25 research outputs found

    UK B.1.1.7 variant exhibits increased respiratory replication and shedding in nonhuman primates.

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    The continuing emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants calls for regular assessment to identify differences in viral replication, shedding and associated disease. In this study, African green monkeys were infected intranasally with either a contemporary D614G or the UK B.1.1.7 variant. Both variants caused mild respiratory disease with no significant differences in clinical presentation. Significantly higher levels of viral RNA and infectious virus were found in upper and lower respiratory tract samples and tissues from B.1.1.7 infected animals. Interestingly, D614G infected animals showed significantly higher levels of viral RNA and infectious virus in rectal swabs and gastrointestinal tract tissues. Our results indicate that B.1.1.7 infection in African green monkeys is associated with increased respiratory replication and shedding but no disease enhancement similar to human B.1.1.7 cases. ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY: UK B.1.1.7 infection of African green monkeys exhibits increased respiratory replication and shedding but no disease enhancement

    Immunological correlates of protection afforded by PHV02 live, attenuated recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vector vaccine against Nipah virus disease

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    IntroductionImmune correlates of protection afforded by PHV02, a recombinant vesicular stomatitis (rVSV) vector vaccine against Nipah virus (NiV) disease, were investigated in the African green monkey (AGM) model. Neutralizing antibody to NiV has been proposed as the principal mediator of protection against future NiV infection.MethodsTwo approaches were used to determine the correlation between neutralizing antibody levels and outcomes following a severe (1,000 median lethal doses) intranasal/intratracheal (IN/IT) challenge with NiV (Bangladesh): (1) reduction in vaccine dose given 28 days before challenge and (2) challenge during the early phase of the antibody response to the vaccine.ResultsReduction in vaccine dose to very low levels led to primary vaccine failure rather than a sub-protective level of antibody. All AGMs vaccinated with the nominal clinical dose (2 × 107 pfu) at 21, 14, or 7 days before challenge survived. AGMs vaccinated at 21 days before challenge had neutralizing antibodies (geometric mean titer, 71.3). AGMs vaccinated at 7 or 14 days before challenge had either undetectable or low neutralizing antibody titers pre-challenge but had a rapid rise in titers after challenge that abrogated the NiV infection. A simple logistic regression model of the combined studies was used, in which the sole explanatory variable was pre-challenge neutralizing antibody titers. For a pre-challenge titer of 1:5, the predicted survival probability is 100%. The majority of animals with pre-challenge neutralizing titer of ≥1:20 were protected against pulmonary infiltrates on thoracic radiograms, and a majority of those with titers ≥1:40 were protected against clinical signs of illness and against a ≥fourfold antibody increase following challenge (indicating sterile immunity). Controls receiving rVSV-Ebola vaccine rapidly succumbed to NiV challenge, eliminating the innate immunity stimulated by the rVSV vector as a contributor to survival in monkeys challenged as early as 7 days after vaccination.Discussion and conclusionIt was concluded that PHV02 vaccine elicited a rapid onset of protection and that any detectable level of neutralizing antibody was a functional immune correlate of survival

    Histopathologic Characterization of Experimental Peracute SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Syrian Hamster

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    Coronavirus Infectious Disease 2019 (COVID-19) initiated a global pandemic that thus far has resulted in the death of over 6.5 million people internationally. Understanding the viral tropism during the initial, subclinical phase of infection is critical to develop targeted vaccines and therapeutics. With the continued emergence of variants of concern, particularly those that appear to have a tropism for the upper respiratory tract, understanding the complete pathogenesis is critical to develop more effective interventions. Thus far, the Syrian hamster has served as the most consistent small animal model of SARS-CoV-2 infection for mild to moderate respiratory disease. Herein, we utilize histopathology and immunohistochemistry to characterize the peracute phase of disease initiating at 6-h-post-inoculation in the intranasal inoculation route Syrian hamster model. Inflammation and viral replication initiates in the respiratory epithelium of nasal turbinates as early as 12-h-post-inoculation and moves caudally through the nasal cavity by 36-h-post inoculation. Lower respiratory involvement can be detected as early as 12-h-post inoculation in the intranasal inoculated hamster model. These data highlight the importance of rostral nasal cavity sampling at early timepoints for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in the Syrian hamster model

    Characterization of <i>Coxiella burnetii</i> Dugway Strain Host-Pathogen Interactions In Vivo

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    Coxiella burnetii is a Gram-negative, intracellular bacterium that causes the zoonosis Q fever. Among the many natural isolates of C. burnetii recovered from various sources, the Dugway group exhibits unique genetic characteristics, including the largest C. burnetii genomes. These strains were isolated during 1954–1958 from wild rodents from the Utah, USA desert. Despite retaining phase I lipopolysaccharide and the type 4B secretion system, two critical virulence factors, avirulence has been reported in a guinea pig infection model. Using guinea pig models, we evaluated the virulence, whole-cell vaccine (WCV) efficacy, and post-vaccination hypersensitivity (PVH) potential of a representative Dugway strain. Consistent with prior reports, Dugway appeared to be highly attenuated compared to a virulent strain. Indeed, Dugway-infected animals showed similarly low levels of fever, body weight loss, and splenomegaly like Nine Mile II-infected animals. When compared to a human Q fever vaccine, QVax®, Dugway WCV exhibited analogous protection against a heterologous Nine Mile I challenge. PVH was investigated in a skin-testing model which revealed significantly decreased maximum erythema in Dugway Δdot/icm WCV-skin-tested animals compared to that of QVax®. These data provide insight into this unique bacterial strain and implicate its potential use as a mutated WCV candidate

    A replicating RNA vaccine confers protection in a rhesus macaque model of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever

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    Abstract Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne febrile illness with a wide geographic distribution. In recent years the geographic range of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus (CCHFV) and its tick vector have increased, placing an increasing number of people at risk of CCHFV infection. Currently, there are no widely available vaccines, and although the World Health Organization recommends ribavirin for treatment, its efficacy is unclear. Here we evaluate a promising replicating RNA vaccine in a rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) model of CCHF. This model provides an alternative to the established cynomolgus macaque model and recapitulates mild-to-moderate human disease. Rhesus macaques infected with CCHFV consistently exhibit viremia, detectable viral RNA in a multitude of tissues, and moderate pathology in the liver and spleen. We used this model to evaluate the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a replicating RNA vaccine. Rhesus macaques vaccinated with RNAs expressing the CCHFV nucleoprotein and glycoprotein precursor developed robust non-neutralizing humoral immunity against the CCHFV nucleoprotein and had significant protection against the CCHFV challenge. Together, our data report a model of CCHF using rhesus macaques and demonstrate that our replicating RNA vaccine is immunogenic and protective in non-human primates after a prime-boost immunization

    Immune-Mediated Systemic Vasculitis as the Proposed Cause of Sudden-Onset Sensorineural Hearing Loss following Lassa Virus Exposure in Cynomolgus Macaques

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    Lassa virus is one of the most common causes of viral hemorrhagic fever. A frequent, but as yet unexplained, consequence of infection with Lassa virus is acute, sudden-onset sensorineural hearing loss in one or both ears. Deafness is observed in approximately 30% of surviving Lassa fever patients, an attack rate that is approximately 300% higher than mumps virus infection, which was previously thought to be the most common cause of virus-induced deafness. Here, we provide evidence from Lassa virus-infected cynomolgus macaques implicating an immune-mediated vasculitis syndrome underlying the pathology of Lassa fever-associated deafness. These findings could change the way human Lassa fever patients are medically managed in order to prevent deafness by including diagnostic monitoring of human survivors for onset of vasculitides via available imaging methods and/or other diagnostic markers of immune-mediated vascular disease.Lassa virus (LASV) causes a severe, often fatal hemorrhagic disease in regions in Africa where the disease is endemic, and approximately 30% of patients develop sudden-onset sensorineural hearing loss after recovering from acute disease. The causal mechanism of hearing loss in LASV-infected patients remains elusive. Here, we report findings after closely examining the chronic disease experienced by surviving macaques assigned to LASV exposure control groups in two different studies. All nonhuman primates (NHPs) developed typical signs and symptoms of Lassa fever, and seven succumbed during the acute phase of disease. Three NHPs survived beyond the acute phase and became chronically ill but survived to the study endpoint, 45 days postexposure. All three of these survivors displayed continuous disease symptoms, and apparent hearing loss was observed using daily subjective measurements, including response to auditory stimulation and tuning fork tests. Objective measurements of profound unilateral or bilateral sensorineural hearing loss were confirmed for two of the survivors by brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER) analysis. Histologic examination of inner ear structures and other tissues revealed the presence of severe vascular lesions consistent with systemic vasculitides. These systemic immune-mediated vascular disorders have been associated with sudden hearing loss. Other vascular-specific damage was also observed to be present in many of the sampled tissues, and we were able to identify persistent virus in the perivascular tissues in the brain tissue of survivors. Serological analyses of two of the three survivors revealed the presence of autoimmune disease markers. Our findings point toward an immune-mediated etiology for Lassa fever-associated sudden-onset hearing loss and lay the foundation for developing potential therapies to prevent and/or cure Lassa fever-associated sudden-onset hearing loss

    DataSheet_1_An atlas of gross and histologic lesions and immunohistochemical immunoreactivity during the temporal progression of aerosolized Lassa virus induced hemorrhagic fever in cynomolgus macaques.docx

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    Lassa virus (LASV) causes an acute multisystemic hemorrhagic fever in humans known as Lassa fever, which is endemic in several African countries. This manuscript focuses on the progression of disease in cynomolgus macaques challenged with aerosolized LASV and serially sampled for the development and progression of gross and histopathologic lesions. Gross lesions were first noted in tissues on day 6 and persisted throughout day 12. Viremia and histologic lesions were first noted on day 6 commencing with the pulmonary system and hemolymphatic system and progressing at later time points to include all systems. Immunoreactivity to LASV antigen was first observed in the lungs of one macaque on day 3 and appeared localized to macrophages with an increase at later time points to include immunoreactivity in all organ systems. Additionally, this manuscript will serve as a detailed atlas of histopathologic lesions and disease progression for comparison to other animal models of aerosolized Arenaviral disease.</p

    Mechanisms of Immunity in Post-Exposure Vaccination against Ebola Virus Infection

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    <div><p>Ebolaviruses can cause severe hemorrhagic fever that is characterized by rapid viral replication, coagulopathy, inflammation, and high lethality rates. Although there is no clinically proven vaccine or treatment for Ebola virus infection, a virus-like particle (VLP) vaccine is effective in mice, guinea pigs, and non-human primates when given pre-infection. In this work, we report that VLPs protect Ebola virus-infected mice when given 24 hours post-infection. Analysis of cytokine expression in serum revealed a decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine levels in mice given VLPs post-exposure compared to infected, untreated mice. Using knockout mice, we show that VLP-mediated post-exposure protection requires perforin, B cells, macrophages, conventional dendritic cells (cDCs), and either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. Protection was Ebola virus-specific, as marburgvirus VLPs did not protect Ebola virus-infected mice. Increased antibody production in VLP-treated mice correlated with protection, and macrophages were required for this increased production. However, NK cells, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha were not required for post-exposure-mediated protection. These data suggest that a non-replicating Ebola virus vaccine can provide post-exposure protection and that the mechanisms of immune protection in this setting require both increased antibody production and generation of cytotoxic T cells.</p></div

    A DNA vaccine delivered by dermal electroporation fully protects cynomolgus macaques against Lassa fever

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    Lassa virus (LASV) is an ambisense RNA virus in the Arenaviridae family and is the etiological agent of Lassa fever, a severe hemorrhagic disease endemic to West and Central Africa. There are no US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-licensed vaccines available to prevent Lassa fever. in our previous studies, we developed a gene-optimized DNA vaccine that encodes the glycoprotein precursor gene of LASV (Josiah strain) and demonstrated that 3 vaccinations accompanied by dermal electroporation protected guinea pigs from LASV-associated illness and death. Here, we describe an initial efficacy experiment in cynomolgus macaque nonhuman primates (NHPs) in which we followed an identical 3-dose vaccine schedule that was successful in guinea pigs, and a follow-on experiment in which we used an accelerated vaccination strategy consisting of 2 administrations, spaced 4 weeks apart. In both studies, all of the LASV DNA-vaccinated NHPs survived challenge and none of them had measureable, sustained viremia or displayed weight loss or other disease signs post-exposure. Three of 10 mock-vaccinates survived exposure to LASV, but all of them became acutely ill post-exposure and remained chronically ill to the study end point (45 d post-exposure). Two of the 3 survivors experienced sensorineural hearing loss (described elsewhere). These results clearly demonstrate that the LASV DNA vaccine combined with dermal electroporation is a highly effective candidate for eventual use in humans