323 research outputs found

    Effect of material hybridization on the strength of scarf adhesive joints

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    Adhesively-bonded joints have become more efficient due to the improvement of adhesives’ characteristics. On the other hand, with the use of composites in structures it is possible to reduce weight. Due to this, new techniques are being explored, including adhesively-bonding different materials. Nowadays, in many high performance structures, it is necessary to combine composite materials with other light-weighted metals such as aluminium or titanium. This work reports on an experimental and numerical study for hybrid scarf joints between composite and aluminium adherends, and considering different values of the scarf angle (α). The numerical analysis by Finite Elements (FE), using the software Abaqus®, enabled the obtainment of peel (σy) and shear stresses (τxy), which are then used to discuss the strength between different joint configurations. Cohesive zone modelling (CZM) was used to predict the joint strength and the results were compared to the experiments for validation. The joints’ behaviour was highly dependent on α, and CZM were validated for the design process of hybrid scarf joints.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Asymptotic quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordstr\"om and Kerr black holes

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    According to a recent proposal, the so-called Barbero-Immirzi parameter of Loop Quantum Gravity can be fixed, using Bohr's correspondence principle, from a knowledge of highly-damped black hole oscillation frequencies. Such frequencies are rather difficult to compute, even for Schwarzschild black holes. However, it is now quite likely that they may provide a fundamental link between classical general relativity and quantum theories of gravity. Here we carry out the first numerical computation of very highly damped quasinormal modes (QNM's) for charged and rotating black holes. In the Reissner-Nordstr\"om case QNM frequencies and damping times show an oscillatory behaviour as a function of charge. The oscillations become faster as the mode order increases. At fixed mode order, QNM's describe spirals in the complex plane as the charge is increased, tending towards a well defined limit as the hole becomes extremal. Kerr QNM's have a similar oscillatory behaviour when the angular index m=0m=0. For l=m=2l=m=2 the real part of Kerr QNM frequencies tends to 2Ω2\Omega, Ω\Omega being the angular velocity of the black hole horizon, while the asymptotic spacing of the imaginary parts is given by 2πTH2\pi T_H.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Added result on the asymptotic spacing of the imaginary part, minor typos correcte

    Relativistic theory of elastic deformable astronomical bodies: perturbation equations in rotating spherical coordinates and junction conditions

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    In this paper, the dynamical equations and junction conditions at the interface between adjacent layers of different elastic properties for an elastic deformable astronomical body in the first post-Newtonian approximation of Einstein theory of gravity are discussed in both rotating Cartesian coordinates and rotating spherical coordinates. The unperturbed rotating body (the ground state) is described as uniformly rotating, stationary and axisymmetric configuration in an asymptotically flat space-time manifold. Deviations from the equilibrium configuration are described by means of a displacement field. In terms of the formalism of relativistic celestial mechanics developed by Damour, Soffel and Xu, and the framework established by Carter and Quintana the post Newtonian equations of the displacement field and the symmetric trace-free shear tensor are obtained. Corresponding post-Newtonian junction conditions at interfaces also the outer surface boundary conditions are presented. The PN junction condition is an extension of Wahr's one which is a Newtonian junction conditions without rotating.Comment: Revtex4, 14 page

    Thermodynamic and gravitational instability on hyperbolic spaces

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    We study the properties of anti--de Sitter black holes with a Gauss-Bonnet term for various horizon topologies (k=0, \pm 1) and for various dimensions, with emphasis on the less well understood k=-1 solution. We find that the zero temperature (and zero energy density) extremal states are the local minima of the energy for AdS black holes with hyperbolic event horizons. The hyperbolic AdS black hole may be stable thermodynamically if the background is defined by an extremal solution and the extremal entropy is non-negative. We also investigate the gravitational stability of AdS spacetimes of dimensions D>4 against linear perturbations and find that the extremal states are still the local minima of the energy. For a spherically symmetric AdS black hole solution, the gravitational potential is positive and bounded, with or without the Gauss-Bonnet type corrections, while, when k=-1, a small Gauss-Bonnet coupling, namely, \alpha << {l}^2 (where l is the curvature radius of AdS space), is found useful to keep the potential bounded from below, as required for stability of the extremal background.Comment: Shortened to match published (PRD) version, 18 pages, several eps figure

    Quasinormal modes for tensor and vector type perturbation of Gauss Bonnet black holes using third order WKB approach

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    We obtain the quasinormal modes for tensor perturbations of Gauss-Bonnet (GB) black holes in d=5,7,8d=5, 7, 8 dimensions and vector perturbations in d=5,6,7d = 5, 6, 7 and 8 dimensions using third order WKB formalism. The tensor perturbation for black holes in d=6d=6 is not considered because of the fact that it is unstable to tensor mode perturbations. In the case of uncharged GB black hole, for both tensor and vector perturbations, the real part of the QN frequency increases as the Gauss-Bonnet coupling (α\alpha') increases. The imaginary part first decreases upto a certain value of α\alpha' and then increases with α\alpha' for both tensor and vector perturbations. For larger values of α\alpha', the QN frequencies for vector perturbation differs slightly from the QN frequencies for tensorial one. It has also been shown that as α0\alpha' \to 0, the quasinormal mode frequency for tensor and vector perturbation of the Schwarzschild black hole can be obtained. We have also calculated the quasinormal spectrum of the charged GB black hole for tensor perturbations. Here we have found that the real oscillation frequency increases, while the imaginary part of the frequency falls with the increase of the charge. We also show that the quasinormal frequencies for scalar field perturbations and the tensor gravitational perturbations do not match as was claimed in the literature. The difference in the result increases if we increase the GB coupling.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, change in title and abstract, new equations and results added for QN frequencies for vector perturbations, new referencees adde

    Estímulo no crescimento e na hidrólise de ATP em raízes de alface tratadas com humatos de vermicomposto: i - efeito da concentração.

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    O vermicomposto contém uma concentração elevada de substâncias húmicas e já é bem conhecido o efeito do seu uso sobre as propriedades do solo. No entanto,a ação direta das substâncias húmicas sobre o metabolismo das plantas é menos conhecida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de humatos extraídos de vermicomposto de esterco de curral com KOH 0,1 mol L-1 sobre o desenvolvimento e metabolismo de ATP em plântulas de alface. Após a germinação, plântulas de alface foram tratadas com os humatos em concentrações que variaram de 0 a 100 mg L-1 de C, durante quinze dias. Foram avaliados o crescimento da raiz e a atividade das bombas de H+ isoladas da fração microssomal do sistema radicular. Foi observado aumento na matéria fresca e seca do sistema radicular, bem como no número de sítios de mitose, raízes emergidas do eixo principal, na área e no comprimento radiculares, com o uso do humato na concentração de 25 mg L-1 de C. Também foi observado, nessa concentração, aumento significativo na hidrólise de ATP pelas bombas de H+, responsáveis pela geração de energia necessária à absorção de íons e pelo crescimento celular

    New Polynomial Cases of the Weighted Efficient Domination Problem

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    Let G be a finite undirected graph. A vertex dominates itself and all its neighbors in G. A vertex set D is an efficient dominating set (e.d. for short) of G if every vertex of G is dominated by exactly one vertex of D. The Efficient Domination (ED) problem, which asks for the existence of an e.d. in G, is known to be NP-complete even for very restricted graph classes. In particular, the ED problem remains NP-complete for 2P3-free graphs and thus for P7-free graphs. We show that the weighted version of the problem (abbreviated WED) is solvable in polynomial time on various subclasses of 2P3-free and P7-free graphs, including (P2+P4)-free graphs, P5-free graphs and other classes. Furthermore, we show that a minimum weight e.d. consisting only of vertices of degree at most 2 (if one exists) can be found in polynomial time. This contrasts with our NP-completeness result for the ED problem on planar bipartite graphs with maximum degree 3