3 research outputs found

    Riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares seg煤n categor铆as de presi贸n arterial en una cohorte argentina

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    SummaryBackground: Hypertension is a recognized strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease. However, no data was available in our country to quantify the relationship between blood pressure and cardiovascular event.Objective: to quantify the risk of cardiovascular events according to blood pressure categories.Methods: A prospective epidemiological study was conducted in 1526 inhabitants from Rauch City, (Buenos Aires, Argentina) between 1997 and 2012. Subjects were classified into one of these blood-pressure categories: 1-optimal, 2-normal, 3-high-normal, 4-grade 1 hypertension, 5-grade 2 hypertension and 6-grade 3 hypertension. The first CVD event, including unstable angina pectoris, fatal and non-fatal myocardial infarction, myocardial revascularization, and fatal or non-fatal stroke, was defined as the primary endpoint. Multivariable Cox proportional-hazards regression models were used to estimate the relative risk (HR) of CVD according to base-line blood-pressure categories.Results: In 2012, 1124 individuals (73.7% of the baseline sample), 719 women and 405 men (in 1997, aged 45卤16 and 46卤16 respectively) or their relatives in case of death, could be surveyed again in order to obtain information concerning incident CVD events. Cardiovascular event rates and 聽HR values increased in a stepwise manner across the blood pressure categories (p for trend across categories &lt;0.001 in both sex); however, in subjects aged ?55 years a j-curve phenomenon was observed, showing the lowest incidence in the high-normal category. In all categories CVD events rates were higher for men.Conclusion: This study quantified relationships between BP and CVD starting from high-normal blood pressure in Argentina.聽聽聽Resumen聽Antecedentes: La hipertensi贸n arterial es un reconocido factor de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV). Sin embargo, no hay informaci贸n en Argentina que cuantifique la relaci贸n entre la presi贸n arterial (PA) y ECV.Objetivo: Cuantificar el riesgo de ECV de acuerdo a categor铆as de PA.M茅todo: Se realiz贸 un estudio epidemiol贸gico prospectivo en 1526 habitantes de la ciudad de Rauch (Buenos Aires, Argentina) entre octubre de 1997 y febrero de 2012. Los individuos fueron clasificados en las categor铆as de PA: 1-贸ptima, 2-normal, 3-normal-alta, 4-hipertensi贸n grado 1, 5-hipertensi贸n grado 2 y 6-hipertensi贸n grado 3. Fue definido como punto final el primer evento de ECV (angina de pecho inestable, infarto fatal y no fatal, revascularizaci贸n, y accidente cerebrovascular fatal y no fatal). El riesgo relativo (HR) de tener un evento fue estimado usando modelos de regresi贸n multivariable de Cox.Resultados: En 2012, fueron re-encuestados 1124 individuos (73,7% de la muestra basal), 719 mujeres y 405 hombres, o sus parientes en caso de muerte (edad en 1997 45卤16 y 46卤16 a帽os, respectivamente). Las tasas de ECV y los HR se incrementaron para cada categor铆a de PA por encima de la 贸ptima (p &lt; 0.001 en ambos sexos); sin embargo, en sujetos mayores de 55 a帽os se observ贸 un fen贸meno de curva en J, con la incidencia m谩s baja en la categor铆a normal-alto. En todas las categor铆as la tasa de eventos fue mayor en hombres.Conclusi贸n: Este estudio demostr贸 y cuantific贸 la relaci贸n entre de PA y ECV a partir de PA normal alta en una poblaci贸n de Argentina.聽</p

    Surgical treatment of renovascular disease: a 10-case report

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    Introducci贸n y objetivos: El tratamiento quir煤rgico de la enfermedad renal vascular sigue teniendo resultados favorables cuando se realiza con criterio. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en presentar 10 casos con distinta afecci贸n vascular renal y sus resultados a corto y a largo plazo. M茅todos: Estudio retrospectivo de todos los pacientes con diagn贸stico de aneurisma y/o estenosis de las arterias renales (AR) cuya enfermedad requiri贸 resoluci贸n quir煤rgica desde junio de 2000 a julio de 2015 en nuestro centro. Resultados: De 10 pacientes el 90% eran mujeres, edad media de 52卤17 a帽os. El 90% ten铆a hipertensi贸n arterial, 2 insuficiencia renal cr贸nica y un paciente insuficiencia renal aguda. Cinco pacientes ten铆an un diagn贸stico previo de fibrodisplasia muscular. El 30% hab铆a sido intervenido previamente con stents en las AR, y uno de ellos ten铆a como antecedente una cirug铆a de bypass aortorrenal. En 6 casos se realiz贸 bypass a las AR con autoinjerto de safena, en otro paciente se coloc贸 un tubo prot茅sico de politetrafluoroetileno expandido, adem谩s se realiz贸 una plastia de arteria renal y, en 2 casos, se llev贸 a cabo una nefrectom铆a para poder resolver la enfermedad que luego se autotrasplant贸. La estancia hospitalaria fue de 9,2卤3,3 d铆as y el tiempo de seguimiento fue de 5,8卤4,5 a帽os. No se registr贸 ninguna muerte intra ni perioperatoria. Conclusiones: A pesar de que en la actualidad el tratamiento no invasivo est谩 indicado en un gran n煤mero de escenarios, la resoluci贸n quir煤rgica sigue siendo la terap茅utica de elecci贸n en pacientes seleccionados, teniendo buenos resultados.Introduction and objectives: Surgical treatment of renal vascular pathology is still having favorable results when it is performed in selected patients. The aim of this study is to analyze 10 cases with renovascular disease and its short and long-term outcomes. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study with all the patients who had a diagnosis of aneurysm and/or stenosis of the renal arteries (RA) that required surgical treatment from June 2000 to July 2015 in our centre. Results: From 10 patients, 90% were female, mean age 52卤17 years. Ninety percent had hypertension, 2 patients had history of chronic renal failure, and one case was admitted with acute renal failure. Five patients had muscular fibrodysplasia. Thirty percent were previously treated with stents in the RA, and another one had a history of an aortic-renal bypass. In 6 cases surgery was performed using the saphenous vein as a graft for the bypass, and in one, the bypass was made with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene prosthesis. One patient had a RA plasty, and in 2 cases a nephrectomy was performed in order to resolve the pathology, and after that, the kidney was autotransplanted. Hospital stay was 9.2卤3.3 days and mean follow up time was 5.8卤4.5 years. There were no deaths during or after surgery. Conclusions: Even though endovascular treatment for renal artery disease is indicated in some scenarios, surgical treatment is still an option in selected patients with excellent results.Fil: Zu帽iga, Juan J.. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Gilbert, M贸nica D.. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Candioti, Mariano M.. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Kalbermatten, Marcos M.. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Cotti, Carlos F.. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Dosso, Nicol谩s. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Hernandez, Mario G.. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Cari, Alfredo. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Zambrano, Alejandro. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; ArgentinaFil: Vigliano, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Oficina de Coordinaci贸n Administrativa Houssay; Argentina. Fundaci贸n Favaloro; Argentin