7 research outputs found

    Temporal resolution in children: comparing normal hearing, conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorder

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    A resolução temporal é essencial na percepção acústica da fala, podendo estar alterada nos distúrbios auditivos gerando prejuízos no desenvolvimento da linguagem. OBJETIVO: Comparar a resolução temporal de crianças com audição normal, perda auditiva condutiva e distúrbios do processamento auditivo. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: A amostra foi de 31 crianças de 07 a 10 anos, divididas em três grupos: G1: 12 com audição normal, G2: sete com perda auditiva condutiva e G3: 12 com distúrbio do processamento auditivo. Os procedimentos de seleção foram: questionário aos responsáveis, avaliação audiológica e do processamento auditivo. O procedimento de pesquisa foi o teste de detecção de intervalos no silêncio realizado a 50 dB NS acima da média de 500, 1000 e 2000Hz na condição binaural em 500, 1000, 2000 e 4000Hz. Na análise dos dados foi utilizado o Teste de Wilcoxon, com nível de significância de 1%. RESULTADO: Observou-se que houve diferença entre os G1 e G2 e entre os G1 e G3 em todas as freqüências. Por outro lado, esta diferença não foi observada entre os G2 e G3. CONCLUSÃO A perda auditiva condutiva e o distúrbio do processamento auditivo têm influência no limiar de detecção de intervalos.Temporal resolution is essential to speech acoustic perception. It may be altered in subjects with auditory disorders, thus impairing the development of spoken and written language. AIM: The goal was to compare temporal resolution of children with normal hearing, with those bearing conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample had 31 children, between 7 and 10 years of age, broken down into three groups: G1: 12 subjects with normal hearing; G2: 7 with conductive hearing loss and G3: 12 subjects with auditory processing disorders. This study was clinical and experimental. Selection procedures were: a questionnaire to be answered by the parents/guardians, audiologic and hearing processing evaluation. The study procedure was the test to detect breaks in silence at 50 dB HL above the mean values of 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz in both ears in 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 Hz. To analyze the data we used the Wilcoxon Test with a 1% significance level. RESULTS: We noticed a difference between G1 and G2 and between G1 and G3 in all the frequencies. On the other hand, this difference was not seen between G2 and G3. CONCLUSION: conductive hearing loss and auditory processing disorders can impact break detection thresholds

    Relationship between Otolaryngologic Complaints and Systemic Comorbidities Observed in a Group of Hearing Aid Users

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    Introduction Optimization of the selection, adaptation, and benefit of hearing aids is necessary to characterize and manage hearing loss, user expectations, otolaryngologic symptoms, and systemic comorbidities. Objective To compare the occurrence of otologic complaints, systemic diseases, and effective use of hearing aids in men and women with deafness. Methods Patients from a Unified Health System–accredited hearing health service, who reported problems in adapting to their hearing aids, were evaluated by a physician and audiologist. An anamnesis, ENT evaluation, and audiological evaluation were performed. Results During the data collection period, 278 subjects came in for follow-up visits; of these, 61 (21%) reported otologic or operational problems with their equipment. The most prevalent type of hearing loss was basocochlear, a characteristic of presbycusis, in both men and women; the most frequently reported comorbidities were hypercholesterolemia (more significant in women) and hypertension (more significant in men). Fourteen subjects reported using their device discontinuously, with no significant difference between genders; the reasons for discontinuation of use were itching and ringing, with more complaints from women. Conclusion The incidence of systemic and audiological complaints is high in this population. These patients should be evaluated thoroughly, as resolutions of these complaints can contribute to improving the quality of life and assist in the process of hearing aid fitting

    Resolução temporal de crianças escolares Temporal resolution of young students

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    OBJETIVO: estudar a resolução temporal de crianças com desenvolvimento normal no teste de detecção de intervalos de silêncio (Random gap detection - RGDT) e no teste de detecção do intervalo no ruído (Gaps-in-noise - GIN). MÉTODOS: a população foi composta por 73 crianças escolares, sendo selecionadas 19 com desenvolvimento normal, na faixa etária de seis a 14 anos, de ambos os sexos, ausência de histórico otológico e/ou audiológico e de queixas escolares; audição normal; produção articulatória de todos os sons do Português e sem distúrbios do processamento auditivo. Os procedimentos da pesquisa foram os testes RGDT e GIN, realizados a 50 dB NS sendo o primeiro apresentado binaural e o segundo monoauralmente. Para análise dos dados foi aplicado teste t de Student. RESULTADOS: no teste RGDT, a média dos intervalos de silêncio para as freqüências de 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz foram respectivamente, 10,13 ms; 8,69 ms; 11,94 ms; 10,56 ms, não ocorrendo diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação à freqüência testada. No teste GIN, a média do limiar foi de 5,7 ms para a orelha direita e 5,4 ms para a orelha esquerda, não havendo diferença estatisticamente significante quanto à orelha avaliada. CONCLUSÃO: há evidências de diferenças dos limiares dos testes, o que aponta a hipótese de que GIN e RGDT não estejam avaliando a mesma habilidade auditiva ou requisitem processos não auditivos nas tarefas solicitadas. Desta forma, são necessárias novas pesquisas para entender melhor a aplicabilidade e os parâmetros de ambos os testes na prática clínica no Brasil.<br>PURPOSE: to study temporal processing in children with normal development through the Random Gap Detection Test and the Gaps-in-noise Test. METHODS: a population comprised of 73 students, 19 having normal development, between 6 and 14-year old, males and females, no otologic and/or audiologic history, and no learning disabilities; normal hearing; articulatory production of all Portuguese sounds, no auditory processing disorders. RGDT and GIN tests have been used as the procedures of the research, carried out at 50 dB SL, being the first binaural and the second monoaural. A t-test of Student was used to analyze the data. RESULTS: for the RGDT test, the mean value for gap intervals for the 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz frequencies were 10 msec, 13 msec, 8.69 msec, 11.94 msec and 10.56 msec respectively, there were no significant statistical differences in the performance of the sample related to the tested frequency. For the GIN test, the threshold mean was 5.7 msec for the right ear, 5.4 msec for the left ear, there has been no significant statistical difference as to the ear evaluated. CONCLUSION: there are differences between the thresholds of the tests carried out with the same subjects, that point out to the hypothesis that GIN and RGDT are either not evaluating the same hearing ability or require non-auditory processes for the requested tasks. New research is necessary to better understand the applicability and the parameters of both tests in clinical practice in Brazil