267 research outputs found

    Effects of inflationary bubbles on the polarization and temperature anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background

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    We predict the imprint of linear bubbly perturbations on the polarization and temperature anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We analytically model a bubbly density perturbation at the beginning of the radiation dominated era and we apply the linear theory of cosmological perturbations to compute its time evolution. At decoupling, it uniquely signs the CMB polarization and temperature anisotropy sky. During evolution the perturbation propagates beyond the size of the bubble and reaches the CMB sound horizon at the time considered. Therefore, its signal appears as a series of concentric rings, each characterized by its own amplitude and sign, on the scale of 1^{o} on the sky, even if the real seed size is much smaller. Polarization and temperature rings are strictly correlated. As expected for linear perturbations with size L and density contrast \delta at decoupling, \delta T/T is roughly \delta (L/H^{-1})^{2}; the polarization is about 10% of the temperature anisotropy. We predict the impact of a distribution of bubbles on the CMB polarization and temperature power spectra. Considering models containing both CDM Gaussian and bubbly non-Gaussian fluctuations, we simulate and analyze 10^{o} x 10^{o} sky patches with angular resolution of about 3.5^{'}. The CMB power associated with the bubbles is entirely on sub-degree angular scales (200<= l<=1000), that will be explored by the forthcoming high resolution CMB experiments with the percent precision. Depending on the parameters of the bubbly distribution we find extra-power with respect to the ordinary CDM Gaussian fluctuations; we infer simple analytical scalings of the power induced by bubbly perturbations and we constrain our parameters with the existing data.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures (two with nice colors), accepted for publication by MNRA

    The CMB as a dark energy probe

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    We give a brief review of the known effects of a dynamical vacuum cosmological component, the dark energy, on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We distinguish between a "classic" class of observables, used so far to constrain the average of the dark energy abundance in the redshift interval in which it is relevant for acceleration, and a "modern" class, aiming at the measurement of its differential redshift behavior. We show that the gravitationally lensed CMB belongs to the second class, as it can give a measure of the dark energy abundance at the time of equality with matter, occurring at about redshift 0.5. Indeed, the dark energy abundance at that epoch influences directly the lensing strength, which is injected at about the same time, if the source is the CMB. We illustrate this effect focusing on the curl (BB) component of CMB polarization, which is dominated by lensing on arcminute angular scales. An increasing dark energy abundance at the time of equality with matter, parameterized by a rising first order redshift derivative of its equation of state today, makes the BB power dropping with respect to a pure LambdaCDM cosmology, keeping the other cosmological parameters and primordial amplitude fixed. We briefly comment on the forthcoming probes which might measure the lensing power on CMB.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, proceedings of the invited talk at the CMB and Physics of the Early Universe Conference, Ischia, Italy, April 20-22, 200

    Early time perturbations behaviour in scalar field cosmologies

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    We consider the problem of the initial conditions and behaviour of the perturbations in scalar field cosmology with general potential. We use the general definition of adiabatic and isocurvature conditions to set the appropriate initial values for the perturbation in the scalar field and in the ordinary matter and radiation components. In both the cases of initial adiabaticity and isocurvature, we solve the Einstein and fluid equation at early times and on superhorizon scales to find the initial behaviour of the relevant quantities. In particular, in the isocurvature case, we consider models in which the initial perturbation arises from the matter as well as from the scalar field itself, provided that the initial value of the gauge invariant curvature is zero. We extend the standard code to include all these cases, and we show some results concerning the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background temperature and polarization anisotropies. In particular, it turns out that the acoustic peaks follow opposite behaviours in the adiabatic and isocurvature regimes: in the first case their amplitude is higher than in the corresponding pure cold dark matter model, while they make the opposite thing for pure isocurvature initial perturbations.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Extended Quintessence

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    We study Quintessence cosmologies in the context of scalar-tensor theories of gravity, where a scalar field ϕ\phi, assumed to provide most of the cosmic energy density today, is non-minimally coupled to the Ricci curvature scalar RR. Such `Extended Quintessence' cosmologies have the appealing feature that the same field causing the time (and space) variation of the cosmological constant is the source of a varying Newton's constant \`a la Jordan-Brans-Dicke. We investigate here two classes of models, where the gravitational sector of the Lagrangian is F(ϕ)RF(\phi)R with F(ϕ)=Οϕ2F(\phi )=\xi\phi^{2} (Induced Gravity, IG) and F(ϕ)=1+Οϕ2F(\phi)=1+\xi\phi^{2} (Non-Minimal Coupling, NMC). As a first application of this idea we consider a specific model, where the Quintessence field, ϕ\phi, obeying the simplest inverse power potential, has Ωϕ=0.6\Omega_{\phi}=0.6 today, in the context of the Cold Dark Matter scenario, with scale-invariant adiabatic initial perturbations. We find that, if Οâ‰Č5×10−4\xi\lesssim 5\times 10^{-4} for IG and Οâ‰Č5×10−3(Gϕ0)−1\xi\lesssim 5\times 10^{-3}(\sqrt{G}\phi_{0})^{-1} for NMC (ϕ0\phi_{0} is the present Quintessence value) our Quintessence field satisfies the existing solar system experimental constraints. Using linear perturbation theory we then obtain the polarization and temperature anisotropy spectra of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) as well as the matter power-spectrum. The perturbation behavior possesses distinctive features, that we name `QR-effects', regarding acoustic peak location and height, late time integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect, as well as turnover and amplitude in the matter power spectrum. These features could be detected in the upcoming observations on CMB and large-scale structure.Comment: 19 pages including 10 figures, final version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Cosmic microwave background constraints on dark energy dynamics: analysis beyond the power spectrum

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    We consider the distribution of the non-Gaussian signal induced by weak lensing on the primary total intensity cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. Our study focuses on the three point statistics exploiting an harmonic analysis based on the CMB bispectrum. By considering the three multipoles as independent variables, we reveal a complex structure of peaks and valleys determined by the re-projection of the primordial acoustic oscillations through the lensing mechanism. We study the dependence of this system on the expansion rate at the epoch in which the weak lensing power injection is relevant, probing the dark energy equation of state at redshift corresponding to the equivalence with matter or higher (w∞w_\infty). We evaluate the impact of the bispectrum observable on the CMB capability of constraining the dark energy dynamics. We perform a maximum likelihood analysis by varying the dark energy abundance, the present equation of state w0w_0 and w∞w_\infty. We show that the projection degeneracy affecting a pure power spectrum analysis in total intensity is broken if the bispectrum is taken into account. For a Planck-like experiment, assuming nominal performance, no foregrounds or systematics, and fixing all the parameters except w0w_0, w∞w_\infty and the dark energy abundance, a percent and ten percent precision measure of w0w_0 and w∞w_\infty is achievable from CMB data only. These results indicate that the detection of the weak lensing signal by the forthcoming CMB probes may be relevant to gain insight into the dark energy dynamics at the onset of cosmic acceleration.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Matching version accepted by Physical Review D. High resolution figures available upon request to the author

    Extended Quintessence: imprints on the cosmic microwave background spectra

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    We describe the observable features of the recently proposed Extended Quintessence scenarios on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy spectra. In this class of models a scalar field ϕ\phi, assumed to provide most of the cosmic energy density today, is non-minimally coupled to the Ricci curvature scalar RR. We implement the linear theory of cosmological perturbations in scalar tensor gravitational theories to compute CMB temperature and polarization spectra. All the interesting spectral features are affected: on sub-degree angular scales, the acoustic peaks change both in amplitude and position; on larger scales the low redshift dynamics enhances the Integrated Sachs Wolfe effect. These results show how the future CMB experiments could give information on the vacuum energy as well as on the structure of the gravitational Lagrangian term.Comment: 4 pages including 1 figure, to be published in the proceedings of the COSMO99 meeting, held in Trieste, September 199

    Stochastic gravitational background from inflationary phase transitions

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    We consider true vacuum bubbles generated in a first order phase transition occurring during the slow rolling era of a two field inflation: it is known that gravitational waves are produced by the collision of such bubbles. We find that the epoch of the phase transition strongly affects the characteristic peak frequency of the gravitational waves, causing an observationally interesting redshift in addition to the post-inflationary expansion. In particular it is found that a phase transition occurring typically 10Ă·\div20 e−e-foldings before the reheating at kT≃1015kT\simeq 10^{15} GeV may be detected by the next Ligo gravity waves interferometers. Moreover, for recently proposed models capable of generating the observed large scale voids as remnants of the primordial bubbles (for which the characteristic wave lengths are several tens of Mpc), it is found that the level of anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background provides a deep insight upon the physical parameters of the effective Lagrangian.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Phys.Rev.D in pres
