159 research outputs found

    Nucleic acid–protein interfaces studied by MAS solid-state NMR spectroscopy

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    Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) has become a well-established technique to study large and insoluble protein assemblies. However, its application to nucleic acid–protein complexes has remained scarce, mainly due to the challenges presented by overlapping nucleic acid signals. In the past decade, several efforts have led to the first structure determination of an RNA molecule by ssNMR. With the establishment of these tools, it has become possible to address the problem of structure determination of nucleic acid–protein complexes by ssNMR. Here we review first and more recent ssNMR methodologies that study nucleic acid–protein interfaces by means of chemical shift and peak intensity perturbations, direct distance measurements and paramagnetic effects. At the end, we review the first structure of an RNA–protein complex that has been determined from ssNMR-derived intermolecular restraints

    Eukaryotic Box C/D methylation machinery has two non-symmetric protein assembly sites

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    Box C/D ribonucleoprotein complexes are RNA-guided methyltransferases that methylate the ribose 2’-OH of RNA. The central ‘guide RNA’ has box C and D motifs at its ends, which are crucial for activity. Archaeal guide RNAs have a second box C’/D’ motif pair that is also essential for function. This second motif is poorly conserved in eukaryotes and its function is uncertain. Conflicting literature data report that eukaryotic box C’/D’ motifs do or do not bind proteins specialized to recognize box C/D-motifs and are or are not important for function. Despite this uncertainty, the architecture of eukaryotic 2’-O-methylation enzymes is thought to be similar to that of their archaeal counterpart. Here, we use biochemistry, X-ray crystallography and mutant analysis to demonstrate the absence of functional box C’/D’ motifs in more than 80% of yeast guide RNAs. We conclude that eukaryotic Box C/D RNPs have two non-symmetric protein assembly sites and that their three-dimensional architecture differs from that of archaeal 2’-O-methylation enzymes

    Structural insights into the activity regulation of full-length non-structural protein 1 from SARS-CoV-2

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    Non-structural protein 1 (Nsp1) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a major virulence factor and thus an attractive drug target. The last 33 amino acids of Nsp1 have been shown to bind within the mRNA entry tunnel of the 40S ribosomal subunit, shutting off host gene expression. Here, we report the solution-state structure of full-length Nsp1, which features an α/β fold formed by a six-stranded, capped β-barrel-like globular domain (N-terminal domain [NTD]), flanked by short N-terminal and long C-terminal flexible tails. The NTD has been found to be critical for 40S-mediated viral mRNA recognition and promotion of viral gene expression. We find that in free Nsp1, the NTD mRNA-binding surface is occluded by interactions with the acidic C-terminal tail, suggesting a mechanism of activity regulation based on the interplay between the folded NTD and the disordered C-terminal region. These results are relevant for drug-design efforts targeting Nsp1

    Identification of RNA Base Pairs and Complete Assignment of Nucleobase Resonances by Proton-Detected Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy at 100 kHz MAS

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    Knowledge of RNA structure, either in isolation or in complex, is fundamental to understand the mechanism of cellular processes. Solid-state NMR (ssNMR) is applicable to high molecular-weight complexes and does not require crystallization; thus, it is well-suited to study RNA as part of large multicomponent assemblies. Recently, we solved the first structures of both RNA and an RNA-protein complex by ssNMR using conventional 13C- and 15N-detection. This approach is limited by the severe overlap of the RNA peaks together with the low sensitivity of multidimensional experiments. Here, we overcome the limitations in sensitivity and resolution by using 1H-detection at fast MAS rates. We develop experiments that allow the identification of complete nucleobase spin-systems together with their site-specific base pair pattern using sub-milligram quantities of one uniformly labelled RNA sample. These experiments provide rapid access to RNA secondary structure by ssNMR in protein-RNA complexes of any size. © 2021 The Authors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition published by Wiley-VCH Gmb

    Structure of the K-turn U4 RNA: a combined NMR and SANS study

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    K-turn motifs are universal RNA structural elements providing a binding platform for proteins in several cellular contexts. Their characteristic is a sharp kink in the phosphate backbone that puts the two helical stems of the protein-bound RNA at an angle of 60°. However, to date no high-resolution structure of a naked K-turn motif is available. Here, we present the first structural investigation at atomic resolution of an unbound K-turn RNA (the spliceosomal U4-Kt RNA) by a combination of NMR and small-angle neutron scattering data. With this study, we wish to address the question whether the K-turn structural motif assumes the sharply kinked conformation in the absence of protein binders and divalent cations. Previous studies have addressed this question by fluorescence resonance energy transfer, biochemical assays and molecular dynamics simulations, suggesting that the K-turn RNAs exist in equilibrium between a kinked conformation, which is competent for protein binding, and a more extended conformation, with the population distribution depending on the concentration of divalent cations. Our data shows that the U4-Kt RNA predominantly assumes the more extended conformation in the absence of proteins and divalent cations. The internal loop region is well structured but adopts a different conformation from the one observed in complex with proteins. Our data suggests that the K-turn consensus sequence does not per se code for the kinked conformation; instead the sharp backbone kink requires to be stabilized by protein binders

    An NMR Study of a 300-kDa AAA+ Unfoldase

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    AAA+ ATPases are ubiquitous hexameric unfoldases acting in cellular protein quality control. In complex with proteases, they form protein degradation machinery (the proteasome) in both archaea and eukaryotes. Here, we use solution-state NMR spectroscopy to determine the symmetry properties of the archaeal PAN AAA+ unfoldase and gain insights into its functional mechanism. PAN consists of three folded domains: the coiled-coil (CC), OB and ATPase domains. We find that full-length PAN assembles into a hexamer with C2 symmetry, and that this symmetry extends over the CC, OB and ATPase domains. The NMR data, collected in the absence of substrate, are incompatible with the spiral staircase structure observed in electron-microscopy studies of archaeal PAN in the presence of substrate and in electron-microscopy studies of eukaryotic unfoldases both in the presence and in the absence of substrate. Based on the C2 symmetry revealed by NMR spectroscopy in solution, we propose that archaeal ATPases are flexible enzymes, which can adopt distinct conformations in different conditions. This study reaffirms the importance of studying dynamic systems in solution

    A real-time analysis of GFP unfolding by the AAA+ unfoldase PAN

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    Protein quality control systems are essential to maintain a healthy proteome. They often consist of an unfoldase unit, typically an AAA+ ATPase, coupled with a protease unit. In all kingdoms of life, they function to eliminate misfolded proteins, and thus prevent that their aggregates do harm to the cell, and to rapidly regulate protein levels in the presence of environmental changes. Despite the huge progress made in the past two decades in understanding the mechanism of function of protein degradation systems, the fate of the substrate during the unfolding and proteolytic processes remains poorly understood. Here we exploit an NMR-based approach to monitor GFP processing by the archaeal PAN unfoldase and the PAN–20S degradation system in real time. We find that PAN-dependent unfolding of GFP does not involve the release of partially-folded GFP molecules resulting from futile unfolding attempts. In contrast, once stably engaged with PAN, GFP molecules are efficiently transferred to the proteolytic chamber of the 20S subunit, despite the only weak affinity of PAN for the 20S subunit in the absence of substrate. This is essential to guarantee that unfolded but not proteolyzed proteins are not released into solution, where they would form toxic aggregates. The results of our studies are in good agreement with previous results derived from real-time small-angle-neutron-scattering experiments and have the advantage of allowing the investigation of substrates and products at amino-acid resolution

    First report of the presence of Necrodes littoralis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) on a human corpse in Italy

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    The colonization of a human body by Necrodes littoralis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) is reported for the first time in Italy. This species is both necrophagous and predator of necrophagous fauna. The body colonized by the coleopteran was found indoors, in an advanced decomposition stage, in a suburban area of Cosenza (Calabria, Southern Italy) in November. Insects (adults, puparia and larvae) were collected on and around the body. Puparia and larvae were raised in the laboratory until the adult stage for morphological identification, which was carried out through taxonomical keys. Besides N. littoralis, also the presence of Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), Hydrotaea dentipes (Fabricius) (Diptera: Muscidae), and Creophilus maxillosus (L.) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) was detected. Necrodes littoralis is a species of forensic interest because it may colonize human and vertebrate corpses and has been reported elsewhere in Europe
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