299 research outputs found

    The Entropy Function for the Black Holes of Nariai Class

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    Based on the fact that the near horizon geometry of the extremal Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes is Nariai geometry, we define the black holes of Nariai class as the configuration whose near-horizon geometry is factorized as two dimensional de Sitter space-time and some compact topology, that is Nariai geometry. We extend the entropy function formalism to the case of the black holes of Nariai class. The conventional entropy function (for the extremal black holes) is defined as Legendre transformation of Lagrangian density, thus the `Routhian density', over two dimensional anti-de Sitter. As for the black holes of Nariai class, it is defined as {\em minus} `Routhian density' over two dimensional de Sitter space-time. We found an exact agreement of the result with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. The higher order corrections are nontrivial only when the space-time dimension is over four, that is, d>4d>4. There is a subtlety as regards the temperature of the black holes of Nariai class. We show that in order to be consistent with the near horizon geometry, the temperature should be non-vanishing despite the extremality of the black holes.Comment: references added, compatible with the published versio

    Single Event Effects in the Pixel readout chip for BTeV

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    In future experiments the readout electronics for pixel detectors is required to be resistant to a very high radiation level. In this paper we report on irradiation tests performed on several preFPIX2 prototype pixel readout chips for the BTeV experiment exposed to a 200 MeV proton beam. The prototype chips have been implemented in commercial 0.25 um CMOS processes following radiation tolerant design rules. The results show that this ASIC design tolerates a large total radiation dose, and that radiation induced Single Event Effects occur at a manageable level.Comment: 15 pages, 6 Postscript figure

    Non-supersymmetric Attractors in Born-Infeld Black Holes with a Cosmological Constant

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    We investigate the attractor mechanism for spherically symmetric extremal black holes in Einstein-Born-Infeld-dilaton theory of gravity in four-dimensions, in the presence of a cosmological constant. We look for solutions analytic near the horizon by using perturbation method. It is shown that the values of the scalar fields at the horizon are only dependent on the charges carried by the black hole and are irrelevant in their asymptotic values. This analysis supports the validity of non-supersymmetric attractors in the presence of higher derivative interactions in the gauge fields part and in non-asymptotically flat spacetime.Comment: 18 pages, no figu

    Comments on Heterotic Flux Compactifications

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    In heterotic flux compactification with supersymmetry, three different connections with torsion appear naturally, all in the form ω+aH\omega+a H. Supersymmetry condition carries a=1a=-1, the Dirac operator has a=1/3a=-1/3, and higher order term in the effective action involves a=1a=1. With a view toward the gauge sector, we explore the geometry with such torsions. After reviewing the supersymmetry constraints and finding a relation between the scalar curvature and the flux, we derive the squared form of the zero mode equations for gauge fermions. With \d H=0, the operator has a positive potential term, and the mass of the unbroken gauge sector appears formally positive definite. However, this apparent contradiction is avoided by a no-go theorem that the compactification with H0H\neq 0 and \d H=0 is necessarily singular, and the formal positivity is invalid. With \d H\neq 0, smooth compactification becomes possible. We show that, at least near smooth supersymmetric solution, the size of H2H^2 should be comparable to that of \d H and the consistent truncation of action has to keep αR2\alpha'R^2 term. A warp factor equation of motion is rewritten with αR2\alpha' R^2 contribution included precisely, and some limits are considered.Comment: 31 pages, a numerical factor correcte

    Entropy Function for Non-extremal D1D5 and D2D6NS5-branes

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    We apply the entropy function formalism to non-extremal D1D5 and D2D6NS5-branes whose throat approximation is given by the Schwarzschild black hole in AdS_3\times S^3\times T^4 and AdS_3\times S^2\times S^1\times T^4, respectively. We find the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and the (alpha')^3R^4 corrections from the value of the entropy function at its saddle point. While the higher derivative terms have no effect on the temperature, they decrease the value of the entropy.Comment: 17 Pages, Latex file; Minor additions, version published in JHE

    Non-extremal black holes from the generalised r-map

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    We review the timelike dimensional reduction of a class of five-dimensional theories that generalises 5D, N = 2 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets. As an application we construct instanton solutions to the four-dimensional Euclidean theory, and investigate the criteria for solutions to lift to static non-extremal black holes in five dimensions. We focus specifically on two classes of models: STU-like models, and models with a block diagonal target space metric. For STU-like models the second order equations of motion of the four-dimensional theory can be solved explicitly, and we obtain the general solution. For block diagonal models we find a restricted class of solutions, where the number of independent scalar fields depends on the number of blocks. When lifting these solutions to five dimensions we show, by explicit calculation, that one obtains static non-extremal black holes with scalar fields that take finite values on the horizon only if the number of integration constants reduces by exactly half.Comment: 22 pages. Based on talk by OV at "Black Objects in Supergravity School" (BOSS2011), INFN, Frascati, Italy, 9-13 May, 201

    Fundamental Superstrings as Holograms

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    The worldsheet of a macroscopic fundamental superstring in the Green-Schwarz light-cone gauge is viewed as a possible boundary hologram of the near horizon region of a small black string. For toroidally compactified strings, the hologram has global symmetries of AdS_3 \times S^{d-1} \times T^{8-d}, (d =3,..,8), only some of which extend to local conformal symmetries. We construct the bulk string theory in detail for the particular case of d=3. The symmetries of the hologram are correctly reproduced from this exact worldsheet description in the bulk. Moreover, the central charge of the boundary Virasoro algebra obtained from the bulk agrees with the Wald entropy of the associated small black holes. This construction provides an exact CFT description of the near horizon region of small black holes both in Type-II and heterotic string theory arising from multiply wound fundamental superstrings.Comment: 46 pages, JHEP style. v2: Comments, references adde

    Approximate solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation for a vector Yukawa potential with arbitrary total angular momenta

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    The usual approximation scheme is used to study the solution of the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) equation for a vector Yukawa potential in the framework of the parametric Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method. The approximate energy eigenvalue equation and the corresponding wave function spinor components are calculated for arbitrary total angular momentum in closed form. Further, the approximate energy equation and wave function spinor components are also given for case. A set of parameter values is used to obtain the numerical values for the energy states with various values of quantum levelsComment: 17 pages; Communications in Theoretical Physics (2012). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1205.0938, and with arXiv:quant-ph/0410159 by other author

    D-branes in Nongeometric Backgrounds

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    "T-fold" backgrounds are generically-nongeometric compactifications of string theory, described by T^n fibrations over a base N with transition functions in the perturbative T-duality group. We review Hull's doubled torus formalism, which geometrizes these backgrounds, and use the formalism to constrain the D-brane spectrum (to leading order in g_s and alpha') on T^n fibrations over S^1 with O(n,n;Z) monodromy. We also discuss the (approximate) moduli space of such branes and argue that it is always geometric. For a D-brane located at a point on the base N, the classical ``D-geometry'' is a T^n fibration over a multiple cover of N.Comment: 29 pages; uses harvmac.tex; v2: substantial revision throughou

    Compactifications of Heterotic Theory on Non-Kahler Complex Manifolds: I

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    We study new compactifications of the SO(32) heterotic string theory on compact complex non-Kahler manifolds. These manifolds have many interesting features like fewer moduli, torsional constraints, vanishing Euler character and vanishing first Chern class, which make the four-dimensional theory phenomenologically attractive. We take a particular compact example studied earlier and determine various geometrical properties of it. In particular we calculate the warp factor and study the sigma model description of strings propagating on these backgrounds. The anomaly cancellation condition and enhanced gauge symmetry are shown to arise naturally in this framework, if one considers the effect of singularities carefully. We then give a detailed mathematical analysis of these manifolds and construct a large class of them. The existence of a holomorphic (3,0) form is important for the construction. We clarify some of the topological properties of these manifolds and evaluate the Betti numbers. We also determine the superpotential and argue that the radial modulus of these manifolds can actually be stabilized.Comment: 75 pages, Harvmac, no figures; v2: Some new results added, typos corrected and references updated. Final version to appear in JHE