6 research outputs found

    Detectability of the Cross-Correlation between CMB Lensing and Stochastic GW Background from Compact Object Mergers

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    The anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background (SGWB), produced by merging compact binaries, constitute a possible new probe of the Large-Scale Structure (LSS). However, the significant shot noise contribution caused by the discreteness of the GW sources and the poor angular resolution of the instruments hampers the detection of the intrinsic anisotropies induced by the LSS. In this work, we investigate the potential of cross-correlating forthcoming high precision measurements of the SGWB energy density and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing convergence to mitigate the effect of shot noise. Combining a detailed model of stellar and galactic astrophysics with a novel framework to distribute the GW emitters in the sky, we compute the auto-and cross-correlation power spectra for the two cosmic fields, evaluate the shot noise contribution and predict the signal-to-noise ratio. The results of our analysis show that the SGWB energy density correlates significantly with the CMB lensing convergence and that the cross-correlation between these two cosmic fields reduces the impact of instrumental and shot noise. Unfortunately, the S/N is not high enough to detect the intrinsic SGWB anisotropies. Nevertheless, a network composed of both present and future generation GW interferometers, operating for at least 10 yrs, should be able to measure the shot noise contribution

    Astrophysical and cosmological relevance of the high-frequency features in the stochastic gravitational-wave background

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    The stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB) produced by merging neutron stars exhibits a peak in the kHz band. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework to exploit this distinctive feature through a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis using a simulated dataset of SGWB measurements within this frequency range. The aim is to use the SGWB peak as an observable to constrain a set of astrophysical and cosmological parameters that accurately describe the sources of the SGWB. We examine how variations in these parameters impact the morphology of the SGWB and investigate the necessary sensitivity to effectively constrain them. Given our priors on astrophysical and cosmological parameters, and assuming a power-law integrated sensitivity curve of the order of 10 − 11 between 1 kHz and 5 kHz, we show that the values of the chirp mass and common envelope efficiency of the binary systems are retrieved with percent accuracy. Furthermore, the method allows for the reconstruction of the cosmological expansion history populated by these binaries, encompassing the Hubble constant, matter abundance, and the effective equation of state of dark energy

    Searching for Anisotropic Stochastic Gravitational-wave Backgrounds with Constellations of Space-based Interferometers

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    Many recent works have shown that the angular resolution of ground-based detectors is too poor to characterize the anisotropies of the stochastic gravitational-wave background (SGWB). For this reason, we asked ourselves if a constellation of space-based instruments could be more suitable. We consider the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), a constellation of multiple LISA-like clusters, and the Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitationalwave Observatory (DECIGO). Specifically, we test whether these detector constellations can probe the anisotropies of the SGWB. For this scope, we considered the SGWB produced by two astrophysical sources: merging compact binaries, and a recently proposed scenario for massive black hole seed formation through multiple mergers of stellar remnants. We find that measuring the angular power spectrum of the SGWB anisotropies is almost unattainable. However, it turns out that it could be possible to probe the SGWB anisotropies through crosscorrelation with the cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations. In particular, we find that a constellation of two LISA-like detectors and CMB-S4 can marginally constrain the cross-correlation between the CMB lensing convergence and the SGWB produced by the black hole seed formation process. Moreover, we find that DECIGO can probe the cross-correlation between the CMB lensing and the SGWB from merging compact binaries

    Let Effective Field Theory of inflation flow: stochastic generation of models with red/blue tensor tilt

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    We extend the method of Flow Equations to the Effective Field Theory framework of inflation, in order to investigate the observable predictions of a very broad class of inflationary models. Focusing our attention on the gravitational-wave sector, we derive a general expression for the consistency relation for effective models and provide a numerical implementation which allows to study how the generated models populate the (r,nt) plane. We analyse 5 7 104 realizations of inflationary scenarios that respect the Null-Energy Condition (> 0) and 5 7 104 realizations that violate it ( 0 are typically characterized by nt 0). Since a blue tensor spectral index implies more power on small scales, this result is of considerable interest in view of a possible direct detection of the primordial gravitational-wave background

    Growth of massive black hole seeds by migration of stellar and primordial black holes: Gravitational waves and stochastic background

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    We investigate the formation and growth of massive black hole (BH) seeds in dusty star-forming galaxies, relying and extending the framework proposed by [1]. Specifically, the latter envisages the migration of stellar compact remnants (neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes) via gaseous dynamical friction towards the galaxy nuclear region, and their subsequent merging to grow a massive central BH seed. In this paper we add two relevant ingredients: (i) we include primordial BHs, that could constitute a fraction f pBH of the dark matter, as an additional component participating in the seed growth; (ii) we predict the stochastic gravitational wave background originated during the seed growth, both from stellar compact remnant and from primordial BH mergers. We find that the latter events contribute most to the initial growth of the central seed during a timescale of 106-107 yr, before stellar compact remnant mergers and gas accretion take over. In addition, if the fraction of primordial BHs f pBH is large enough, gravitational waves emitted by their mergers in the nuclear galactic regions could be detected by future interferometers like Einsten Telescope, DECIGO and LISA. As for the associated stochastic gravitational wave background, we predict that it extends over the wide frequency band 10-6 ≲ f[Hz] ≲ 10, which is very different from the typical range originated by mergers of isolated binary compact objects. On the one hand, the detection of such a background could be a smoking gun to test the proposed seed growth mechanism; on the other hand, it constitutes a relevant contaminant from astrophysical sources to be characterized and subtracted, in the challenging search for a primordial background of cosmological origin