11 research outputs found

    Inflation Rate Modelling in Indonesia

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    The purposes of this research were to analyse: (i) Modelling the inflation rate in Indonesia with parametric regression. (ii) Modelling the inflation rate in Indonesia using non-parametric regression spline multivariable (iii) Determining the best model the inflation rate in Indonesia (iv) Explaining the relationship inflation model parametric and non-parametric regression spline multivariable. Based on the analysis using the two methods mentioned the coefficient of determination (R2) in parametric regression of 65.1% while non-parametric amounted to 99.39%. To begin with, the factor of money supply or money stock, crude oil prices and the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar is significant on the rate of inflation. The stability of inflation is essential to support sustainable economic development and improve people's welfare. In conclusion, unstable inflation will complicate business planning business activities, both in production and investment activities as well as in the pricing of goods and services produced.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v15i2.326

    Pemodelan General Regression Neural Network (Grnn) Pada Data Return Indeks Harga Saham Euro 50

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    General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) merupakan salah satu model jaringan radial basis yang digunakan untuk pendekatan suatu fungsi. Model GRNN termasuk model jaringan syaraf tiruan dengan solusi yang cepat, karena tidak diperlukan iterasi yang besar pada estimasi bobot-bobotnya. Model ini memiliki arsitektur jaringan yang baku, dimana jumlah unit pada pattern layer sesuai dengan jumlah data input. Salah satu aplikasi GRNN adalah untuk memprediksi nilai return saham dari indeks Euro 50 CFD (Contract For Difference). Indeks Euro 50 CFD (Contract For Difference) digunakan sebagai patokan harga saham dari 50 Perusahaan terbesar di zona Eropa. Para investor melakukan investasi di saham indeks Euro 50 CFD (Contract For Difference) dengan harapan mendapatkan kembali keuntungan yang sesuai dengan apa yang telah di investasikannya. Dengan menggunakan model GRNN diperoleh bahwa nilai RMSE dan R2 untuk data training sebesar 0,00095 dan 99,19%. Untuk data testing diperoleh nilai RMSE dan R2 sebesar 0,00725 dan 98,46%. Berdasarkan nilai prediksi return saham dua belas hari ke depan diperoleh kerugian tertinggi atau capital loss pada 15 Desember 2014 sebesar 5,583188% dan profit tertinggi atau capital gain pada tanggal 10 Desember 2014 sebesar 2,267641% Kata Kunci: GRNN, Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan, Return Saham, Indeks Euro 50, Kerugian Tertinggi, Profit Tertinggi, Prediks

    TIME Series Analysis Using Copula Gauss And Ar(1)-n.garch(1,1)

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    In this case, the Gaussian Copula is used to connect the data that correlates with the time and with other data sets. Most often, practitioners rely only on the linear correlation to describe the degree of dependence between two or more variables; an approach that can lead to quite misleading conclusions as this measure is only capable of capturing linear relationships. Correlation doesn't mean causation, prediction using Copula is built on three things that the marginal distribution function, the kernel function, and the function of the Copula. Gaussian Copula involves the covariance matrix are approximated by using kernel functions. Kernel acts as the correlation between the approach of the data values that have the same characteristics. In this case, the characteristics used is the time. The advantage of the kernel function is able to calculate the correlation between random variables that have a realization using data characteristics. The advantage of using the kernel based Copula able to capture the dependencies between data and process data that have the same characteristics with time. Another benefit is that it allows a sequence of random variables have a joint distribution function so that the conditional probability of the prediction can be calculated

    Pemodelan Inflasi Berdasarkan Harga-harga Pangan Menggunakan Spline Multivariabel

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    Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of price for goods and services. Some of the events that led to inflation in Indonesia is rising fuel prices, rising prices of meat and Chili. Inflation has negative impact, because decreased purchasing power. So that the inflation model is needed. Modeling inflation can be use regression models. The approach can be performed with nonparametric regression, one of method of nonparametric regression is spline method. In this case, use three predictors to modeling inflation using spline multivariable. The predictors are price of rice, price of chicken, and price of Chili. Obtained multivariable spline models with R-square of 93.94% with optimal m = 2 (quadratic) for 1 knots