30 research outputs found

    Oxidation resistance of graphene-coated Cu and Cu/Ni alloy

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    The ability to protect refined metals from reactive environments is vital to many industrial and academic applications. Current solutions, however, typically introduce several negative effects, including increased thickness and changes in the metal physical properties. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time the ability of graphene films grown by chemical vapor deposition to protect the surface of the metallic growth substrates of Cu and Cu/Ni alloy from air oxidation. SEM, Raman spectroscopy, and XPS studies show that the metal surface is well protected from oxidation even after heating at 200 \degree C in air for up to 4 hours. Our work further shows that graphene provides effective resistance against hydrogen peroxide. This protection method offers significant advantages and can be used on any metal that catalyzes graphene growth

    Copper oxide as a "self-cleaning" substrate for graphene growth

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    Commonly used techniques for cleaning copper substrates before graphene growth via chemical vapor deposition (CVD), such as rinsing with acetone, nitric, and acetic acid, and high temperature hydrogen annealing still leave residual adventitious carbon on the copper surface. This residual carbon promotes graphene nucleation and leads to higher nucleation density. We find that copper with an oxidized surface can act as a self-cleaning substrate for graphene growth by CVD. Under vacuum conditions, copper oxide thermally decomposes, releasing oxygen from the substrate surface. The released oxygen reacts with the carbon residues on the copper surface and forms volatile carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, leaving a clean copper surface free of carbon for large-area graphene growth. Using oxidized electropolished copper foil leads to a reduction in graphene nucleation density by over a factor of 1000 when compared to using chemically cleaned oxygen free copper foil

    Substrate grain size and orientation of Cu and Cu-Ni foils used for the growth of graphene films

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    Graphene growth on Cu foils by catalytic decomposition of methane forms predominantly single-layer graphene films due to the low solubility of carbon in Cu. On the other hand, graphene growth on Cu-Ni foils can result in the controlled growth of few-layer graphene films because of the higher solubility of carbon in Ni. One of the key issues for the use of graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition for device applications is the influence of defects on the transport properties of the graphene. For instance, growth on metal foil substrates is expected to result in multidomain graphene growth because of the presence of grains within the foil that exhibit a variety of surface terminations. Therefore, the size and orientation of the grains within the metal foil should influence the defect density of the graphene. For this reason, we have studied the effect of total anneal time and temperature on the orientation and size of grains within Cu foils and Cu-Ni alloy foils with a nominal concentration of 90/10 by weight. The graphene growth procedure involves preannealing the foil in a H(2) background followed by the graphene growth in a CH(4)/H(2) atmosphere. Measurements of the substrate grain size have been performed with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. These results show typical lateral dimensions ranging from a few millimeters up to approximately a centimeter for Cu foils annealed at 1030 degrees C for 35 min and from tens of microns up to a few hundred microns for the 90/10 Cu-Ni foils annealed at 1050 degrees C for times ranging from 45 to 90 min. The smaller grains within the Cu-Ni foils are attributed to the higher melting point of the Cu-Ni alloy. The crystallographic orientation within each substrate grain was studied with electron backscatter diffraction, and shows that the preferred orientation for the Cu foil is primarily toward the (100) surface plane. For the 90/10 Cu-Ni foils, the orientation of the surface of the grains is initially toward the (110) plane and shifts into an orientation midway between the (100) and (111) planes as the anneal time is increased

    Interfacial capacitance of single layer graphene

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    The interfacial capacitance of large area, single layer graphene was directly measured with electrolyte accessing both sides of the graphene sheet. PMMA and photoresist patterns were used as supports to suspend the CVD grown graphene in electrolyte during electrochemical testing. Both one and two sides of single layer graphene films were measured and compared. The results show that the area normalized charge that can be stored simultaneously on both sides is significantly lower than could be stored on just one side of single layer graphene, consistent with charge storage having a quantum capacitance component. These measurements are also consistent with the specific capacitance of graphene materials as previously measured in supercapacitor cells and provide a basis for the further understanding and development of graphene based materials for electrical energy storage

    Effective mobility of single-layer graphene transistors as a function of channel dimensions

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    A detailed analysis of the extracted back gated FET mobility as a function of channel length, channel width, and underlying oxide thickness for both exfoliated and chemical vapor deposited (CVD) graphene is presented. The mobility increases with increasing channel length eventually saturating at a constant value for channel lengths of several micrometers. The length dependence is consistent with the transition from a ballistic to diffusive transport regime. The mobility as a function of channel width first increases and then decreases. The increase in mobility for very small channel widths is consistent with a reduction in edge scattering. The decrease in mobility for larger channel widths is observed to be strongly dependent on the oxide thickness suggesting that electrostatics associated with fringing fields is an important effect. This effect is further confirmed by a comparative analysis of the measured mobility of graphene devices with similar channel dimensions on oxides of different thicknesses. The observed electrical measurements are in excellent agreement with theoretical studies predicting the width dependence of conductivity and mobility. The mobility of CVD grown graphene is slightly lower than that of exfoliated graphene but shows similar trends with length and width. The mobility values reported in the literature are in agreement with the trend reported here