42 research outputs found

    Ancient solutions of geometric flows with curvature pinching

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    We prove rigidity theorems for ancient solutions of geometric flows of immersed submanifolds. Specifically, we find pinching conditions on the second fundamental form that characterize the shrinking sphere among compact ancient solutions for the mean curvature flow in codimension greater than one, and for some nonlinear curvature flows of hypersurfaces.Comment: Minor changes, bibliography updated. To appear on The Journal of Geometric Analysis. The final version is available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/s12220-018-0036-

    Mean curvature flow of pinched submanifolds of CPn\mathbb{CP}^n

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    We consider the evolution by mean curvature flow of a closed submanifold of the complex projective space. We show that, if the submanifold has small codimension and satisfies a suitable pinching condition on the second fundamental form, then the evolution has two possible behaviors: either the submanifold shrinks to a round point in finite time, or it converges smoothly to a totally geodesic limit in infinite time. The latter behavior is only possible if the dimension is even. These results generalize previous works by Huisken and Baker on the mean curvature flow of submanifolds of the sphere.Comment: 39 pages, minor correction

    Cylindrical estimates for mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces in CROSSes

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    We consider the mean curvature flow of a closed hypersurface in the complex or quaternionic projective space. Under a suitable pinching assumption on the initial data, we prove apriori estimates on the principal curvatures which imply that the asymptotic profile near a singularity is either strictly convex or cylindrical. This result generalizes to a large class of symmetric ambient spaces the estimates obtained in the previous works on the mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces in Euclidean space and in the sphere.Comment: 17 pages, minor correction

    Volume preserving flow by powers of symmetric polynomials in the principal curvatures

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    We study a volume preserving curvature flow of convex hypersurfaces, driven by a power of the kk-th elementary symmetric polynomial in the principal curvatures. Unlike most of the previous works on related problems, we do not require assumptions on the curvature pinching of the initial datum. We prove that the solution exists for all times and that the speed remains bounded and converges to a constant in an integral norm. In the case of the volume preserving scalar curvature flow, we can prove that the hypersurfaces converge smoothly and exponentially fast to a round sphere.Comment: 17 page

    Global Propagation of Singularities for Time Dependent Hamilton-Jacobi Equations

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    We investigate the properties of the set of singularities of semiconcave solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations of the form \begin{equation*} u_t(t,x)+H(\nabla u(t,x))=0, \qquad\text{a.e. }(t,x)\in (0,+\infty)\times\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\,. \end{equation*} It is well known that the singularities of such solutions propagate locally along generalized characteristics. Special generalized characteristics, satisfying an energy condition, can be constructed, under some assumptions on the structure of the Hamiltonian HH. In this paper, we provide estimates of the dissipative behavior of the energy along such curves. As an application, we prove that the singularities of any viscosity solution of the above equation cannot vanish in a finite time

    Neckpinch singularities in fractional mean curvature flows

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    In this paper we consider the evolution of sets by a fractional mean curvature flow. Our main result states that for any dimension n>2n > 2, there exists an embedded surface in Rn\mathbb R^n evolving by fractional mean curvature flow, which developes a singularity before it can shrink to a point. When n>3n > 3 this result generalizes the analogue result of Grayson for the classical mean curvature flow. Interestingly, when n=2n = 2, our result provides instead a counterexample in the nonlocal framework to the well known Grayson Theorem, which states that any smooth embedded curve in the plane evolving by (classical) MCF shrinks to a point

    Neckpinch singularities in fractional mean curvature flows

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    In this paper we consider the evolution of boundaries of sets by a fractional mean curvature flow. We show that, for any dimension n ≥ 2, there exist embedded hypersurfaces in \Rn which develop a singularity without shrinking to a point. Such examples are well known for the classical mean curvature flow for n ≥ 3. Interestingly, when n=2, our result provides instead a counterexample in the nonlocal framework to the well known Grayson's Theorem [17], which states that any smooth embedded curve in the plane evolving by (classical) MCF shrinks to a point. The essential step in our construction is an estimate which ensures that a suitably small perturbation of a thin strip has positive fractional curvature at every boundary point