5 research outputs found

    The Power of an Active Shooter Simulation: Changing Ethical Beliefs

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    Introduction: During a hospital-based active shooter (AS) event, clinicians may be forced to choose between saving themselves or their patients. The Hartford Consensus survey of clinicians and the public demonstrated mixed feelings on the role of doctors and nurses in these situations. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of simulation on ethical dilemmas during a hospital-based AS simulation. The objective was to determine whether a hospital-based AS event simulation and debrief would impact the ethical beliefs of emergency physicians relating to personal duty and risk.Methods: Forty-eight emergency physicians and physicians-in-training participated in this cohort study based in an urban academic hospital. Simulation scenarios presented ethical dilemmas for participants (eg, they decided between running a code or hiding from a shooter). Surveys based upon the Hartford Consensus were completed before and after the simulation. Questions focused on preparedness and ethical duties of physicians to their patients during an AS incident. We evaluated differences using a chi-squared test.Results: Preparedness for an AS event significantly improved after the simulation (P = 0.0001). Pre-simulation, 56% of participants felt that doctors/nurses have a special duty like police to protect patients who cannot hide/run, and 20% reported that a provider should accept a very high/high level of personal risk to protect patients who cannot hide/run. This was similar to the findings of the Hartford Consensus. Interestingly, post-simulation, percentages decreased to 25% (P = 0.008) and 5% (P = 0.041), respectively.Conclusion: Simulation training influenced ethical beliefs relating to the duty of emergency physicians during a hospital-based AS incident. In addition to traditional learning objectives, ethics should be another important design consideration for planning future simulations in this domain

    Considering Burnout and Well-Being: Emergency Medicine Resident Shift Scheduling Platform and Satisfaction Insights from a Quality Improvement Project

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    Few studies explore emergency medicine (EM) residency shift scheduling software as a mechanism to reduce administrative demands and broader resident burnout. A local needs assessment demonstrated a learning curve for chief resident schedulers and several areas for improvement. In an institutional quality improvement project, we utilized an external online cross-sectional convenience sampling pilot survey of United States EM residency programs to collect information on manual versus software-based resident shift scheduling practices and associated scheduler and scheduler-perceived resident satisfaction. Our external survey response rate was 19/253 (8%), with all United States regions (i.e., northeast, southeast, midwest, west, and southwest) represented. Two programs (11%) reported manual scheduling without any software. ShiftAdmin was the most popularly reported scheduling software (53%). Although not statistically significant, manual scheduling had the lowest satisfaction score and programs with ≤30 residents reported the highest levels of satisfaction. Our data suggest that improvements in existing software-based technologies are needed. Artificial intelligence technologies may prove useful for reducing administrative scheduling demands and optimizing resident scheduling satisfaction