7 research outputs found

    DNA lesions induced by simulated sunlight in the absence (vehicle) or presence of 17 sunscreens.

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    <p>T4-endo V-SS (T4-endo V sensitive sites – CPDs); Fpg-SS (Fpg sensitive sites – oxidised DNA bases). The average and standard deviation in three independent experiments are shown. The experiments were performed in triplicate.</p

    DNA photoprotection properties provided by five brands of SPF 30 sunscreens.

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    <p><b>Legend:</b> DNA-SPF – Sun Protection Factor for DNA; %DNA photoprotection – percentage of DNA photoprotection; % CPD photoprotection – percentage of protection against CPDs; % oxidised DNA base photoprotection – percentage of protection against oxidised DNA bases; and 95% CI –95% confidence interval of three independent experiments performed in triplicate.</p

    Assessment of the genotoxic protection properties of sunscreens by DNA dosimetry.

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    <p>Exposure of DNA dosimeters to a solar simulator for simultaneously evaluation of DNA photoprotection efficacy of several products containing sunscreen (<b>A</b>). The DNA dosimeter transmittance spectrum (<b>B</b>).</p

    Determination and quantification of DNA lesions after exposure to a solar simulator.

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    <p>Treatment with the DNA repair enzymes T4-endo V (<b>A</b>) or Fpg (<b>B</b>). The number of DNA lesions induced by simulated sunlight in the absence (<b>vehicle</b>) or presence of five different commercially available SPF 30 sunscreens (<b>C</b>). FI (supercoiled plasmid DNA bands); FII (open-circular relaxed DNA bands); T4-endo V-SS (T4-endo V sensitive sites – CPDs); Fpg-SS (Fpg sensitive sites – oxidised DNA bases). The average and standard deviation from three independent experiments are shown. The experiments were performed in triplicate.</p

    ANOVA and Tukey tests for efficacy discrimination of 17 different sunscreen formulations.

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    <p><b>Legend:</b> Statistical analysis were performed according to the individual efficacy in hindering the generation of DNA damage (CPD and oxidised DNA bases) with subsequent grouping (p<0.05). Increases in the protection efficiency are listed in alphabetical order (A < B < C < D < E < F < G < H < I < J). Statistically significant differences were observed among samples from the different groups, however this was not the case among samples within the same group. Three independent experiments were performed in triplicate.</p

    DNA photoprotection properties provided by 17 different sunscreen formulations.

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    <p><b>Legend:</b> DNA-SPF – Sun Protection Factor for DNA; % DNA photoprotection – percentage of DNA photoprotection; % CPD photoprotection – percentage of protection against CPDs; % oxidised DNA base photoprotection – percentage of protection against oxidised DNA bases; and 95% CI –95% confidence interval of three independent experiments performed in triplicate.</p