133 research outputs found

    Combining and Aggregating Environmental Data for Status and Trend Assessments: Challenges and Approaches

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    Increasingly, natural resource management agencies and nongovernmental organizations are sharing monitoring data across geographic and jurisdictional boundaries. Doing so improves their abilities to assess local-, regional-, and landscape-level environmental conditions, particularly status and trends, and to improve their ability to make short-and long-term management decisions. Status monitoring assesses the current condition of a population or environmental condition across an area. Monitoring for trends aims at monitoring changes in populations or environmental condition through time. We wrote this paper to inform agency and nongovernmental organization managers, analysts, and consultants regarding the kinds of environmental data that can be combined with suitable techniques and statistically aggregated for new assessments. By doing so, they can increase the (1) use of available data and (2) the validity and reliability of the assessments. Increased awareness of the difficulties inherent in combining and aggregating data for local-and regional-level analyses can increase the likelihood that future monitoring efforts will be modified and/or planned to accommodate data from multiple sources

    Urban and Rural-residential Land Uses: Their Role in Watershed Health and the Rehabilitation of Oregon’s Wild Salmonids

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    This technical report by the Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team (IMST) is a comprehensive review of how human activities in urban and rural-residential areas can alter aquatic ecosystems and resulting implications for salmonid recovery, with a geographic focus on the state of Oregon. The following topics are considered in the form of science questions, and comprise the major components of this report: The effects of urban and rural-residential development on Oregon’s watersheds and native wild salmonids. Actions that can be used to avoid or mitigate undesirable changes to aquatic ecosystems near developing urban and rural-residential areas. The benefits and pitfalls of salmonid habitat rehabilitation within established urban or rural-residential areas. Suggested research and monitoring focus areas that will facilitate the recovery of salmonid populations affected by development. The fundamental concepts presented in this report should be applicable to most native salmonid populations across the state. IMST encourages managers and policy-makers with interest in a specific species or geographic region to carefully research local ecological conditions, as well as specific life history characteristics of salmonids in the region. Conserving watershed condition and salmonids in the face of increasing development requires consideration of two distinct sets of processes. First are the human social and economic processes that drive patterns in land use change. Second are the ecological processes, altered by land use, that underlie salmonid habitat changes. This report focuses on the latter and summarizes the effects of rural-residential and urban development on native, wild salmonid populations and the watersheds upon which they depend