331 research outputs found

    PPI for a sustainable economy: sustainable supply chain management in the agri-food sector

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    The aim of this study is to offer an analysis on the agri-food logistics chains so as to guarantee the greatest spread of sustainability practices in the management of the entire supply chain. The use of management and marketing tools and of innovative legal and economic institutes, also in the agri-food sector, is fundamental to guaranteeing an increasingly ‘cleaner’ agriculture. However, the joint use of these tools still does not seem to have been fully exploited. In this sense, the analysis of the ‘FiLO – Filiera Logistica e Organizzazione’ project, which aimed to create a network of companies through a European partnership for innovation, and which has the purpose of providing companies in the agri-food supply chain with a high level of methodological and organisational innovation, would like to trace guidelines and reflections relating to the development of the territories through the use of public procurement for innovation.Il PPI per un’economia sostenibile: riflessioni sulla gestione sostenibile della filiera agroalimentare Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di offrire un’analisi sulle filiere logistiche agroalimentari, al fine di suggerire l’implementazione di pratiche di sostenibilità nella gestione dell’intera filiera. L’utilizzo di strumenti gestionali e di marketing e di istituti giuridici ed economici innovativi, anche nel settore agroalimentare, è fondamentale per garantire un’agricoltura sempre più “pulita”. Tuttavia, l’uso congiunto di questi strumenti non sembra ancora essere stato pienamente sfruttato. In tal senso, l’analisi del progetto ‘FiLO - Filiera Logistica e Organizzazione’, che mira a creare una rete di imprese attraverso il partenariato europeo per l’innovazione, che ha lo scopo di fornire alle aziende della filiera agroalimentare un alto livello di innovazione metodologica e organizzativa, vorrebbe tracciare linee guida e riflessioni relative allo sviluppo dei territori attraverso il ricorso agli appalti pubblici per l’innovazione

    La funzione amministrativa neutrale

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    Lo studio investe un tema antico, quello della funzione amministrativa neutrale, declinandolo in una prospettiva attuale proiettata de futuro. Si è discusso tanto e talora persino eccessivamente della funzione amministrativa, tradizionalmente vista per lo più nella prospettiva unilaterale ed autoritativa, sostanzialmente preda del vincolo funzionale inteso alla realizzazione ineludibile dell’interesse pubblico attraverso l’esercizio “armato” del potere (in tesi, discrezionale), non sempre considerando tuttavia che nell’ambito della funzione in senso lato rientrano una pluralità di connotazioni che fanno di quella autoritativa ed unilaterale una delle possibilità di inveramento effettivo della funzione medesima e del potere. L’autore ne è pienamente consapevole e muove da considerazioni di principio poste da dottrina autorevole ancorché risalente (spicca nell’incipit il riferimento ad Aldo Mazzini Sandulli), per poi sviluppare il lavoro con criterio logico approdando epistemologicamente alla conferma della perdurante rilevanza della funzione amministrativa a carattere neutrale

    Divieto di subappalto e lavoratori autonomi

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    Trattamento dei lavoratori autonomi e professionisti negli appalti pubblici. Il subappaltoTreatment of self-employed workers and professionals in public procurement. Subcontractin


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    "Fighting desertification and drought", "restoring degraded lands", "fighting for a world free from soil degradation", "protecting biodiversity" and eliminating land consumption in 2050 are the fundamental strategies that the goal 15 of the 2030 Agenda requires all States to ensure sustainable development that allows future generations to enjoy the goods of our planet, eliminating the waste and wild exploitation of the few resources that are no longer renewable that it offers us. This study, after a brief analysis of the impact of the phenomenon of soil consumption, suggests strategies to promote virtuous policies of sustainable development, with a view to promoting nature tourism.“Combattere la desertificazione e la siccità”, “ripristinare le terre degradate”, “battersi per ottenere un mondo privo di degrado del suolo”, “proteggere le biodiversità” e azzerare il consumo del suolo nel 2050 sono le strategie fondamentali che l’obiettivo 15 dell’Agenda 2030 impone a tutti gli Stati per garantire uno sviluppo sostenibile che consenta alle generazioni future di godere dei beni del nostro pianeta, eliminando lo spreco e lo sfruttamento selvaggio delle risorse ormai non più rinnovabili che esso ci offre. Questo studio, dopo una breve analisi dell’impatto del fenomeno del consumo di suolo, suggerisce strategie atte a favorire politiche virtuose di sviluppo sostenibile, nella prospettiva della promozione del turismo naturalistic

    Note minime su beni comuni e funzione amministrativa

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    Thanks to some doctrinal and jurisprudential considerations in the last two decades, the notion of commons, variously understood in our legal system, plays a lead with more precise contours. These notes address the issue of common goods, starting from the constitutional issue of the ability of this category to be instruments for the realization of fundamental rights, eventually reflecting on some administrative functions performed in the management of territory, environment and landscape, which are common goods that institutions govern and manage in the interest of the community. These notes deal with the theme of the dominical regime of common goods and, in a glimpse of collective property and the rights to some things in the material world, common goods of “collective property”. Detected the extreme heterogeneity of the category and evaluated the questions expressed by the doctrine in order to the right of property of commons, this paper offers a dogmatic framework that rests on the attitude and the destination of the commons to meet the needs of the community through their use. This because they are property belonging to the community and to meet the interests omnium communes. Crossing the notion of commons offered by legal and economist doctrines and the principles laid down by European law, the study offers insight on the duty of protection and on administrative functions in order to specific “places” where they live many commons: environment, landscape and cultural heritage.Grazie ad alcune riflessioni dottrinarie e giurisprudenziali degli ultimi due lustri la nozione di beni comuni, variamente intesi nel nostro ordinamento, assume un portato dai contorni più precisi. Queste note affrontano il tema dei beni comuni, partendo dalla questione costituzionale dell’attitudine di questa categoria ad essere strumenti per la realizzazione dei diritti fondamentali, per giungere a riflettere su alcune funzioni amministrative esercitate nella gestione del territorio, dell’ambiente e del paesaggio, beni comuni che le istituzioni governano e gestiscono nell’interesse della collettività. Si affronta il tema del regime dominicale dei beni comuni e, di scorcio, della proprietà collettiva e dei diritti su alcune cose del mondo materiale, beni comuni di “proprietà collettiva”. Rilevata l’estrema eterogeneità della categoria e valutati gli interrogativi espressi dalla dottrina in ordine all’appartenenza del bene, si offre un inquadramento dogmatico che poggia sulla particolare attitudine di questi beni – e sulla loro conseguente destinazione – a soddisfare le esigenze della collettività, attraverso il loro uso (fruizione), perché si tratta di beni appartenenti alla collettività e destinati a soddisfare interessi omnium communes. Passando per la nozione di bene comune offerta dalla dottrina giuridica e da quella economista e per i principi fissati dall’ordinamento comunitario, lo studio offre spunti di riflessione sull’obbligo di tutela e sulla funzione amministrativa in ordine a particolari “luoghi” ove dimorano molti commons: l’ambiente, il paesaggio e i beni culturali

    Wild and Farmed Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax): Comparison of Biometry Traits, Chemical and Fatty Acid Composition of Fillets

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    Sea bass is a fish widely produced, consumed and appreciated in Italy. Its intensive rearing system provides the consumption of valuable fish to a wider population. Thanks to the use of an appropriate feed, it is possible to obtain reared sea bass which are richer in total lipid with a majority presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as n-3 and n-6 series. In this study, a total of 75 specimens of European sea bass coming from three different origins (two farmed and one wild) were considered, with 25 fish from each origin. Biometry traits were valued as of the chemical and fatty acid profile of fillets. Biometric indices, proximate composition and fatty acid percentage were significantly affected by the rearing system. Fishes from the intensive rearing system (IRS) showed the highest value of relative profile and condition factor, a higher content of lipid and total n-6 that influenced the n-6/n-3 ratio and the atherogenic indexes, and values that indicated their flesh for human consumption as a healthy alternative to the wild fishes

    Extruded linseed and linseed oil as alternative to soybean meal and soybean oil in diets for fattening lambs

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    The study evaluated the effects of replacing soybean meal and soybean oil respectively with extruded linseed and linseed oil on the productive performances and meat quality traits in lambs slaughtered at 90 days. Lambs weaned at 40 days were divided into 3 groups (N.=10) fed ad libitum for 6 weeks as follows: C (control, commercial feed containing soybean meal and soybean oil); LO (feed containing linseed oil instead of soybean oil); EL (feed containing extruded linseed). Meat quality traits were evaluated on the Longissimus lumborum (Ll) and Semimembranosus (Sm) muscles. The lambs' growth performances and the slaughtering and sectioning data did not differ between groups. The redness of meat was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the LO and EL groups compared to the control for both the muscles tested. Ll meat samples of the EL group showed a greater cooking loss compared to LO (P<0.01) and to the control (P<0.05). The amount of linoleic acid in raw Ll meat samples was significantly (P<0.01) lower in both LO and EL groups with respect to control. The concentration of α-linolenic acid was significantly (P<0.01) higher in the EL group and this positively affected the total content of ω3 as well as the ω6/ω3 ratio

    Dietary supplementation of garlic and rosemary: effects on colour stability and lipid oxidation in lamb meat

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    The colour of fresh meat is an important criterion consumers take into consideration when purchasing meat. Meat colour depends on the occurrence of chemical and microbial deterioration processes. The role of vitamin E and other antioxidants on ruminant meat colour stability and prevention of lipid oxidation has been widely investigated (Macit et al., 2003; Realini et al., 2004). Many natural herbs and plant extracts exert antioxidant effects such as garlic (Yin and Cheng, 2003) and rosemary (Sánchez-Escalante et al., 2001). Their use as additives for animal feeding may be a valid alternative to synthetic antioxidants since they show beneficial effects also on animal welfare and other physiological functions (Tedesco, 2001). The aim of this study was to evaluate whether garlic and rosemary dietary supplementation as compared with vitamin E affects lamb meat colour and lipid stability during storage

    The Organization of the Pig T-Cell Receptor γ (TRG) Locus Provides Insights into the Evolutionary Patterns of the TRG Genes across Cetartiodactyla

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    The domestic pig (Sus scrofa) is a species representative of the Suina, one of the four suborders within Cetartiodactyla. In this paper, we reported our analysis of the pig TRG locus in comparison with the loci of species representative of the Ruminantia, Tylopoda, and Cetacea suborders. The pig TRG genomic structure reiterates the peculiarity of the organization of Cetartiodactyla loci in TRGC "cassettes", each containing the basic V-J-J-C unit. Eighteen genes arranged in four TRGC cassettes, form the pig TRG locus. All the functional TRG genes were expressed, and the TRGV genes preferentially rearrange with the TRGJ genes within their own cassette, which correlates the diversity of the γ-chain repertoire with the number of cassettes. Among them, the TRGC5, located at the 5' end of the locus, is the only cassette that retains a marked homology with the corresponding TRGC cassettes of all the analyzed species. The preservation of the TRGC5 cassette for such a long evolutionary time presumes a highly specialized function of its genes, which could be essential for the survival of species. Therefore, the maintenance of this cassette in pigs confirms that it is the most evolutionarily ancient within Cetartiodactyla, and it has undergone a process of duplication to give rise to the other TRGC cassettes in the different artiodactyl species in a lineage-specific manner

    Sheep (Ovis aries) T cell receptor alpha (TRA) and delta (TRD) genes and genomic organization of the TRA/TRD locus

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    In mammals, T cells develop along two discrete pathways characterized by expression of either the αβ or the γδ T cell receptors. Human and mouse display a low peripheral blood γδ T cell percentage ("γδ low species") while sheep, bovine and pig accounts for a high proportion of γδ T lymphocytes ("γδ high species"). While the T cell receptor alpha (TRA) and delta (TRD) genes and the genomic organization of the TRA/TRD locus has been determined in human and mouse, this information is still poorly known in artiodactyl species, such as sheep