2,128 research outputs found

    Un’etica per la civiltà tecnologica

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    Learning Deep Visual Object Models From Noisy Web Data: How to Make it Work

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    Deep networks thrive when trained on large scale data collections. This has given ImageNet a central role in the development of deep architectures for visual object classification. However, ImageNet was created during a specific period in time, and as such it is prone to aging, as well as dataset bias issues. Moving beyond fixed training datasets will lead to more robust visual systems, especially when deployed on robots in new environments which must train on the objects they encounter there. To make this possible, it is important to break free from the need for manual annotators. Recent work has begun to investigate how to use the massive amount of images available on the Web in place of manual image annotations. We contribute to this research thread with two findings: (1) a study correlating a given level of noisily labels to the expected drop in accuracy, for two deep architectures, on two different types of noise, that clearly identifies GoogLeNet as a suitable architecture for learning from Web data; (2) a recipe for the creation of Web datasets with minimal noise and maximum visual variability, based on a visual and natural language processing concept expansion strategy. By combining these two results, we obtain a method for learning powerful deep object models automatically from the Web. We confirm the effectiveness of our approach through object categorization experiments using our Web-derived version of ImageNet on a popular robot vision benchmark database, and on a lifelong object discovery task on a mobile robot.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    On-glass optoelectronic platform for on-chip detection of DNA

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    Lab-on-chip are analytical systems which, compared to traditional methods, offer significant reduction of sample, reagent, energy consumption and waste production. Within this framework, we report on the development and testing of an optoelectronic platform suitable for the on-chip detection of fluorescent molecules. The platform combines on a single glass substrate hydrogenated amorphous silicon photosensors and a long pass interferential filter. The design of the optoelectronic components has been carried out taking into account the spectral properties of the selected fluorescent molecule. We have chosen the [Ru(phen)2(dppz)]2+ which exhibits a high fluorescence when it is complexed with nucleic acids in double helix. The on-glass optoelectronic platform, coupled with a microfluidic network, has been tested in detection of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) reaching a detection limit as low as 10 ng/ÎĽL

    La relazione che organizza il contesto sanitario: domanda dell’utenza e risposta dei servizi sanitari, nel territorio e nell’ospedale - The relationship which organizes the healthcare context: users’ demand and response of healthcare services, in the territory and the hospital

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    Our intent is to present citizens’ demand of health care services in Italy through a research structured in three studies. We used the Emotional Text Analysis (ETA) to lead the three s tudies: the first study regarded the citizens’expectations of the healthcare services, the second study regarded the point of view of the hospital personnel (medical doctors and nurses), the third regarded the point of view of the General Practitioners onthe health care services. These three studies are briefly presented. Data and outcome of an Assumed Similarity Test applied to all experimental subjects of the three studies in order to make a comparison among them, are also presented. The findings of the Emotional Text Analysis show that citizens, potential users of health services, center their requests on their individual subjectivity, and seek answers both to their suffering and to the feeling of alienation that characterizes the being sick feeling that makes them go to a medical doctor. For their part, general practitioners and hospital doctors immediately transform this subjective feeling in an objective medical diagnosis. Here a first gap emerges between patient’s demand and medical response, leavingthe possibility of an alliance on the diagnosis in order to jointly fight the disease. It has long been in place though a change that has expelled the patient also from sharing the diagnostic process, increasingly taken from self-centered dynamics within the healthcare system. This widens the gap between the request of the citizens and the response of the health services, that contributes to that conflictual growth to which defensive medicine gives a dysfunctional answer. The Assumed Similarity Test contributes to the interpretation of the health care dynamic identified in the Emotional Text Analysis; particularly in regard to the unfolding conflict, given by the hypothesis emerging from the data analysis, that a feeling of closeness for the hospital personnel goes along with an emotional stance of overpowering the othe

    The relationship between health care users’ demand and the health care system’s response: a research on change observed in the health care system, in the hospital and in the territory

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    The present research study aims at exploring the representation of the health service within a group of hospital physicians and nurses. The objective is to identify how the symbolic dynamic of hospital workers shapes their own praxis. The texts of interviews with 25 hospital workers have been subjected to Emotional Text Analysis (ETA). Five clusters emerge from the analysis where the topic of giving life and avoiding death is central and where the hospital assumes a thaumaturgical and basically omnipotent role. This is in conflict with recognizing the limitations of therapy. Only in the background the culture of curing the patients appears, characterized by aggressive reactivity towards the crisis which leads patients to emergency intervention because crises are ascribed to deviances frommedical prescription. Emergency intervention is ultimately the kind of intervention which the hospital believes it is capable to provide. Another problem is the lack of filters provided by bureaucratized general practitioners, whose cooperation would be essential, but who are supposed to have no longer the necessary relationship with their patients

    I due tempi delle "Opere" di Gesualdo Bufalino

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    L’iniziativa di questa giornata di studio e di confronto sulla pubblicazione dei “classici” del Novecento è occasione per l'autrice di tornare a ragionare di un autore che le è particolarmente caro, anche perché la ricerca sulla sua scrittura è stato il primo lavoro editoriale che ha svolto, su proposta e sotto l’egida della sua maestra Maria Corti, curatrice in primis del volume I delle Opere di Bufalino.   The two times of Gesualdo Bufalino’s "Complete Works" The Complete Works of Gesualdo Bufalino were published in the collection «Classici Bompiani» by publisher Bompiani, in two volumes: the first one, published in 1997, edited by Maria Corti and with notes by Francesca Caputo, the second volume edited by Francesca Caputo. In this paper Caputo examines the three steps of this edition: the first is hidden writing, the second is public activity, and the third is the staging of the complete works edition

    “Pensiero Critico”: Presentazione del volume in onore del Prof. Michele Borrelli

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    Abstract: “Critical Thought”: Presentation of the volume in honour of Prof. Michele Borrelli (International Centre of Philosophy Karl-Otto Apel - Wednesday, April 4, 2012, 16.00/20.00) - This paper has been presented during the public presentation of the volume “Critical Thought” that collects some international writings in honour of the philosopher and the pedagogist Michele Borrelli. The paper focus on some pillars of the Michele Borrelli’s research activity: the relationship between philosophy and pedagogy; the dialectic subject-society and the pedagogical consequences; theactuality of the critical thought

    Imparare ad abitare nel suo fondamento poetico

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    L’articolo si propone di offrire un contributo alla riflessione sul concetto dell’abitare nell’accezione heideggeriana. Tale principio trova il suo fondamento nello spirito poetante e viene qui sviluppato a partire dal richiamo al “poeticamente abita l’uomo” di Hölderlin. L’elemento poetico dell’abitare, quale tratto essenziale dell’esserci, secondo la tesi heideggeriana, è esperienza originaria da cui si ricava l’invito a una nuova forma di pensiero: un “pensiero poetante”. Il parlare poetico presenta una sua specifica rilevanza in questa direzione, risalendo a una messa in opera della verità in cui risuona la provenienza della dif-ferenza tra essere ed ente nel ritmo originario di apertura e nascondimento. Solo l’uomo poetante, comunicatore per eccellenza, può giungere all’originario abitare e toccare il divino, il sacro, disponendosi all’autorivelazione dell’essere secondo l’immagine della quadratura (Geviert) in cui le quattro voci (cielo, terra, divini, mortali) sono un tutt’uno rilucente al cospetto del suo dire. Lungi dal ripiombare nel linguaggio della metafisica, piuttosto col proposito di rinnovarla, Heidegger assegna alla parola poetica, in quanto misura del nostro dimorare, il ruolo di fondamento ontologico da cui si effonde l’evento e l’apertura dell’essere
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