1,653 research outputs found

    A fully-discrete Semi-Lagrangian scheme for a first order mean field game problem

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    In this work we propose a fully-discrete Semi-Lagrangian scheme for a {\it first order mean field game system}. We prove that the resulting discretization admits at least one solution and, in the scalar case, we prove a convergence result for the scheme. Numerical simulations and examples are also discussed.Comment: 28 pages,16 figure

    Time-optimal Unitary Operations in Ising Chains II: Unequal Couplings and Fixed Fidelity

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    We analytically determine the minimal time and the optimal control laws required for the realization, up to an assigned fidelity and with a fixed energy available, of entangling quantum gates (CNOT\mathrm{CNOT}) between indirectly coupled qubits of a trilinear Ising chain. The control is coherent and open loop, and it is represented by a local and continuous magnetic field acting on the intermediate qubit. The time cost of this local quantum operation is not restricted to be zero. When the matching with the target gate is perfect (fidelity equal to one) we provide exact solutions for the case of equal Ising coupling. For the more general case when some error is tolerated (fidelity smaller than one) we give perturbative solutions for unequal couplings. Comparison with previous numerical solutions for the minimal time to generate the same gates with the same Ising Hamiltonian but with instantaneous local controls shows that the latter are not time-optimal.Comment: 11 pages, no figure

    The Hughes model for pedestrian dynamics and congestion modelling

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    In this paper we present a numerical study of some variations of the Hughes model for pedestrian flow under different types of congestion effects. The general model consists of a coupled non-linear PDE system involving an eikonal equation and a first order conservation law, and it intends to approximate the flow of a large pedestrian group aiming to reach a target as fast as possible, while taking into account the congestion of the crowd. We propose an efficient semi-Lagrangian scheme (SL) to approximate the solution of the PDE system and we investigate the macroscopic effects of different penalization functions modelling the congestion phenomena.Comment: 6 page

    Brachistochrone of Entanglement for Spin Chains

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    We analytically investigate the role of entanglement in time-optimal state evolution as an appli- cation of the quantum brachistochrone, a general method for obtaining the optimal time-dependent Hamiltonian for reaching a target quantum state. As a model, we treat two qubits indirectly cou- pled through an intermediate qubit that is directly controllable, which represents a typical situation in quantum information processing. We find the time-optimal unitary evolution law and quantify residual entanglement by the two-tangle between the indirectly coupled qubits, for all possible sets of initial pure quantum states of a tripartite system. The integrals of the motion of the brachistochrone are determined by fixing the minimal time at which the residual entanglement is maximized. Entan- glement plays a role for W and GHZ initial quantum states, and for the bi-separable initial state in which the indirectly coupled qubits have a nonzero value of the 2-tangle.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A fully-discrete scheme for systems of nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations

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    We consider a system of Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) equations, where the dependence of the coefficients is nonlinear and nonlocal in time with respect to the unknowns. We extend the numerical scheme proposed and studied recently by the authors for a single FPK equation of this type. We analyse the convergence of the scheme and we study its applicability in two examples. The first one concerns a population model involving two interacting species and the second one concerns two populations Mean Field Games

    Square Root Actions, Metric Signature, and the Path-Integral of Quantum Gravity

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    We consider quantization of the Baierlein-Sharp-Wheeler form of the gravitational action, in which the lapse function is determined from the Hamiltonian constraint. This action has a square root form, analogous to the actions of the relativistic particle and Nambu string. We argue that path-integral quantization of the gravitational action should be based on a path integrand exp[iS]\exp[ \sqrt{i} S ] rather than the familiar Feynman expression exp[iS]\exp[ i S ], and that unitarity requires integration over manifolds of both Euclidean and Lorentzian signature. We discuss the relation of this path integral to our previous considerations regarding the problem of time, and extend our approach to include fermions.Comment: 32 pages, latex. The revision is a more general treatment of the regulator. Local constraints are now derived from a requirement of regulator independenc

    Time-Optimal Transfer of Coherence

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    We provide exact analytical solutions for the problem of time-optimal transfer of coherence from one spin polarization to a three-fold coherence in a trilinear Ising chain with a fixed energy available and subject to local controls with a non negligible time cost. The time of transfer is optimal and consistent with a previous numerical result obtained assuming instantaneous local controls.Comment: Published version (with typos in eqs. (25)-(27) corrected

    Testing the Standard Model by precision measurement of the weak charges of quarks

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    In a global analysis of the latest parity-violating electron scattering measurements on nuclear targets, we demonstrate a significant improvement in the experimental knowledge of the weak neutral-current lepton-quark interactions at low energy. The precision of this new result, combined with earlier atomic parity-violation measurements, places tight constraints on the size of possible contributions from physics beyond the Standard Model. Consequently, this result improves the lower-bound on the scale of relevant new physics to ~1 TeV.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; v2: further details on extraction of electroweak parameters, new figur

    The mass shell of the universe

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    The classical field equations of general relativity can be expressed as a single geodesic equation, describing the free fall of a point particle in superspace. Based on this formulation, a ``worldline'' quantization of gravity, analogous to the Feynman-Schwinger treatment of particle propagation, is proposed, and a hidden mass-shell parameter is identified. We consider the effective action for the supermetric, which would be induced at one loop. In certain minisuperspace models, we find that this effective action is stationary for vanishing cosmological constant

    Extracting nucleon strange and anapole form factors from world data

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    The complete world set of parity violating electron scattering data up to Q^2~0.3 GeV^2 is analysed. We extract the current experimental determination of the strange electric and magnetic form factors of the proton, as well as the weak axial form factors of the proton and neutron, at Q^2 = 0.1 GeV^2. Within experimental uncertainties, we find that the strange form factors are consistent with zero, as are the anapole contributions to the axial form factors. Nevertheless, the correlation between the strange and anapole contributions suggest that there is only a small probability that these form factors all vanish simultaneously.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs; v2: version to appear in PR