327 research outputs found

    The Pathology of EMT in Mouse Mammary Tumorigenesis

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    Epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) tumorigenesis in the mouse was first described over 100 years ago using various terms such as carcinosarcoma and without any comprehension of the underlying mechanisms. Such tumors have been considered artifacts of transplantation and of tissue culture. Recently, EMT tumors have been recognized in mammary glands of genetically engineered mice. This review provides a historical perspective leading to the current status in the context of some of the key molecular biology. The biology of mouse mammary EMT tumorigenesis is discussed with comparisons to human breast cancer

    Three interrelated themes in current breast cancer research: gene addiction, phenotypic plasticity, and cancer stem cells

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    Recent efforts to understand breast cancer biology involve three interrelated themes that are founded on a combination of clinical and experimental observations. The central concept is gene addiction. The clinical dilemma is the escape from gene addiction, which is mediated, in part, by phenotypic plasticity as exemplified by epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition. Finally, cancer stem cells are now recognized as the basis for minimal residual disease and malignant progression over time. These themes cooperate in breast cancer, as induction of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition enhances self-renewal and expression of cancer stem cells, which are believed to facilitate tumor resistance

    Another science for another world?: Science and genomics at the London Social Forum

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    The 3rd meeting of the European Social Forum was held in London during October 2004 with a broad ranging formal agenda and a penumbra of affiliated workshops and cultural activities. This paper focuses upon a range of sessions dealing with science in general and the sciences of human genetics in particular. Through participant observation this paper details the representations of science by ESF actors, their use of the ESF as a ‘convergence space’ for global activist network interaction and the various ways in which participants sought to create a more socially responsible and accountable science. Drawing on observations of, and participation in, these sessions we describe how scientific knowledge and practices were portrayed in the context of neo-liberal market relations by both ‘producers’ and ‘consumers’ of techno-science. The concluding section considers the implications of (re)negotiating scientific and social orders within such open network spaces. It is argued that ‘broad and shallow’ and ‘narrow and deep’ approaches towards public understanding of science need to be supplemented by the ‘broad and diverse’ processes typifying the forum milieu

    ATG proteins mediate efferocytosis and suppress inflammation in mammary involution.

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    Involution is the process of post-lactational mammary gland regression to quiescence and it involves secretory epithelial cell death, stroma remodeling and gland repopulation by adipocytes. Though reportedly accompanying apoptosis, the role of autophagy in involution has not yet been determined. We now report that autophagy-related (ATG) proteins mediate dead cell clearance and suppress inflammation during mammary involution. In vivo, Becn1(+/-) and Atg7-deficient mammary epithelial cells (MECs) produced 'competent' apoptotic bodies, but were defective phagocytes in association with reduced expression of the MERTK and ITGB5 receptors, thus pointing to defective apoptotic body engulfment. Atg-deficient tissues exhibited higher levels of involution-associated inflammation, which could be indicative of a tumor-modulating microenvironment, and developed ductal ectasia, a manifestation of deregulated post-involution gland remodeling. In vitro, ATG (BECN1 or ATG7) knockdown compromised MEC-mediated apoptotic body clearance in association with decreased RAC1 activation, thus confirming that, in addition to the defective phagocytic processing reported by other studies, ATG protein defects also impair dead cell engulfment. Using two different mouse models with mammary gland-associated Atg deficiencies, our studies shed light on the essential role of ATG proteins in MEC-mediated efferocytosis during mammary involution and provide novel insights into this important developmental process. This work also raises the possibility that a regulatory feedback loop exists, by which the efficacy of phagocytic cargo processing in turn regulates the rate of engulfment and ultimately determines the kinetics of phagocytosis and dead cell clearance

    Expression of PIK3CA mutant E545K in the mammary gland induces heterogeneous tumors but is less potent than mutant H1047R.

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    The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling cascade is a key mediator of cellular growth, survival and metabolism and is frequently subverted in human cancer. The gene encoding for the alpha catalytic subunit of PI3K (PIK3CA) is mutated and/or amplified in ∼30% of breast cancers. Mutations in either the kinase domain (H1047R) or the helical domain (E545K) are most common and result in a constitutively active enzyme with oncogenic capacity. PIK3CA(H1047R) was previously demonstrated to induce tumors in transgenic mouse models; however, it was not known whether overexpression of PIK3CA(E545K) is sufficient to induce mammary tumors and whether tumor initiation by these two types of mutants differs. Here, we demonstrate that expression of PIK3CA(E545K) in the mouse mammary gland induces heterogenous mammary carcinomas but with a longer latency than PIK3CA(H1047R)-expressing mice. Our results suggest that the helical domain mutant PIK3CA(E545K) is a less potent inducer of mammary tumors due to less efficient activation of downstream Akt signaling

    An open environment CT-US fusion for tissue segmentation during interventional guidance.

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    Therapeutic ultrasound (US) can be noninvasively focused to activate drugs, ablate tumors and deliver drugs beyond the blood brain barrier. However, well-controlled guidance of US therapy requires fusion with a navigational modality, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or X-ray computed tomography (CT). Here, we developed and validated tissue characterization using a fusion between US and CT. The performance of the CT/US fusion was quantified by the calibration error, target registration error and fiducial registration error. Met-1 tumors in the fat pads of 12 female FVB mice provided a model of developing breast cancer with which to evaluate CT-based tissue segmentation. Hounsfield units (HU) within the tumor and surrounding fat pad were quantified, validated with histology and segmented for parametric analysis (fat: -300 to 0 HU, protein-rich: 1 to 300 HU, and bone: HU>300). Our open source CT/US fusion system differentiated soft tissue, bone and fat with a spatial accuracy of ∼1 mm. Region of interest (ROI) analysis of the tumor and surrounding fat pad using a 1 mm(2) ROI resulted in mean HU of 68±44 within the tumor and -97±52 within the fat pad adjacent to the tumor (p<0.005). The tumor area measured by CT and histology was correlated (r(2) = 0.92), while the area designated as fat decreased with increasing tumor size (r(2) = 0.51). Analysis of CT and histology images of the tumor and surrounding fat pad revealed an average percentage of fat of 65.3% vs. 75.2%, 36.5% vs. 48.4%, and 31.6% vs. 38.5% for tumors <75 mm(3), 75-150 mm(3) and >150 mm(3), respectively. Further, CT mapped bone-soft tissue interfaces near the acoustic beam during real-time imaging. Combined CT/US is a feasible method for guiding interventions by tracking the acoustic focus within a pre-acquired CT image volume and characterizing tissues proximal to and surrounding the acoustic focus

    Voice, plumage and natural history of Anthony's Nightjar (Caprimulgus anthonyi)

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    This is the published version. Copyright Central Ornithology Publication Offic

    Science in the democratic process: the euro in the UK General Election

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    The idea that increasing participation leads to wider debate, deeper scrutiny and more robust decisions underpins much of the modern policy agenda for dealing with questions that combine contested science with complex value judgement. In this paper, the aim is not to argue against the principle of increasing participation but to ask how its implementation can bring about the benefits claimed for it. The paper explores the tension between increasing participation and promoting dialogue and learning by examining the discussion of the single european currency during the UK Election in 2001. Although the decision about UK membership the single currency will ultimately be taken in a referendum the election, in which the Conservative Party attempted to make the euro a major issue, provides an ideal case study through which to identify the problems created by democratisating such a decision. Their failure to do so, however, shows even major political parties can struggle to get their views into the public sphere when decision making becomes democratised. If a similar pattern emerges during any referendum on the single european currency, the consequence will be that increasing participation in this decision may, paradoxically, decrease the range of views that are articulated in public debate. More generally, it suggests that policy initiatives that draw on the public understanding of science literature need to respond not just to the public’s capacity to evaluate knowledge claims but their access to such arguments in the first place
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