221 research outputs found

    On the first Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalue of regular Polygons

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    The Faber-Krahn inequality in R2\mathbb{R}^2 states that among all open bounded sets of given area the disk minimizes the first Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalue. There are numerical evidences that for all N≥3N\ge 3 the first Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalue of the regular NN-gon is greater than the one of the regular (N+1)(N+1)-gon of same area. This natural property is also suggested by the fact that the shape of regular polygons becomes more and more "rounded" as NN increases and, among sets of given area, disk minimize the eigenvalue. Aiming to settle such a conjecture, in this work we investigate possible ways to estimate the difference between eigenvalues of regular NN-gons and (N+1)(N+1)-gons.Comment: This paper has been written for possible publication in a special volume dedicated to the conference "Third Italian-Japanese Workshop on Geometric Properties for Parabolic and Elliptic PDE's", organized in Tokyo in August 201

    Symmetry breaking for a problem in optimal insulation

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    We consider the problem of optimally insulating a given domain Ω\Omega of Rd{\mathbb{R}}^d; this amounts to solve a nonlinear variational problem, where the optimal thickness of the insulator is obtained as the boundary trace of the solution. We deal with two different criteria of optimization: the first one consists in the minimization of the total energy of the system, while the second one involves the first eigenvalue of the related differential operator. Surprisingly, the second optimization problem presents a symmetry breaking in the sense that for a ball the optimal thickness is nonsymmetric when the total amount of insulator is small enough. In the last section we discuss the shape optimization problem which is obtained letting Ω\Omega to vary too.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figure

    On the maximal mean curvature of a smooth surface

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    Given a smooth simply connected planar domain, the area is bounded away from zero in terms of the maximal curvature alone. We show that in higher dimensions this is not true, and for a given maximal mean curvature we provide smooth embeddings of the ball with arbitrary small volume

    Two optimization problems in thermal insulation

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    We consider two optimization problems in thermal insulation: in both cases the goal is to find a thin layer around the boundary of the thermal body which gives the best insulation. The total mass of the insulating material is prescribed.. The first problem deals with the case in which a given heat source is present, while in the second one there are no heat sources and the goal is to have the slowest decay of the temperature. In both cases an optimal distribution of the insulator around the thermal body exists; when the body has a circular symmetry, in the first case a constant heat source gives a constant thickness as the optimal solution, while surprisingly this is not the case in the second problem, where the circular symmetry of the optimal insulating layer depends on the total quantity of insulator at our disposal. A symmetry breaking occurs when this total quantity is below a certain threshold. Some numerical computations are also provided, together with a list of open questions.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, published article on Notices Amer. Math. Soc. is available at http://www.ams.org/publications/journals/notices/201708/rnoti-p830.pd

    On a conjectured reverse Faber-Krahn inequality for a Steklov-type Laplacian eigenvalue

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    For a given bounded Lipschitz set Ω\Omega, we consider a Steklov--type eigenvalue problem for the Laplacian operator whose solutions provide extremal functions for the compact embedding H1(Ω)↪L2(∂Ω)H^1(\Omega)\hookrightarrow L^2(\partial \Omega). We prove that a conjectured reverse Faber--Krahn inequality holds true at least in the class of Lipschitz sets which are "close" to a ball in a Hausdorff metric sense. The result implies that among sets of prescribed measure, balls are local minimizers of the embedding constant

    Multiplicative controllability for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations between sign-changing states

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    In this paper we study the global approximate multiplicative controllability for nonlinear degenerate parabolic Cauchy problems. In particular, we consider a one-dimensional semilinear degenerate reaction-diffusion equation in divergence form governed via the coefficient of the \-reaction term (bilinear or multiplicative control). The above one-dimensional equation is degenerate since the diffusion coefficient is positive on the interior of the spatial domain and vanishes at the boundary points. Furthermore, two different kinds of degenerate diffusion coefficient are distinguished and studied in this paper: the weakly degenerate case, that is, if the reciprocal of the diffusion coefficient is summable, and the strongly degenerate case, that is, if that reciprocal isn't summable. In our main result we show that the above systems can be steered from an initial continuous state that admits a finite number of points of sign change to a target state with the same number of changes of sign in the same order. Our method uses a recent technique introduced for uniformly parabolic equations employing the shifting of the points of sign change by making use of a finite sequence of initial-value pure diffusion pro\-blems. Our interest in degenerate reaction-diffusion equations is motivated by the study of some \-energy balance models in climatology (see, e.g., the Budyko-Sellers model) and some models in population genetics (see, e.g., the Fleming-Viot model).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1510.0420
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