2 research outputs found

    Situação atual e perspectivas do biodiesel no Estado do Tocantins

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    Biofuel production has been widely debated in Brazil and in 2014 was created the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (NPPB). This program encouraging a greater share of renewable energies in the Brazilian energy matrix, aiming to implement sustainably , technical , and economic , production and use of biodiesel, with a focus on social inclusion and regional development by generating employment and income . On the national scene, the State of Tocantins is distinguished by having a wide availability of land and has good prospects because of logistical deployment of new modes of transportation. Family farming is considered the major driver of agribusiness with approximately 45000 farms. In this context, this paper aims to demonstrate the factors that contribute to the scenario of biodiesel production in the state of Tocantins

    Situação atual e perspectivas do biodiesel no Estado do Tocantins

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    A produção de biocombustíveis tem sido amplamente debatida no Brasil e no ano de 2014 foi criado o Programa Nacional de Uso e Produção de Biodiesel (PNPB). Este programa busca incentivar uma maior participação de energias renováveis na matriz energética brasileira, com o objetivo de implementar de forma sustentável, técnica, e econômica, a produção e uso do Biodiesel. Além do enfoque na inclusão social e no desenvolvimento regional, via geração de emprego e renda. No panorama nacional, o Estado do Tocantins destaca-se por dispor de uma vasta disponibilidade de terras e apresentar boas perspectivas logísticas devido a implantação de novos modais de transporte. A agricultura familiar é considerada o grande propulsor do agronegócio com, aproximadamente, 45 mil propriedades rurais. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa demonstrar os fatores que contribuem com o cenário da produção de biodiesel no Estado do Tocantins.Palavras-chave: Produção; Sustentabilidade; Agricultura familiar; Biocombustíveis.ABSTRACTBiofuel production has been widely debated in Brazil and in 2014 was created the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (NPPB). This program encouraging a greater share of renewable energies in the Brazilian energy matrix, aiming to implement sustainably , technical , and economic , production and use of biodiesel, with a focus on social inclusion and regional development by generating employment and income . On the national scene, the State of Tocantins is distinguished by having a wide availability of land and has good prospects because of logistical deployment of new modes of transportation. Family farming is considered the major driver of agribusiness with approximately 45000 farms. In this context, this paper aims to demonstrate the factors that contribute to the scenario of biodiesel production in the state of Tocantins.Keywords: Production; Sustainability; familiar Agriculture; Biofuels