6 research outputs found

    Diversity of Testate Amoebae as an Indicator of the Conservation Status of Peatlands in Southwest Europe

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    Testate amoebae are one of the most studied groups of microorganisms in Sphagnum peatland ecosystems and, therefore, one of the most reliable bioindicators of their ecological status. Peatland ecosystems are supported by a delicate biogeochemical balance that leads to the formation of peat, one of the main sinks of C, as a result of soil–atmosphere interaction, but currently they are one of the most threatened wetland types at their southern distribution limit. In the European continent, where climatic conditions limit peat formation, they have endured significant anthropic pressure for centuries, and the risk of loss of biodiversity linked to these ecosystems is critical. In addition, peatlands are poorly known ecosystems in the Iberian Peninsula compared with other wetlands; therefore, we have studied the chemical parameters of water and the diversity patterns of testate amoebae in the western Iberian Peninsula to better understand the current status of these ecosystems. The analysis of testate amoeba communities showed an inverse relationship between the diversity and conservation status of these peatlands, both in relation to chemical parameters (i.e., pH, electrical conductivity, phosphates) and to the proportion of anthropized area, with a marked geographical pattern in the degree of anthropogenic disturbanceThis research was made possible thanks to a grant awarded by the Xunta de Galicia (project: INCITE09–200-019-PR) and thanks to the support of “Consolidación e Estructuración 2018 GRC GI-1243-GEMAP, ED431C 2018/32”S

    Phycological biodiversity at the Natural Park Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense, Spain)

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    We have studied the phycological diversity at the Natural Park of Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense, Spain) and present here the algae checklist of the Galir river, the only permanent fluvial course in the area. This geographical zone is a SCI (Site of Community Importance) and is located within an European Nature Reserve belonging to the “Nature 2000” network. Despite its environmental importance there is no previous phycological survey to this study. We collected samples in three points along the river, and measured physical and chemical water parameters (pH, conductivity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen). The checklist includes 88 taxa: 6 Cyanophyta, 4 Rhodophyta, 60 Heterokontophyta (58 Bacillariophyceae, 2 Xantophyceae), 1 Dinophyta, 2 Euglenophyta, and 15 Chlorophyta. Within the Rhodophyta we highlight the presence of Lemanea condensata, as a new record to the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, we have identified 8 new records for Galicia and 14 for OurenseSe ha estudiado la diversidad ficológica del río Galir, el único curso fluvial permanente del Parque Natural Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Orense, España). Es un Lugar de Importancia Comunitaria (LIC) incluido en la red de espacios naturales “Natura 2000”. A pesar de su importancia ambiental, no hay ningún estudio ficológico previo al presente. El catálogo de la flora ficológica incluye táxones recogidos de tres puntos del río y se han tenido en cuenta algunos parámetros físicoquímicos del agua: pH, conductividad, temperatura y oxígeno disuelto. El catálogo florístico incluye 88 táxones: 6 Cyanophyta, 4 Rhodophyta, 60 Heterokontophyta (58 Bacillariophyceae y 2 Xantophyceae), 1 Dinophyta, 2 Euglenophyta y 15 Chlorophyta. Entre las Rhodophyta destaca Lemanea condensata, por ser nueva cita para la Península Ibérica. Además, se han encontrado 8 nuevas citas para Galicia y 14 para la provincia de OrenseThis study was funded by the Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible de la Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT05RFO20002PR)S

    Diatomeas epilíticas (Bacillariophyceae) de los cursos de agua corriente del NO de la península ibérica (Galicia, España)

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    A catalog of Bacillariophyceae for the rivers of NW of Spain is made for the first time. It includes a re-examination of the taxa reported in previous publications, taxa cited during the last years of the rivers of the Galicia-Costa Hydrographic Demarcation, and a revision of the taxonomy, in line with the systematic and nomenclature changes, which have occurred mainly in recent years. The epilethic diatoms of the river basins of Galicia-Costa were sampled during the years 2005, 2006, and 2007, in May-June and September. The study was carried out in 41 localities distributed along 31 rivers, samples were taken in upstream and downstream sections. Diatom communities were compared in all upstream sections of these rivers draining from siliceous substrates. We identified 141 taxa of diatoms from the coast of Galicia. In this paper we present 15 new citations for Galicia, two for Spain and three for the Iberian Peninsula, in addition to a new species recently described. The dominant taxa are: Achnanthidium minutissimum, Achnanthes subhudsonis, Karayevia oblongella, Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta, Gomphonema rhombicum, and Navicula minima. Achnanthes subhudsonis was the most abundant species during the spring and summer months. The remaining species showed no relevant changes regardless of the time of year. The results indicate that the river diatoms of Galicia are an important component of the diversity of the ecosystemSe realiza por primera vez un catálogo de Bacillariophyceae para los ríos del NW de España. Se incluyen un nuevo examen de los táxones recogidos en publicaciones anteriores, datos de táxones citados durante los últimos años de los ríos de la demarcación hidrográfica de Galicia-Costa y una revisión de la taxonomía, en consonancia con los cambios sistemáticos y nomenclaturales, que se han producido sobre todo durante los últimos años. Se estudiaron las diatomeas epilíticas de las cuencas de los ríos de Galicia-Costa entre los años 2005, 2006 y 2007, durante dos temporadas diferentes: mayojunio y septiembre. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 41 localidades distribuidas a lo largo de 31 ríos, donde se tomaron muestras en tramos aguas arriba y aguas abajo. Las comunidades de diatomeas de estos ríos que drenan de sustratos silíceos fueron comparadas en todos los tramos de aguas arriba. Se identificaron 141 táxones de diatomeas de la costa de Galicia. En este trabajo presentamos 15 nuevas citas para Galicia, dos para España y tres para la Península Ibérica, además de una nueva especie recientemente descrita. Los táxones dominantes son: Achnanthidium minutissimum, Achnanthes subhudsonis, Karayevia oblongella, Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta, Gomphonema rhombicum, y Navicula minima. Achnanthes subhudsonis fue la especie más abundante durante los meses de primavera y verano. Las especies restantes no mostraron cambios pertinentes independientemente de la época del año. Los resultados indican que las diatomeas de los ríos de Galicia son un componente importante de la diversidad del ecosistemaThe financial support for this work has been provided by Augas de Galicia (Xunta de Galicia) through a contract with the University of Santiago de Compostela for the assessment of the stream water quality in rivers of Galicia-Costa using diatom metrics (2005—2007). We are indebted to Juan Manuel Antelo Cortizas (Department of Química-Física) and Teresa García Bernadal (researcher of Santiago de Compostela University) for their assistance during fieldwork and insightful comments on stream chemistry and ecologyS

    Role of Exposure on the Microbial Consortiums on Historical Rural Granite Buildings

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    Local granite has been used throughout history in Galicia (NW Spain), forming the basis of much of the region’s architecture. Like any other rock, granite provides an ecological niche for a multitude of organisms that form biofilms that can affect the physical integrity of the stone. In this study, for the first time, characterization of the microbial consortium forming biofilms that developed on historical rural granite buildings is carried out using a combination of culture-dependent and next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques. Results pointed to differences in biofilm composition on the studied rural granite buildings and that of previously analyzed urban granite buildings, especially in terms of abundance of cyanobacteria and lichenized fungi. Exposure was corroborated as an important factor, controlling both the diversity and abundance of microorganisms on walls, with environmental factors associated with a northern orientation favoring a higher diversity of fungi and green algae, and environmental factors associated with the west orientation determining the abundance of lichenized fungi. The orientation also affected the distribution of green algae, with one of the two most abundant species, Trentepohlia cf. umbrina, colonizing north-facing walls, while the other, Desmococcus olivaceus, predominated on west-facing wallsThis study was partly financed through project CGL2016-79778-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and Xunta de Galicia (ED431 2018/32). E. Fuentes was financially supported by a PhD fellowship contract, MICINN-FPI (BES-2017-079927)S

    Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. (Lemnaceae): primera cita para Galicia (NO de la Península Ibérica)

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    La familia Lemnaceae Martinov incluye monocotiledóneas propias de aguas continentales que viven flotando libremente o sumergidas. Se trata de un grupo de plantas que, debido a su reducido tamaño y particular morfología, presentan una compleja taxonomía lo que dificulta su identificación. Esta familia comprende 6 géneros de los que tres −Lemna L., Spirodela Schleid. y Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid− han sido citados para la Península Ibérica (Galán de Mera & Castroviejo, 2007). En Galicia, hasta el momento, sólo viven dos especies de Lemna: L. minor L., en las cuatro provincias gallegas y L. giba L., esta última únicamente en Lugo y Ourense

    Iberian acid peatlands: types, origin and general trends of development

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    In the present study we reviewed the genesis, development and classification of peatlands in the Iberian Peninsula by conducting chronostratigraphic analysis of 108 of these ecosystems. The findings are summarised as follows: 1. The region has a wide variety of peatlands which are classified according to their biogeochemical, geomorphological and ecological characteristics into different types of bogs and fens. 2. Most of the peatlands occur in the Atlantic region followed by the Mediterranean and Alpine regions. Fens are more widely distributed than bogs, and blanket and raised bogs are mainly found in the Eurosiberian biogeographical region. 3. In many of the fens, the last active peat-forming cycle occurred during the Late Holocene (43 %). In most of the bogs, the peat-forming cycle occurred in the Middle Holocene (70 %), although in a substantial proportion of blanket bogs these processes occurred in the Early Holocene (30 %). 4. The peat formed in the last active cycle is, on average, thicker in raised bogs (322 cm) than in blanket bogs (257 cm) and fens (156 cm). 5. Vertical peat accumulation rates varied between 16 and 30 yr cm-1 in more than 40 % of the peatlands. The accumulation rates differed significantly between the different types of peatlands and were highest in the raised bogs. The accumulation rates were very variable in the fens. 6. The genesis, evolution and types of Iberian peatlands are similar to those observed in peatlands in northern latitudes in Europe and North AmericaOur research has been made possible by the following project grants: INCITE09-200-019-PR (Xunta de Galicia Government); DESIRÈHAR2013-43701-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness); and Relictflora-P11-RNM7033 (Excellence Research Projects Program from the Andalusian Government)S