- anion exchange (AE). However, the contribution of secretin to bile regulation in the normal rat, the significance of choleretic bile salts in secretin effects, and the role of Cl-/HCO3- exchange in secretin-stimulated HCO3- secretion all remain unclear. Here, secretin was administered to normal rats with maintained bile acid pool via continuous taurocholate infusion. Bile flow and biliary HCO3- and Cl- excretion were monitored following intrabiliary retrograde fluxes of saline solutions with and without the Cl- channel inhibitor 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid (NPPB) or the Cl-/HCO3- exchange inhibitor 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS). Secretin increased bile flow and biliary excretion of HCO3- and Cl-. Interestingly, secretin effects were not observed in the absence of taurocholate. Whereas secretin effects were all blocked by intrabiliary NPPB, DIDS only inhibited secretin-induced increases in bile flow and HCO3- excretion but not the increased Cl- excretion, revealing a role of biliary Cl-/HCO3- exchange in secretin-induced, bicarbonate-rich choleresis in normal rats. Finally, small hairpin RNA adenoviral constructs were used to demonstrate the involvement of the Na+-independent anion exchanger 2 (AE2) through gene silencing in normal rat cholangiocytes. AE2 gene silencing caused a marked inhibition of unstimulated and secretin-stimulated Cl-/HCO3- exchange. In conclusion, maintenance of the bile acid pool is crucial for secretin to induce bicarbonate-rich choleresis in the normal rat and that this occurs via a chloride-bicarbonate exchange process consistent with AE2 function