16 research outputs found
Operationalizing Advance Care Plans: Barriers.
<p>Operationalizing Advance Care Plans: Barriers.</p
Operationalizing Advance Care Plans: Facilitators.
<p>Operationalizing Advance Care Plans: Facilitators.</p
Additional file 2: of A conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke
(interview schedule 2). (DOC 122 kb
Additional file 1: of A conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke
(interview schedule 1). (DOC 110 kb
Additional file 3: of A conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke
(participant details). (DOCX 14 kb
Additional file 4: of A conceptual model of treatment burden and patient capacity in stroke
(new treatment burdens found from analysis of the interviews, not found in systematic review). (DOCX 16 kb
Additional file 1: of RESTORE: an exploratory trial of a web-based intervention to enhance self-management of cancer-related fatigue: findings from a qualitative process evaluation
Interview guides. (DOCX 21 kb