14 research outputs found

    Art Thinking as a catalyst for STEAM strategies. Towards a divergent thinking

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    [EN] Practical training in the university environment, without attention to creativity and innovative thinking, is not very effective. For this reason, we have tried to find a new learning model, which focuses on the disciplines essential for the future, through an interdisciplinary approach. The use of tools such as Art Thinking and the search for new learning spaces, sometimes outside the classroom and in others transforming the classroom space itself into a ¿corner to dream¿, have allowed us to create a conducive climate to the development of creativity and to discover that the combination of technical training with skills associated with the artistic field, are positioned as the ideal way to train the professionals of the future. Thus, within the strategy of reaching professional competences, it is planned to work jointly and collaboratively between the creative, technological and management disciplines that coexist on the campus of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, in the implementation of new training spaces, which favor the acquisition of transversal competences and strengthen the teaching and learning process through visible and responsible learning by means of STEAM strategies.This work has been developed within the project Applying STEAM strategies in the Social Sciences and Arts areas by means of a Service-learning methodology, conducted by Professor María deMiguel-Molina, and with the support of the Universitat Politécnica de València (Science Education Institute, ICE). Moreover, this paper's authors belong to the team Reality baths: towards a visible, responsible and innovative learning, coordinated by Professor Virginia Santamarina-Campos.Santamarina-Campos, V.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; De-Miguel-Molina, B.; Carabal-Montagud, M. (2020). Art Thinking as a catalyst for STEAM strategies. Towards a divergent thinking. Iated. 766-774. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.0288S76677

    Use of infographics by students in business degrees

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    [EN] This paper presents the introduction of infographics in two courses during the academic year 2020-2021. These courses are from bachelor studies in a faculty of Business Administration and Management. This type of visualization was used by students as a support for summarising and communicating their ideas. To do it, different tasks were designed and some applications were proved by students. The experiences explained include the learning objectives that were settled, the activities designed, and the pros and cons of the applications used. An infographic is a visualization that offers a combination of image, text and chart. This enables grouping STEAM competences in a same task while improving communication skills of students. In the experiences described in this papers, image (arts), data (maths) and text are combined to reinforce the data included. Moreover, technology is incorporated through infographic applications as a digital support for students in online sessions. Another advantage of an infographic is that it allows to transmit important information in a visual and easy way, which facilitates the reader to understand the message even when it is supported by scientific rigor. If its power to illustrate more complete stories is considered, the reason why its use has been extended in the last decade to communicate many different topics, such as data about health, environment and sciences, is clear. When designing an infographic, the three main features to be considered in its structure are the content, the visual and the story. With respect to the content, it is important to consider the target of the infographic, the main where it will be displayed and the order that the story will be explained. The visual aspect will help to communicate the content. For example, using some icons to stablish an order in the story. Making use of different size in letters, might highlight the main sentences in the visual. The story will help to understand the information to be transmitted. In this paper tasks presented for the two courses are: a) the use of infographics by students to summarise main ideas in some sections of the bachelor¿s degree thesis and b) an infographic used by students after organising information from users¿ opinions in an affinity map. The task in the first course aims that students design an infographic for a section in their bachelor¿s degree thesis. The profile of students in the course will result in many potential themes in their thesis and, thus, in various types of infographics. The learning outcome from the task would be that they are able to convert a difficult section in an understandable message, although maintaining the academic rigor. The task in the second course aims that students organise user¿s opinions from a service in an affinity map. After analysing opinions in social networks and conducting interviews with users, they should communicate the main results in an infographic. Results obtained from the two experiences differ depending on whether the task was carried out individually or in team, the session was face-to-face or online, and students worked in a same theme or not.This paper was written as part of two innovation and educational improvement projects (PIME) with the support of the Universitat Politècnica de València (Institute of Educational Sciences, ICE). The first project is entitled "Applying STEAM strategies in the areas of Social Sciences and Arts, through ServiceLearning activities", and is coordinated by Professor María de-Miguel-Molina. The second project is entitled ¿Infographics: Using ICT in the visual and creative representation of teaching content¿, and is coordinated by Professor María-Angeles Carabal-Montagud.De-Miguel-Molina, B.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Santamarina-Campos, V.; Carabal-Montagud, M. (2021). Use of infographics by students in business degrees. IATED Academy. 4470-4475. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0936S4470447

    Application of Design Thinking for Technology Transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems for the Creative Industry

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    [EN] With this contribution, we want to show a successful example of the application of the Design Thinking methodology, in the European project 'Technology transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for the creative industry'. The use of this methodology has allowed us to design and build a drone, based on the real needs of prospective users. It has demonstrated that this is a powerful tool for generating innovative ideas in the field of robotics, by focusing its effectiveness on understanding and solving real user needs. In this way, with the support of an interdisciplinary team, comprised of creatives, engineers and economists, together with the collaboration of prospective users from three European countries, a non-linear work dynamic has been created. This teamwork has generated a sense of appreciation towards the creative industries, through continuously adaptive, inventive, and playful collaboration and communication, which has facilitated the development of prototypes. These have been designed to enable filming and photography in interior spaces, within 13 sectors of European creative industries: Advertising, Architecture, Fashion, Film, Antiques and Museums, Music, Photography, Televison, Performing Arts, Publishing, Arts and Crafts, Design and Software. Furthermore, it has married the real needs of the creative industries, with what is technologically and commercially viable. As a result, a product of great value has been obtained, which offers new business opportunities for small companies across this sector.The AiRT project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 732433.Santamarina Campos, V.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; De-Miguel-Molina, B.; Carabal-Montagud, M. (2018). Application of Design Thinking for Technology Transfer of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems for the Creative Industry. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 12(5):457-463. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/104549S45746312

    Presenting a literature review with infographics: creativity competence for master students

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    [EN] In this work we present the results of encouraging creativity in a Master subject where its thematic, research methodologies, could be sometimes quite academic for the students. The first objective in this experience was to apply a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) competence, Science, by means of giving freedom to the students to select a topic of interest and create research questions about it. The second objective, one the literature review was developed, was to apply a second STEAM competence, Arts & Design, using a digital tool for representing their analysis in a creative way. For doing so, we decided to present them different infographic open applications that help them to represent their study. But again, we did not provide a compulsory template or graphic, letting them to explore the tool and to select the way of representing their results. As we observed, the level of creativity was different depending on the student but all of them made the effort to use the tool. Moreover, we suggested a second tool, the visualization of literature maps with software tools, in order to explore future research gaps of interest. At the end of the experience, we delivered a questionnaire to the students to review all the STEAM competences, including creativity within Science and Arts & Design. The work that we present is developed within two educational innovation and improvement projects of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). They are composed by professors from two departments, Management and Conservation & Restoration of Cultural Heritage, to achieve synergies that allow us to cover all STEAM strategies. In the first project, ¿Applying STEAM strategies in the areas of Social Sciences and Art¿, we propose in our subjects the development of Science, Technology, Enginnering, Arts & Design and Maths competences. In this case, we have focused on: being able to establish research questions/hypotheses (Science competence) and to propose creative solutions (Arts & Design competence). In the second project, ¿Infographics. Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the visual and creative representation of content for teaching¿, the aim is that the students would be able to synthesize contents and to represent them through infographics, with free and open software.This work has been developed within the projects ¿Applying STEAM strategies in the Social Sciences and Arts areas by means of a Service-learning methodology¿, conducted by Professor María de-MiguelMolina, and ¿Infographics. Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the visual and creative representation of content for teaching¿, conducted by Professor María-Ángeles CarabalMontagud. Both projects are developed with the support of the Universitat Politécnica de València (Science Education Institute, ICE).De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Santamarina-Campos, V.; De-Miguel-Molina, B.; Carabal-Montagud, M.; Catalá-Pérez, D. (2021). Presenting a literature review with infographics: creativity competence for master students. IATED Academy. 319-325. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.0107S31932

    Results of the application of infographs as a tool in university teaching

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    [Otros] This text analyses the result of the application of infographics as a teaching tool in university teaching. In this case, this study focuses on the analysis of the results obtained from this educational innovation used to deliver the subject ¿Introduction to the Conservation and Restoration of golds and polychromies¿ as part of the Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Infographics are presented as a visual, attractive, didactic and dynamic ICT tool, considered to be very useful, as it contains complex content in diagrams, which follow current social visual codes and can provide a service applicable to many disciplines, if it focuses on the direction of information transfer in teaching. The aim of this study is to assess the results obtained after the application of individual and group infographics, as an element of evaluation of content acquisition, combined with other teaching techniques. The students' own assessment is taken into account, focusing the study on whether it has been useful for their learning, if it helped them synthesize content and develop their practical and critical thinking.To EICE Digital tools for the acquisition of transversal skills and the application of the SDGs online, in the Educational Science Institute (Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación-ICE) in Universitat Politècnica de València, to provide a space in which to develop active and innovative methodologies.Carabal-Montagud, M.; Santamarina-Campos, V.; Fuster-López, L.; Esgueva López, MV. (2021). Results of the application of infographs as a tool in university teaching. IATED Academy. 7906-7913. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.1614S7906791

    Goya. Pionero de la teoría de la Restauración Científica en España.

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    La visión de Goya sobre la restauración de Bienes Culturales es precursora en su época en España y sienta las bases para comprender la disciplina tal y como se desempeñará en el siglo XIX y posteriores. En la historia de la restauración, se han realizado en España toda una serie de intervenciones que han actuado sobre el original modificándolo, en base a operaciones como limpiezas, reintegraciones, cambios de soporte, amputaciones, etc. Todas ellas han ido destinadas a la conservación o mejora de la obra pero, en ciertas ocasiones, los efectos de las mismas no han sido del todo positivos. La puesta en valor del concepto de pátina durante los siglos XVII y XVIII en Europa, principalmente en Inglaterra, como aspecto significativo de envejecimiento de la materia pictórica, tiene en Goya a unos de sus defensores en la Real Academia de San Fernando de Madrid, teniendo en cuenta su tan citada máxima, que ha llegado a la actualidad: "el tiempo también pinta". El artista polifacético era consciente de que las obras, tal y como las conocemos en la actualidad, son un compendio de vicisitudes históricas desde el momento de su creación y que cualquier tipo de intervención restaurativa puede modificarlas o incluso anularlas. Con ello, cualquier acto de restauración, principalmente la limpieza, podría llegar a trasformar la historia del arte, en una época en la que el principal modo de trascender de la obra era mediante su propia supervivencia. Goya denuncia las intervenciones llevadas a cabo por los restauradores de la Real Academia de finales del siglo XVIII, en dos cartas enviadas a Don Pedro Cevallos Guerra, adelantándose en España a conceptos que ya se daban por sentado por corrientes europeas y que serán los cimientos teórico-prácticos de la restauración actual.Carabal Montagud, MA.; Miguel Molina, MRD.; Miguel Molina, MBD. (2022). Goya. Pionero de la teoría de la Restauración Científica en España. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/184162DE

    Presenting a literature review in a creative way with infographics

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    [EN] Creativity stimulates critical thinking because it makes us think about problems differently and look for new solutions, being a fundamental skill. The objective of this innovation activity is that our master students improve their creativity through an individual infographic, using some digital tools. We asked the students in a Master subject, Research Methodologies, to perform a literature review and, afterwards, to represent it using different digital tools. After the activity, we review the results of applying this tool through a questionnaire, as part of the innovation project “Infographics. Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the visual and creative representation of content for teaching”. The results show that students value to improve their creativity with this tool and they would use it as well in other analysis that they would perform. Moreover, group infographics have been experienced in other subjects and we observe that they can also improve creativity but also cooperation.[ES] La creatividad estimula el pensamiento crítico porque nos hace plantearnos los problemas de otro modo y buscar nuevas soluciones, siendo una competencia fundamental. El objetivo de esta actividad de innovación es que nuestros alumnos de máster mejoren su creatividad a través de una infografía individual, utilizando algunas herramientas digitales. Pedimos a los alumnos de una asignatura del Máster, Metodologías de Investigación, que realizaran una revisión bibliográfica y, posteriormente, la representaran utilizando diferentes herramientas digitales. Tras la actividad, revisamos los resultados de la aplicación de esta herramienta a través de un cuestionario, como parte del proyecto de innovación “Infografías. Uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en la representación visual y creativa de contenidos para la docencia”. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes valoran mejorar su creatividad con esta herramienta y la utilizarían también en otros análisis que realizarían. Además, las infografías grupales se han experimentado en otras materias y observamos que también pueden mejorar la creatividad pero también la cooperación.Este trabajo se ha realizado dentro proyecto de innovación y mejora educativa de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) “Infografías. Uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la representación visual y creativa de contenidos para la docencia”, coordinado por la profesora Carabal, y con la participación de los autores de este trabajo.Miguel Molina, MRD.; Miguel Molina, MBD.; Carabal Montagud, MA.; Santamarina Campos, V.; Catalá Pérez, D. (2022). Presentando una revisión de literatura de manera creativa con infografías. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1228-1239. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.159271228123

    Artistic languages for the representation of identity. Self-portraits as a definition of the individual

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    [EN] The interest in representing people as individuals has been a constant throughout the History of Art. Since classical antiquity, one of the original examples of the Roman portrait was the Maiorum images, masks of the deceased made from wax moulds that took the impression of the persons` face, which provided a high degree of symbolism (Centuries I BC. and I AD). On the other hand, the portraits of the El Fayum mummies found in Egypt and made in Roman occupation times (Centuries I and II AD) are also highlighted which involve painted portraits of the dead that provided a meticulous identity on the mummified body. The aim of the representation in both cases fulfils the commemorative function allowing the presence of the person to live on. Subsequently, especially in the Renaissance period, the portraits had been an important theme in the history of painting, drawing and sculpture that sought, without a doubt the recognition of the person represented and on the other hand the intention of making their presence prevail through time. In these cases, an agreement was needed that linked two parties, the one the carrying out the work and the one being represented. In this tandem, the render, after deciphering the formal attributes of the other individual, the represented, being the intention of art to then preserve the physical appearance and make them recognisable in posterity.Esgueva López, MV.; Carabal-Montagud, M. (2019). Artistic languages for the representation of identity. Self-portraits as a definition of the individual. Vivat Academia. Fórum XXI. 920-923. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/180061S92092

    Aspects of drawing as part of the methodology of the heritage conservation and restoration

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    [EN] Drawing has a fundamental role in the discipline of heritage conservation and restoration. In fact, one of the basic subjects that future restorers receive is precisely the treatment of drawing in various aspects, within their integral formation as professionals. The analysis of the ways in which the drawing is integrated in the methodologies of interaction with the work to be intervened, generates a wide range of possibilities, which try to be approached from the present study. It will be divided into two different prisms, the first will be focused on the study of the drawing for understanding the artistic calligraphy and the technique of the author and the second on the knowledge of the drawing for the intervention of the work itself.Carabal-Montagud, M.; Esgueva López, MV.; Santamarina-Campos, V. (2019). Aspects of drawing as part of the methodology of the heritage conservation and restoration. Vivat Academia. Fórum XXI. 837-840. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/180067S83784

    Las técnicas de dorado y plateado de superficies con láminas metálicas

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    Carabal-Montagud, M.; Santamarina-Campos, V.; Esgueva López, MV. (2020). Las técnicas de dorado y plateado de superficies con láminas metálicas. 175-176. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/17753417517