38 research outputs found

    Le mal des transports (prise en charge et conseil à l'officine)

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    Le mal des transports, ou cinétose, est l'ensemble des troubles provoqués chez certains sujets par un déplacement en bateau, avion, voiture, train, Il est fréquent chez l'enfant et se caractérise par un malaise général avec pâleur, vertiges, nausées et vomissements. Les origines de ce trouble sont multiples et de nombreux facteurs peuvent influencer la survenue des symptômes. Des informations sensorielles contradictoires sont principalement en cause, notamment au niveau de l appareil vestibulaire. Le mal des transports peut être pris en charge à l officine et différents moyens thérapeutiques sont à la disposition du pharmacien : allopathie, homéopathie, phytothérapie, aromathérapie, acupression. Ces thérapeutiques ne sont néanmoins pas dénuées d effets secondaires et de contre-indications. Le pharmacien d officine est donc un professionnel de santé incontournable en matière de conseil d hygiène et de prévention du mal des transports.NANTES-BU Médecine pharmacie (441092101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Is the perceived cost of effort influenced by the subjective sensation of fatigue?

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    Mental fatigue has many repercussions on the everyday life of patients as well as healthy individuals. Mental fatigue is observed following prolonged cognitive activity. Our hypothesis is that the subjective reported mental fatigue has an influence on the perception of the cost of a task and thus influences behaviour. In this study, we used a modified version of the neuro-economical Westbrook N-back task to analyse participants’ behaviour: we asked them to make a choice between an easy and a difficult task, each with a different reward. Our results showed that, when faced with 2 options, subjects prefer the option with the lowest cost/benefit ratio: the harder the difficult option, the more likely subjects will choose the easy option, even if it has a smaller reward. To make comparisons of their behaviour between the fatigue and the control condition, participants started either with 2 hours of emotionally-neutral documentaries (control) or with a variant of the Stroop task (mental fatigue). We observed that mental fatigue alters the perception of mental effort cost but we could not show a significant difference in behaviour between control and fatigue sessions. We propose that this lack of effect could be due to the effort cost of the difficult option being too low compared to the reward. We consequently propose some improvements to the experimental procedure.Master [60] en kinésithérapie et réadaptation, Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    Systematic Functional Analysis Reveals That a Set of Seven Genes Is Involved in Fine-Tuning of the Multiple Functions Mediated by Type IV Pili in Neisseria meningitidis ▿ †

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    Type IV pili (Tfp), which mediate multiple phenotypes ranging from adhesion to motility, are one of the most widespread virulence factors in bacteria. However, the molecular mechanisms of Tfp biogenesis and associated functions remain poorly understood. One of the underlying reasons is that the roles played by the numerous genes involved in Tfp biology are unclear because corresponding mutants have been studied on a case-by-case basis, in different species, and using different assays, often generating heterogeneous results. Therefore, we have recently started a systematic functional analysis of the genes involved in Tfp biology in a well-characterized clinical isolate of the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis. After previously studying 16 genes involved in Tfp biogenesis, here we report the characterization of 7 genes that are dispensable for piliation and potentially involved in Tfp biology. Using a battery of assays, we assessed piliation and each of the Tfp-linked functions in single mutants, double mutants in which filament retraction is abolished by a concurrent mutation in pilT, and strains overexpressing the corresponding proteins. This showed that each of the seven genes actually fine-tunes a Tfp-linked function(s), which brings us one step closer to a global view of Tfp biology in the meningococcus

    When and How to Use MIC in Clinical Practice?

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    Bacterial resistance to antibiotics continues to be a global public health problem. The choice of the most effective antibiotic and the use of an adapted dose in the initial phase of the infection are essential to limit the emergence of resistance. This will depend on (i) the isolated bacteria and its resistance profile, (ii) the pharmacodynamic (PD) profile of the antibiotic used and its level of toxicity, (iii) the site of infection, and (iv) the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile of the patient. In order to take account of both parameters to optimize the administered treatment, a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination associated with therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and their combined interpretation are required. The objective of this narrative review is thus to suggest microbiological, pharmacological, and/or clinical situations for which this approach could be useful. Regarding the microbiological aspect, such as the detection of antibiotic resistance and its level, the preservation of broad-spectrum β-lactams is particularly discussed. PK-PD profiles are relevant for difficult-to-reach infections and specific populations such as intensive care patients, cystic fibrosis patients, obese, or elderly patients. Finally, MIC and TDM are tools available to clinicians, who should not hesitate to use them to manage their patients

    Vieillissement et entraide. Quelles méthodes pour décrire et mesurer les enjeux ?

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    Le but de l'ouvrage est de présenter un ensemble de méthodes utilisées pour étudier les multiples enjeux posés par la transition démographique en matière d'entraide

    A generic “micro-Stoney” method for the measurement of internal stress and elastic modulus of ultrathin films

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    Accurate measurement of the mechanical properties of ultra-thin films with thicknesses typically below 100 nm is a challenging issue with an interest in many fields involving coating technologies, microelectronics, and MEMS. A bilayer curvature based method is developed for the simultaneous determination of the elastic mismatch strain and Young’s modulus of ultra-thin films. The idea is to deposit the film or coating on very thin cantilevers in order to amplify the curvature compared to a traditional “Stoney” wafer curvature test, hence the terminology “micro-Stoney.” The data reduction is based on the comparison of the curvatures obtained for different supporting layer thicknesses. The elastic mismatch strain and Young’s modulus are obtained from curvature measurements of cantilevers before and after the film deposition. The data reduction scheme relies on both analytical and finite element calculations, depending on the magnitude of the curvature. The experimental validation has been performed on ultra-thin low pressure chemical vapor deposited silicon nitride films with thickness ranging between 54 and 133 nm deposited on silicon cantilevers. The technique is sensitive to the cantilever geometry, in particular, to the thickness ratio and width/thickness ratio. Therefore, the precision in the determination of the latter quantities determines the accuracy on the extracted elastic mismatch strain and elastic modulus. The method can be potentially applied to films as thin as a few nanometers