539 research outputs found

    Categorizing basic factors driving soil genesis, pedovariability and plant assemblages in Mediterranean Temporary Wetlands (TWs)

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    A research was carried out in six Temporary Wetlands (TWs), located in north-western Sardinia (Italy), with the aim to categorize the basic factors driving and linking soil genesis and plant assemblages in Mediterranean basin

    Pedotechniques strategies to improve soil resilience against the impact of irrigation by municipal wastewater: using zeolitized tuffs as soil amendments

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    A research was started aiming at evaluating the possible use of natural zeolites as exchange conditioners to improve and make durable the soil resilience against the adverse effects of the use of anomalous wastewater, for irrigation purposes. To satisfy such aims, two zeolitized tuffs (ZTs), viz. a Neapolitan yellow tuff (NYT) and a clinoptilolite bearing tuff (ZCL), were tested as pedotechnical materials to improve soil resilience against the impact of treatment by a ‘dirty’ municipal wastewater (DMW)

    Comparison of the Nutritional Values of Toddler Milks Available in Italy

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    If breast milk is not available infant formula ensures a balanced intake of nutrients and is undoubtedly more suitable for infants than cows’ milk. In particular, it should point out the absolute necessity to postpone to the end of the first year of life, or even after the 2 nd year, the use of cow's milk for the extreme imbalance of nutrients that lead to highprotein diets and low levels of polyunsaturated fats, iron and zinc. As a consequence, in the absence of breast milk, the use of an appropriately adapted formula in the first year of life and the use of “toddler milk” from 12 to 36 months may represent adequate nutritional alternatives, especially when compare to the use of cow milk, and in particular may  appear to play a fundamental role in the prevention of iron deficiency anemia. Different varieties of toddler milk are currently available in Italy. This review outlines the nutritional differences between breast, toddler and cows’ milks, and compares different brands of toddler milk

    Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus infection in gastric diseases: Correlation with IL-10 and IL1RN polymorphism.

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    Introduction: Helicobacter pylori and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection have recently 23 been shown to be associated with gastric diseases. Polymorphisms in genes encoding 24 cytokines such as interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interleukin 1 Receptor (IL-1RN) influence 25 cytokine secretion levels and appear to contribute to the risk of developing gastroduodenal 26 diseases. 27 To our knowledge, this is the first preliminary study to address the association of 28 coinfection with H. pylori and EBV and their correlation with genetic predisposition in the 29 development of gastric diseases. 30 Methods: Gastric biopsy samples of 96 patients with different gastric diseases were used. 31 Results: Our results showed that the rate of co-infection was higher in patients with 32 gastric cancer than in patients with normal gastric mucosa, active chronic gastritis and 33 MALT lymphoma. As regards the characterization of H. pilory strains, the 34 polymorphism s1m1i1 of vacA gene was more frequent in patients with MALT 35 Lymphoma in comparison to others, while the polymorphism s2m2i2 was most 36 frequent in patients with normal gastric mucosa. In addition, patients who tested 37 positivefor the cagA gene were more frequently those affected with gastric cancer than 38 those with inactive chronic gastritis. Similarly, the patients with oipA gene ON were more 39 frequently those with gastric cancer than those with inactive chronic gastritis. 40 Conclusion: According to our analysis, there was no correlation between coinfection 41 and polymorphisms in genes encoding IL-10 and IL-1RN. We conclude that various 42 factors can be involved in the development of gastric diseases

    Sacral agenesis: a pilot whole exome sequencing and copy number study

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    Background: Caudal regression syndrome (CRS) or sacral agenesis is a rare congenital disorder characterized by a constellation of congenital caudal anomalies affecting the caudal spine and spinal cord, the hindgut, the urogenital system, and the lower limbs. CRS is a complex condition, attributed to an abnormal development of the caudal mesoderm, likely caused by the effect of interacting genetic and environmental factors. A well-known risk factor is maternal type 1 diabetes. Method: Whole exome sequencing and copy number variation (CNV) analyses were conducted on 4 Caucasian trios to identify de novo and inherited rare mutations. Results: In this pilot study, exome sequencing and copy number variation (CNV) analyses implicate a number of candidate genes, including SPTBN5, MORN1, ZNF330, CLTCL1 and PDZD2. De novo mutations were found in SPTBN5, MORN1 and ZNF330 and inherited predicted damaging mutations in PDZD2 (homozygous) and CLTCL1 (compound heterozygous). Importantly, predicted damaging mutations in PTEN (heterozygous), in its direct regulator GLTSCR2 (compound heterozygous) and in VANGL1 (heterozygous) were identified. These genes had previously been linked with the CRS phenotype. Two CNV deletions, one de novo (chr3q13.13) and one homozygous (chr8p23.2), were detected in one of our CRS patients. These deletions overlapped with CNVs previously reported in patients with similar phenotype. Conclusion: Despite the genetic diversity and the complexity of the phenotype, this pilot study identified genetic features common across CRS patients

    The role of periodontal ligament elasticity in periodontal changes – numerical simulation

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    The clinical applications of oral mucosal biomechanics are particularly important in determining how stimulation can be performed for tissue remodeling, in understanding the level of pressure that can be applied to the painful threshold, in osseous resorption, and the availability of tissue movement. This study shows, through the finite element, the way in which the periodontal ligament behaves at the level of all dental surfaces in nonlinear model and 3 levels of alveolar bone retraction (0 %, 50%, 75%). From the point of view of geometric construction, each model consists of 3 independent components: the alveolar bone, the periodontal ligament (PL) and the tooth. The deformities on the lingual surface are very small compared to the other surfaces. The deformity increases progressively with the loss of the supporting bone. From a physiological point of view, the nonlinear model is much closer to reality because it simulates the reaction of the tissue to its immediate loading by a very low rigidity after which, due to the hydrostatic pressure created in the interstitial fluid, the value of tissue rigidity increases exponentially

    An Atlas of Altered Expression of Deubiquitinating Enzymes in Human Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) are proteases that process ubiquitin (Ub) or ubiquitin-like gene products, remodel polyubiquitin(-like) chains on target proteins, and counteract protein ubiquitination exerted by E3 ubiquitin-ligases. A wealth of studies has established the relevance of DUBs to the control of physiological processes whose subversion is known to cause cellular transformation, including cell cycle progression, DNA repair, endocytosis and signal transduction. Altered expression of DUBs might, therefore, subvert both the proteolytic and signaling functions of the Ub system. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we report the first comprehensive screening of DUB dysregulation in human cancers by in situ hybridization on tissue microarrays (ISH-TMA). ISH-TMA has proven to be a reliable methodology to conduct this kind of study, particularly because it allows the precise identification of the cellular origin of the signals. Thus, signals associated with the tumor component can be distinguished from those associated with the tumor microenvironment. Specimens derived from various normal and malignant tumor tissues were analyzed, and the "normal" samples were derived, whenever possible, from the same patients from whom tumors were obtained. Of the ∼90 DUBs encoded by the human genome, 33 were found to be expressed in at least one of the analyzed tissues, of which 22 were altered in cancers. Selected DUBs were subjected to further validation, by analyzing their expression in large cohorts of tumor samples. This analysis unveiled significant correlations between DUB expression and relevant clinical and pathological parameters, which were in some cases indicative of aggressive disease. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results presented here demonstrate that DUB dysregulation is a frequent event in cancer, and have implications for therapeutic approaches based on DUB inhibition

    Sistema de Emisión Electrónica y su relación con la Recaudación tributaria del sector farmacéutico de la ciudad de Juliaca - 2020

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    Esta investigación fue desarrollada tomando en cuenta la coyuntura actual y el amplio desarrollo de la era electrónica. Efectuando dicha investigación en los contribuyentes del sistema de emisión electrónica del sector farmacéutico de la provincia de San Román, región Puno al sur este del Perú en este sentido los objetivos fueron: Analizar el nivel de conocimiento del sistema de emisión electrónica y recaudación tributaria de los contribuyentes; analizar el sistema de emisión electrónica en relación a la recaudación tributaria. Se operacionalizo en una encuesta considerando la agrupación de indicadores según dimensiones luego se realizó el filtro de los datos tomados en dichos contribuyentes posteriormente se codifica la información cuantitativa para su respectivo procesamiento usando instrumentos estadísticos no paramétricos como la correlación RHO SPEARMAN resultó un estadístico de valor 0.954 y 0.896 Demostrando que dicha correlación fue significativa.JULIACAEscuela Profesional de ContabilidadTributo

    Penile, Uretral and Seminal Sampling for Diagnosis of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Men.

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    Methods that used specimens from three genital sites (penile brushing [PB], urethral brushing [UB], and the retrieval of semen [SE]) from 50 men were examined for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA detection. The rates of detection by PB, UB, SE, PB and UB, and PB and SE were 88.9%, 50.0%, 33.3%, 100%, and 97.2%, respectively. The use of PB and UB appears to be the most accurate method; as an alternative to UB, the use of SE with PB could be used to improve the rate of HPV DNA detection in men