85 research outputs found

    Angular disparity of EMR task.

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    <p>RTs in the four experimental groups according to angles [0°, 90° to the right (R), 90° to the left (L), 180°] and views [frontal (F), back (B)] of the stimulus. The asterisks indicate significance level: * <i>P</i><0.05; *** <i>P</i><0.001.</p

    RTs (A) and accuracy (B) of EMR task.

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    <p>No significant difference was found between Sham-Silence and Sham-Music groups. cTBS-Music group was significantly faster and less accurate than cTBS-Silence group. The asterisks indicate significance level: ** <i>P</i><0.01. In this and in the following figures, graph bars represent standard errors.</p

    Mean percentage of correct responses (± SEM).

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    <p>Note: T10  =  end of treatment; F/U 1W  =  follow-up one week; F/U 1M  =  follow-up one month; F/U 2M  =  follow-up two months.</p

    Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of 69 SZ and 69 HC subjects.

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    <p>PANSS = positive and negative syndrome scale; S.D. = standard deviation; df = degrees of freedom; HC = Healthy Control; SZ = Schizophrenia.</p

    Relationships between mean diffusivity and age in SZ and HC subjects.

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    <p>The significance threshold, p<sub>lin</sub>, was chosen as a function of the number of ROIs in each lobe. Frontal lobe: p<sub>lin</sub><0.05/12; Temporal lobe: p<sub>lin</sub><0.05/16; Insula: p<sub>lin</sub><0.05; Parietal lobe: p<sub>lin</sub><0.05/12; Occipital lobe: p<sub>lin</sub><0.05/7. L = left; R = right; r = Pearson’s correlation coefficient; m = regression angular coefficient; MD<sub>0</sub> = regression intercept; HC = Healthy Controls; SZ = Schizophrenia; ROI = Region of Interest; MD = Mean Diffusivity.</p

    Age-related trajectories of MD within cortical GM of SZ and HC subjects.

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    <p>Scatter plot of MD (* 10<sup>6</sup> cm<sup>2</sup>/s) as a function of age for SZ (white circles) and HC (red circles). Solid lines represent linear fits for each group. Representative axial slices of the brain are reported for each hemisphere. Cortical regions in which the aging path followed by MD is different in SZ and HC are marked in red. Z coordinates are indicated in MNI space.</p
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