12 research outputs found

    Labraunda 2017

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    La mission 2017 de Labraunda a Ă©tĂ© double. ParallĂšlement Ă  la mission de fouille/documentation/conservation qui s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e sur le site de Labraunda du 18 juin au 18 aoĂ»t 2017, nous avons inaugurĂ© cette annĂ©e une mission de prospection, pour l’instant modeste, mais qui s’avĂšre trĂšs prometteuse. Cette derniĂšre, dont la premiĂšre Ă©dition s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e pendant les deux semaines qui ont prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© la fouille, a pour objectif d’établir une carte archĂ©ologique de la rĂ©gion de Labraunda et de permet..

    Mylasa and Krete : the context of the Mylasan ‘Kretan dossier

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    RĂ©sumĂ©. – Un ensemble de dĂ©crets, votĂ©s par les citĂ©s de CrĂšte pour la polis de Mylasa, a Ă©tĂ© gravĂ©e par les Mylasiens au cours de la pĂ©riode hellĂ©nistique. Les textes sont fragmentaires et difficiles Ă  classer : cet article explore les circonstances sociales et politiques qui auraient pu conduire Ă  leur inscription. Une datation Ă  la fin du IIIe dĂ©but du IIe siĂšcle avant J.-C. est avancĂ©e pour les dĂ©crets et ceux-ci sont placĂ©s dans le contexte plus large de l’interaction entre la CrĂšte et le sud-ouest de l’Anatolie. Les textes sont comparĂ©s Ă  des dĂ©crets similaires venant de TĂ©os et de Milet, et laissent supposer que Mylasa cherchait Ă  Ă©tablir des alliances dĂ©fensives avec les poleis de CrĂšte en rĂ©ponse Ă  l’expansionnisme macĂ©donien. Abstract. – A series of decrees voted by Kretan cities for the polis of Mylasa was inscribed by the Mylaseis during the Hellenistic period. The texts are fragmentary and defy easy classification: this article explores the social and political circumstances that could have led to their inscription. A date in the late third/early second century BC is suggested for the decrees, and they are placed within a wider context of interaction between Krete and southwestern Anatolia. The texts are compared to similar decrees from Teos and Miletos, and it is suggested that Mylasa was seeking to establish defensive alliances with the poleis of Krete in response to Macedonian expansionism

    Basket-bearers and gold-wearers : epigraphic insights into the material dimensions of processional roles in the Greek East

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    Processions in the Greek East were organised according to a clear visual schema, which helped to impose order and provide meaning. This demarcation was primarily enacted materially, with ritual roles frequently defined by the carrying of objects or accoutrements. This article focuses on the diversity and local particularities of roles terminating in -phoros during the Hellenistic and imperial periods, as evidenced by the epigraphic record. It explores how intrinsic these material dimensions were to the processional experience in the Greek world, probing what they contributed to the aesthetics of procession and how they were ‘read’, both by participants and observers

    The travels of Zeus Labraundos

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    Caria and Crete in antiquity : cultural interaction between Anatolia and the Aegean

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    A persistent tradition existed in antiquity linking Caria with the island of Crete. This central theme of regional history is mirrored in the civic mythologies, cults and toponyms of southwestern Anatolia. This book explains why by approaching this diverse body of material with a broad chronological view, taking into account both the origins of this regional narrative and its endurance. It considers the mythologies in the light of archaeologically attested contacts during the Bronze Age, exploring whether such interaction could have left a residuum in later traditions. The continued relevance of this aspect of Carian history is then considered in the light of contacts during the Classical and Hellenistic periods, with analysis of how, and in which contexts, traditions survived. The Carians were an Anatolian people; however, their integration into the mythological framework of the Greek world reveals that interaction with the Aegean was a fundamental aspect of their history

    Labraunda 2018

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    1. Introduction La campagne 2018 des recherches Ă  Labraunda (Fig. 1.1) s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 11 au 29 juin, pour la prospection, et du 15 juillet au 13 septembre pour la fouille. Nous tenons Ă  remercier trĂšs chaleureusement les deux reprĂ©sentants du ministĂšre de la Culture et du Tourisme turc, Murat Kaleağasıoğlu pour la prospection et Musa Ötenen pour la fouille. Leur efficacitĂ© et leur professionnalisme furent exceptionnels. Fig. 1.1 : Plan gĂ©nĂ©ral du site de Labraunda O. Henry 2. Administrat..