23 research outputs found

    Opinion Cascades and Echo-Chambers in Online Networks: A Proof of Concept Agent-Based Model

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    In online networks, the polarization of opinions (e.g., regarding presidential elections or referenda) has been associated with the creation of “echo-chambers” of like-minded peers, secluded from those of contrary viewpoints. Previous work has commonly attributed such phenomena to self-regarding preferences (e.g., confirmation bias), individual differences, and the pre-dispositions of users, with clusters forming over repeated interactions. The present work provides a proof of concept Agent-Based Model that demonstrates online networks are susceptible to echo-chambers from a single opinion cascade, due to the spatiotemporal order induced by lateral transmission. This susceptibility is found to vary as a function of degree of interconnectivity and opinion strength. Critically, such effects are found despite globally proportionate levels of opinions, equally rational agents (i.e. absent conformity, confirmation bias or pre-disposition architecture), and prior to cyclical interactions. The assumptions and implications of this work, including the value of Agent-Based Modelling to cognitive psychology, are discussed

    Population and Selection.

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    <p>Comparison between lung-healthy controls and children with respiratory allergies.</p

    Corrected Associations between PA and Allergic Phenotype.

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    <p>Models corrected for age, height, season of accelerometry, nutritional intervention, parental education and study center.</p

    Spirometric indices and grip strength, sensitivity analyses.

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    <p>All models corrected for age, height, lean body mass, nutritional intervention and study center (Munich/Wesel) as in Basic Model (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0194560#pone.0194560.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>).</p

    Questionnaire items used for scoring.

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    <p>Numbers in brackets (%) are frequencies of parents' answers, denominator of n = 1226 in Leicester subsample used for generating the tool, and of n = 140 in MAS-90 subsample. * before/after imputation with values from prior follow-up assessments and baseline.</p><p>Questionnaire items used for scoring.</p

    Characteristics of families in sample used for external validation, by follow-up status.

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    <p>ISCED, International Standard classification of Education; BMI, Body mass index; IgE, Immunoglobulin E; 95%-CI, bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals; kU/l, kilo Units per litre.</p><p>Characteristics of families in sample used for external validation, by follow-up status.</p