613 research outputs found

    Measuring poverty accounting for time

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    In this paper we make a methodological proposal to measure poverty accounting for time by proposing a new index that aims at reconciling the way poverty is measured in a static and a dynamic framework. Our index is able to consider the duration of the poverty spell and the social preference for equality in well-being given that, in contrast with others that have been previously proposed, it is sensitive to the level of inequality between individual complete poverty experiences over time. Moreover, other indices in the literature can be interpreted as special cases of our more general measure.intertemporal poverty, duration, equality, poverty measurement

    What helps households with children in leaving poverty? Evidence from Spain

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    In this paper we analyse the distinct effectiveness of demographic, labour market and welfare state transfers events in promoting exits from deprivation for childbearing households in Spain, a Southern European Country with high and persistent child poverty and a familial welfare regime. We undertake a thorough analysis of outflow rates and of the effect of events on them by household types using a detailed descriptive approach and a multivariate analysis to control for household heterogeneity. We find that, contrary to the descriptive results, a multivariate approach to the estimation of the outflow rate shows that the presence of children robustly reduces household’s chances to step out of poverty. In turn, both methodologies show that the effectiveness of labour market events is somewhat lower for childbearing households while their prevalence is particularly high. Also, both the prevalence and the effectiveness of events related to the beginning of state transfers are high for households without children.children, poverty dynamics, outflow rate, Spain, trigger events.

    Poverty and Women’s Labor Market Activity: the Role of Gender Wage Discrimination in the EU

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    The functioning of the labor market often has been stressed as a clear determinant in explaining poverty trends in developed countries. In this paper, we analyze the role of gender wage discrimination on household poverty rates in several EU countries, linking two related phenomena that rarely are analyzed together. In order to quantify the impact of discrimination on poverty, we propose the construction of a counterfactual distribution of wages where discrimination against women has been removed. Using this new wage distribution, we compute total household income and compare poverty rates in the absence of discrimination to those actually observed. Our results show that, in general, it is true that discrimination against women plays a determinant role in the current levels of poverty, even if we discover that results for each country present a different pattern and intensity. Further, we find that the effect of discrimination on poverty risk dramatically increases for individuals in households who largely depend on working female earnings, especially in the case of single mothers.poverty, inequality, income distribution, gender, wage discrimination, labor participation.

    The measurement of gender wage discrimination: The distributional approach revisited

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    This paper presents the advantages of taking into account the distribution of the individual wage gap when analyzing female wage discrimination. The limitations of previous approaches such as the classic Oaxaca-Blinder and the recent distributive proposals using quantile regressions or counterfactual functions are thoroughly discussed. The new methodology presented here relies on Jenkins' (1994) work and proposes the use of poverty and deprivation literature techniques that are directly applicable to the measurement of discrimination. In an empirical application, we quantify the relevance of the glass ceiling and sticky floor phenomena in the Spanish labor market.children distributive analysis, economics of gender, wage discrimination, glass ceiling, sticky floor.

    Occupational Segregation by Race and Ethnicity in the US: Differences across States

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    Using the 2005–2007 American Community Survey, we analyze the occupational segregation of workers by race and ethnicity across states. Although the unconditional analysis shows great geographical variation in segregation, with the largest levels in the Southwest, the analysis of segregation conditioned on the distribution of characteristics reveals that segregation of workers with similar characteristics is generally greater in the East Central region. To quantify conditional segregation, we adapt a propensity score technique that simultaneously controls for several characteristics, allowing the identification of the factors that explain the geographical variation of unconditional segregation.

    The extent of occupational segregation in the US: Differences by race, ethnicity, and gender

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    By using data from the American Community Survey, this paper studies occupational segregation by ethnicity/race and gender in the US by comparing the distribution of any demographic group with the employment structure of the economy. The analysis shows that occupational segregation is particularly intense in the Hispanic and Asian population groups, even though the performance of the former seems to be more disturbing than that of the latter given its higher concentration in low-paid jobs. As opposed to what happens for African and Native Americans, human capital variables explain a substantive part of Hispanic and Asian segregation. The analysis also reveals that the differential between women and men is not reduced after controlling for human capital characteristics. In addition, segregation disparities are much larger among male groups than among female groups. A distinctive characteristic of Hispanic workers is that segregation is higher for men than for women.occupational segregation, local segregation, race, ethnicity, gender.

    Occupational segregation by race and ethnicity in the US: Differences across states

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    Using the 2005–2007 American Community Survey, we analyze the occupational segregation of workers by race and ethnicity across states. Although the unconditional analysis shows great geographical variation in segregation, with the largest levels in the Southwest, the analysis of segregation conditioned on the distribution of characteristics reveals that segregation of workers with similar characteristics is generally greater in the East Central region. To quantify conditional segregation, we adapt a propensity score technique that simultaneously controls for several characteristics, allowing the identification of the factors that explain the geographical variation of unconditional segregation.occupational segregation, race, ethnicity, states, United States.

    Diseño e implementación del sistema de información web para la preparación de las pruebas Saber 5 - Tú saber 5

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    Desde 1.991 en Colombia se han implementado anualmente las pruebas nacionales ICFES, entre los años 2002 -2003se desarrolla por primera vez los exámenes en ambos calendarios A y B de todos los establecimientos educativos oficiales y privados del país a estudiantes de los grados 5º y 9º. La utilización de los recursos digitales en esta época, facilita a los estudiantes la adquisición de conocimientos para afrontar su vida cotidiana, así como también el proceso de formación y capacitación en las diferentes áreas del conocimiento que se dictan en su vida académica. El proyecto que se describe a continuación busca diseñar e implementar un sistema de información web como medio de preparación para presentar las pruebas Saber 5 formuladas por el ICFES. El sistema tiene el manejo de 3 cuentas importantes como son los de administrador, docentes y estudiantes, siendo la primera la única para realizar las actualizaciones del sistema y los últimos se pueden crear subcuentas para el manejo de gran cantidad de estudiantes como docentes dependiendo de la institución educativa. El sistema presenta una prueba en la que los estudiantes deberán ingresar un número de formulario dado por el docente para realizar una prueba específica según los parámetros del docente. Existirán preguntas con tres grados de dificultad: fácil, medianamente difíciles y difíciles, el docente podrá seleccionar preguntas de acuerdo a unos porcentajes en cada uno de los módulos o materias, por lo que se contará con tres módulos, uno por materia

    Aspectos distributivos de las diferencias salariales por razón de género en España: un análisis por subgrupos poblacionales.

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    In this paper we analyze changes in gender wage differentials in Spain between 1995 and 2002, with special attention to the distribution of labor and socioeconomic characteristics across female workers. A decline was observed in the differential, mainly driven by an increasing percentage of women holding a college degree. However, there is a persistent, if not increasing, wage gap which cannot be explained by observed productivity characteristics (discrimination component), this being especially important among high paid women without college degree. This fact contributed to reinforce the well known “glass ceilings” phenomenon among these females. On the contrary, discrimination appeared to decline among women holding a university degree, as well as among low paid female workers, mitigating the “sticky floors” problem in this last case.Distributional analysis, gender economics, wage discrimination, glass ceilings, sticky floors

    Fixação monoescleral da LIO após extração extracapsular de cristalinos subluxados em pacientes com síndrome de Marfan

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    PURPOSE: To describe a technique of monoscleral fixation of the intraocular lens (IOL) after extracapsular extraction of subluxated lens in patients with Marfan syndrome. Design: Noncomparative, interventional case series. METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted on 14 eyes of 7 consecutive patients with subluxated lens associated with Marfan syndrome. Surgery was indicated when: 1) a lens border was observed in the pupil area with the pupil under normal lighting causing glare; or 2) the best corrected visual acuity was less than 20/70; or 3) the patient complained of monocular diplopia. Patients with a history of glaucoma, retinal detachment, trauma or other systemic diseases were excluded. RESULTS: The mean postoperative follow-up was 15.43 ± 9.33 months (range, 6 to 30 months). The best spectacle-corrected visual acuity varied from 20/25 to 20/60, where 71.43% reached 20/30 or better. No case showed a worsening of visual acuity, nor were there any intraoperative or postoperative complications (intraocular lens decentration, pupilar block, glaucoma or retinal detachment). The most frequent postoperative complication was astigmatism, observed in 3 eyes (21.43%) presenting values greater than 1.5 D. CONCLUSIONS: This technique showed very good surgical and visual results and few complications, providing a surgical option for cases of ectopia lentis associated with Marfan syndrome, especially in some countries or regions where phacoemulsification is not available.OBJETIVO: Descrever a técnica de fixação monoescleral da lente intra-ocular (LIO) após extração extra-capsular de cristalinos subluxados em pacientes com síndrome de Marfan. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo conduzido em 14 olhos de 7 pacientes atendidos consecutivamente com subluxação do cristalino associada à síndrome de Marfan. A cirurgia foi indicada quando: 1) a margem do cristalino era observada na área pupilar, em condições normais de iluminação, causando ofuscamento visual; ou 2) a melhor acuidade visual corrigida era menor que 20/70; ou 3) o paciente queixava-se de diplopia monocular. Foram excluídos pacientes com história de glaucoma, descolamento de retina, trauma ou outras doenças sistêmicas. RESULTADOS: O acompanhamento pós-operatório médio foi de 15,43± 9,33 meses (variação, 6 a 30 meses). A melhor acuidade visual corrigida com óculos variou de 20/25 a 20/60, dos quais 71,43% alcançaram 20/30, ou melhor. Nenhum caso mostrou piora da acuidade visual, além de não terem sido observadas complicações per ou pós-operatórias (descentração da lente intra-ocular, bloqueio pupilar, glaucoma ou descolamento de retina). A complicação pós-operatória mais freqüente foi o astigmatismo, observando-se valores maiores que 1,5 dioptrias em 3 casos (21,43%). CONCLUSÕES: Esta técnica mostrou bons resultados cirúrgicos e visuais, além de poucas complicações, sendo opção cirúrgica para os casos de subluxação do cristalino associada com a síndrome de Marfan, especialmente em alguns países ou regiões onde a facoemulsificação não está disponível.76376