87 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of the Influence of User Tailoring on Evaluative Argument Effectiveness

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    The ability to generate effective evaluative arguments is critical for systems intended to advise and persuade their users. We have developed a system that generates evaluative arguments that are tailored to the user, properly arranged and concise. We have also devised an evaluation framework in which the effectiveness of evaluative arguments can be measured with real users. This paper presents the results of a formal experiment we performed in our framework to verify the influence of user tailoring on argument effectiveness.

    Entity-based SpanCopy for Abstractive Summarization to Improve the Factual Consistency

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    Despite the success of recent abstractive summarizers on automatic evaluation metrics, the generated summaries still present factual inconsistencies with the source document. In this paper, we focus on entity-level factual inconsistency, i.e. reducing the mismatched entities between the generated summaries and the source documents. We therefore propose a novel entity-based SpanCopy mechanism, and explore its extension with a Global Relevance component. Experiment results on four summarization datasets show that SpanCopy can effectively improve the entity-level factual consistency with essentially no change in the word-level and entity-level saliency. The code is available at https://github.com/Wendy-Xiao/Entity-based-SpanCop

    Predicting Discourse Structure using Distant Supervision from Sentiment

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    Discourse parsing could not yet take full advantage of the neural NLP revolution, mostly due to the lack of annotated datasets. We propose a novel approach that uses distant supervision on an auxiliary task (sentiment classification), to generate abundant data for RST-style discourse structure prediction. Our approach combines a neural variant of multiple-instance learning, using document-level supervision, with an optimal CKY-style tree generation algorithm. In a series of experiments, we train a discourse parser (for only structure prediction) on our automatically generated dataset and compare it with parsers trained on human-annotated corpora (news domain RST-DT and Instructional domain). Results indicate that while our parser does not yet match the performance of a parser trained and tested on the same dataset (intra-domain), it does perform remarkably well on the much more difficult and arguably more useful task of inter-domain discourse structure prediction, where the parser is trained on one domain and tested/applied on another one.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2019, 9 page

    Unsupervised Learning of Discourse Structures using a Tree Autoencoder

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    Discourse information, as postulated by popular discourse theories, such as RST and PDTB, has been shown to improve an increasing number of downstream NLP tasks, showing positive effects and synergies of discourse with important real-world applications. While methods for incorporating discourse become more and more sophisticated, the growing need for robust and general discourse structures has not been sufficiently met by current discourse parsers, usually trained on small scale datasets in a strictly limited number of domains. This makes the prediction for arbitrary tasks noisy and unreliable. The overall resulting lack of high-quality, high-quantity discourse trees poses a severe limitation to further progress. In order the alleviate this shortcoming, we propose a new strategy to generate tree structures in a task-agnostic, unsupervised fashion by extending a latent tree induction framework with an auto-encoding objective. The proposed approach can be applied to any tree-structured objective, such as syntactic parsing, discourse parsing and others. However, due to the especially difficult annotation process to generate discourse trees, we initially develop a method to generate larger and more diverse discourse treebanks. In this paper we are inferring general tree structures of natural text in multiple domains, showing promising results on a diverse set of tasks.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 2021, 7 page

    Large Discourse Treebanks from Scalable Distant Supervision

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    Discourse parsing is an essential upstream task in Natural Language Processing with strong implications for many real-world applications. Despite its widely recognized role, most recent discourse parsers (and consequently downstream tasks) still rely on small-scale human-annotated discourse treebanks, trying to infer general-purpose discourse structures from very limited data in a few narrow domains. To overcome this dire situation and allow discourse parsers to be trained on larger, more diverse and domain-independent datasets, we propose a framework to generate "silver-standard" discourse trees from distant supervision on the auxiliary task of sentiment analysis.Comment: Extended Abstract. Non Archival. 2 page
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