16 research outputs found
Icnitas de dinosaurios saurópodos en la Formación Rayoso (Cuenca Neuquina, Albiense, Argentina)
Se describen por primera vez icnitas de dinosaurios saurópodos en la Formación Rayoso (Albiense) en Neuquén (Argentina). En dos afloramientos distintos del Miembro Rincón se han encontrado dos rastros de saurópodos con el paso estrecho. Uno de los rastros está formado por icnitas de pequeño tamaño, que podrían ser de un individuo juvenil. Otra posibilidad sería que los dos rastros sean de dos productores distintos. Los fósiles de dinosaurios son raros en la Formación Rayoso, evidencia posiblemente relacionada con su ambiente de depósito de gran aridez. Los diplodocoideos rebaquisáuridos son uno de los saurópodos más abundantes al final del Cretácico Inferior de la Cuenca Neuquina, de hecho los únicos dinosaurios conocidos en la Formación Rayoso pertenecen a esta familia. Se propone de manera tentativa que los rastros estudiados los produjeron diplodocoideos rebaquisáuridos, teniendo en cuenta el registro conocido y que los rastros de paso estrecho se asocian con diplodocoideos.
Sauropod dinosaur tracks from the Rayoso Formation (Albian) in Neuquén (Argentina) are described for the first time. Evidence of two narrow-gauge sauropod trackways has been found in two distinct outcrops of the Rincón Member. One of the trackways consists of small-sized tracks and might belong to a juvenile individual. Another possibility is that the two trackways were produced by different species of sauropod. Dinosaur fossils are rare in the Rayoso Formation, possibly as a result of its arid depositional environment. Rebbachisaurid diplodocoids are one of the most abundant sauropods at the end of the Lower Cretaceous of the Neuquén Basin. Indeed, the only dinosaurs known from the Rayoso Formation belong to this family. Bearing in mind this exclusive presence and the association of narrow-gauge trackways with diplodocoids, it is tentatively proposed that the trackways under study were produced by rebbachisaurid diplodocoids
Major role of nutrient supply in the control of picophytoplankton community structure.
abstractThe Margalef´s mandala (1978) is a simplified bottom-up control model that explains how mixing and
nutrient concentration determine the composition of marine phytoplankton communities. Due to the
difficulties of measuring turbulence in the field, previous attempts to verify this model have applied
different proxies for nutrient supply, and very often used interchangeably the terms mixing and
stratification. Moreover, because the mandala was conceived before the discovery of smaller
phytoplankton groups (picoplankton <2 μm), it describes only the succession of vegetative phases of
microplankton. In order to test the applicability of the classical mandala to picoplankton groups, we
used a multidisciplinary approach including specifically designed field observations supported by
remote sensing, database analyses, and modeling and laboratory chemostat experiments.
Simultaneous estimates of nitrate diffusive fluxes, derived from microturbulence observations, and
picoplankton abundance collected in more than 200 stations, spanning widely different hydrographic
regimes, showed that the contribution of eukaryotes to picoautotrophic biomass increases with
nutrient supply, whereas that of picocyanobacteria shows the opposite trend. These findings were
supported by laboratory and modeling chemostat experiments that reproduced the competitive
dynamics between picoeukaryote sand picocyanobacteria as a function of changing nutrient supply.
Our results indicate that nutrient supply controls the distribution of picoplankton functional groups in
the ocean, further supporting the model proposed by Margalef.RADIALES (IEO
Control of tHe structure of marine phytoplAnkton cOmmunities by turbulence and nutrient supply dynamicS (CHAOS)
extended abstract del posterIn order to investigate the role of turbulence mixing on structuring marine phytoplankton communities, the CHAOS project included a multidisciplinary approach involving specifically designed field observations supported by remote sensing, database analyses, and modeling and laboratory chemostat experiments. Field observations carried out in the outer part of Ría de Vigo in summer 2013 showed that, as a result of increased mixing levels, nitrate diffusive input into the euphotic layer was approximately 4-fold higher during spring tides. This nitrate supply could contribute to explain the continuous dominance of large-sized phytoplankton during the upwelling favorable season. Simultaneous estimates of nitrate diffusive fluxes, derived from microturbulence observations, and picoplankton abundance collected in more than 100 stations, spanning widely different hydrographic regimes, showed that the contribution of eukaryotes to picoautotrophic biomass increases with nutrient supply, whereas that of picocyanobacteria shows the opposite trend. These findings were supported by laboratory and modeling chemostat experiments that reproduced the competitive dynamics between picoeukaryote and picocyanobacteria as a function of changing nutrient supply. The results derived from this project confirm that turbulence and mixing control the availability of light and nutrients, which in turn determine the structure of marine phytoplankton communities.RADIALES-20 (IEO), CHAOS (CTM 2012-30680), Malaspina-2010(CSD2008-00077
Picoplankton are the most abundant organisms in the ocean, often dominate planktonic biomass and primary production, and they could represent a substantial contribution to the global export of carbon. Nowadays, we have a limited understanding about the factors that control the picoplankton community structure. A recent analysis indicates that light and temperature are the main factors explaining Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus distributions, whereas nutrient concentrations play a minor role (Flombaum et al., PNAS 2013). Methodological difficulties to quantify mixing in the marine enviroments have motivated the use of indirect approaches to determine the input of nutrients into the euphotic zone, however, nutrient concentrations are not necessarily a proxy of nutrient supply. We present a large data set, including open-ocean and coastal regions, of simultaneous measurements of picoplankton abundance, temperature and irradiance, together with estimates of nutrient supply. The transport of nutrients across the nutricline was computed combining nutrient concentrations and small-scale turbulence observations collected with a microstructure profiler. Our preliminary results indicate that nutrient supply also plays a role in the distribution of functional groups of picoplankton in the ocean
The role of mixing in controlling resource availability and phytoplankton community composition
We investigate the role of mixing, through its effect on nutrient and light availability, as a driver of phytoplankton community composition in the context of
Margalef’s mandala. Data on microstructure turbulence, irradiance, new nitrogen supply and phytoplankton composition were collected at 102 stations in three
contrasting marine environments: the Galician coastal upwelling system of the northwest Iberian Peninsula, the northwestern Mediterranean, and the tropical and
subtropical Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Photosynthetic pigments concentration and microscopic analysis allowed us to investigate the contribution of
diatoms, dinoflagellates, pico- and nanoeukaryotes, and cyanobacteria to the phytoplankton community. Simple linear regression was used to assess the role of
environmental factors on community composition, and environmental overlap among different phytoplankton groups was computed using nonparametric kernel
density functions. Mixing and new nitrogen supply played an important role in controlling the phytoplankton community structure. At lower values of mixing and
new nitrogen supply cyanobacteria dominated, pico- and nanoeukaryotes were dominant across a wide range of environmental conditions, and finally enhanced new
nitrogen supply was favourable for diatoms and dinoflagellates. Dinoflagellates were prevalent at intermediate mixing levels, whereas diatoms spread across a wider
range of mixing conditions. Occasional instances of enhanced diatom biomass were found under low mixing, associated with the high abundance of Hemiaulus hauckii
co-occurring with high N2 fixation in subtropical regions, and with the formation of thin layers in the Galician coastal upwelling. Our results verify the Margalef’s
mandala for the whole phytoplankton community, emphasizing the need to consider nutrient supply, rather than nutrient concentration, as an indicator of nutrient
Changes in distribution of phytoplankton functional groups distribution, pigment composition and the realized niche of Dinophysis acuminata at the onset of an upwelling event
Dinophysis acuminata is the major cause of lengthy harvesting bans in shellfish growing areas in European Atlantic waters. In North Western Iberian shelf waters, the growing season of D. acuminata lasts throughout the upwelling season (ca. from March to September). Once environmental conditions trigger initial population growth, abundance fluctuations are coupled to the event-scale dynamics of coastal upwelling-relaxation/downwelling cycles. The “ASIMUTH-Rias” cruise (17–21 June 2013) in the Galician Rias (Pontevedra and Vigo) and adjacent shelf, during a DSP outbreak, aimed to explore small-scale physical processes associated with late spring blooms (> 103 cells L-1) of D. acuminata. The cruise coincided with the initiation of an upwelling pulse following relaxation and deepening of a previously formed thin layer of centric colony-forming diatoms. In this work, a niche (sensu Hutchinson) approach based on an Outlying Mean Index (OMI) analysis was used to describe the realized niche of D. acuminata during transient conditions. The OMI analysis was applied to fine-scale measurements of physical properties, HPLC-derived pigment composition, and phytoplankton functional groups in cross-shelf transects and in a 36-h study at a fixed station. Although having a wide niche breath, the realized niche of D. acuminata (cell maximum 5 ×103 cells L-1 between 3 and 5 m) was characterized by outflowing warmer (15-16 °C) waters with high turbulence (? < 10-6 m2 s-3), high light intensity, and low nitrate concentrations. These results show that during a transient upwelling-initiation scenario, mid-shelf waters provided a more suitable habitat for D. acuminata and the accompanying dinoflagellate populations than waters inside the ría
Factors controlling the community structure of picoplankton in contrasting marine environments.
The effect of inorganic nutrients on planktonic assemblages has traditionally relied on concentrations rather
than estimates of nutrient supply. We combined a novel
dataset of hydrographic properties, turbulent mixing, nutrient concentration, and picoplankton community composition
with the aims of (i) quantifying the role of temperature, light,
and nitrate fluxes as factors controlling the distribution of autotrophic and heterotrophic picoplankton subgroups, as determined by flow cytometry, and (ii) describing the ecological niches of the various components of the picoplankton
community. Data were collected at 97 stations in the Atlantic
Ocean, including tropical and subtropical open-ocean waters,
the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, and the Galician coastal
upwelling system of the northwest Iberian Peninsula. A generalized additive model (GAM) approach was used to predict depth-integrated biomass of each picoplankton subgroup
based on three niche predictors: sea surface temperature, averaged daily surface irradiance, and the transport of nitrate
into the euphotic zone, through both diffusion and advection. In addition, niche overlap among different picoplankton
subgroups was computed using nonparametric kernel density functions. Temperature and nitrate supply were more
relevant than light in predicting the biomass of most picoplankton subgroups, except for Prochlorococcus and lownucleic-acid (LNA) prokaryotes, for which irradiance also
played a significant role. Nitrate supply was the only factor that allowed the distinction among the ecological niches
of all autotrophic and heterotrophic picoplankton subgroups.
Prochlorococcus and LNA prokaryotes were more abundant
in warmer waters ( > 20 ◦C) where the nitrate fluxes were
low, whereas Synechococcus and high-nucleic-acid (HNA)
prokaryotes prevailed mainly in cooler environments characterized by intermediate or high levels of nitrate supply. Finally, the niche of picoeukaryotes was defined by low temperatures and high nitrate supply. These results support the
key role of nitrate supply, as it not only promotes the growth
of large phytoplankton, but it also controls the structure of
marine picoplankton communitie